It shall be the duty of the Department of Public Health, upon application from any person, firm, or corporation desiring to open, conduct or continue any place of business connected with the making, remaking and sale of mattresses, within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, before issuing the certificate specified in Section 670, to cause the premises on which it is proposed to carry on such business, or in which said business is being carried on or conducted, to be inspected with a view of ascertaining whether said premises are in a sanitary condition for the conduct of said business and comply with the ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco.
The permit provided in Section 670 shall set forth the commercial uses permitted and shall be valid until suspended or revoked. Said permit shall not be transferable and shall be deemed revoked upon sale, transfer or assignment of the commercial use for which the permit was issued.
A permit may at any time be suspended or revoked for cause after a hearing by the Department of Public Health. Upon suspension or revocation the premises for which the permit was issued shall be posted with the order of the Department.
(Amended by Ord. 93-68, App. 4/19/68)