Publisher's Note: The following table lists all ordinances affecting the Planning Code that have been passed by the Board of Supervisors but that are not yet effective (or operative, as the case may be). The table includes links to the amending ordinances (as maintained in PDF format on the Board of Supervisors' web site) and to the code sections affected. For other legislation, including older ordinances and those affecting other codes, please refer to the Comprehensive Ordinance Table or the Board's "Legislation Passed" web site.
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
230855 | 11/12/23 Oper. 11/1/23 * Oper. 11/21/26 | Planning, Administrative Codes - Development Impact Fee Reductions Sections Affected: | |
240879 | 1/19/25 Oper. 1/19/25 | Planning Code - 524 and 530 Howard Street - Transit Center District Open Space Impact Fee Waiver for 524 Howard Street, LLC | |
230596 | 1/19/25 | Planning Code - Minimum Densities for Residential Projects in RM, RC, and RTO Districts Sections Affected: | |
240931 | 1/19/25 | Planning Code, Zoning Map - 2301 Chestnut Street Special Sign District Sections Affected: | |
241055 | 1/19/25 | Building, Planning Codes - Code Corrections and Updates Sections Affected: | |
241103 | 1/19/25 | Planning Code - Landmark Designation - Ladies’ Protection and Relief Society (3400 Laguna Street) Sections Affected: Amending Art. 10, App. A | |