As of six (6) months from the effective date of this Chapter, when the Purchaser or other City department enters into a contract for janitorial services where the City owns or leases at least 50% of the building the Purchaser or other City department shall contractually obligate the janitorial contractor to consolidate recyclable materials from individual City offices to a designated space for pickup by recycling haulers. Consolidation includes collection of recyclable materials from floors or individual offices and transportation to a designated location for pick up by a recycling hauler, but does not include sorting different materials (such as white paper and newspaper) from each other.
(Added by Ord. 171-03, File No. 030422, App. 7/3/2003)
(Derivation Former Administrative Code Section 21A.6; added by Ord. 83-00, File No. 000392, App. 5/12/2000)