1208.4 Revise paragraph 1 of this section and add paragraphs 5 and 6 of this section as follows:
1208.4. Efficiency dwelling units. Efficiency dwelling units shall comply with the following:
1. The unit shall be occupied by no more than two persons and have a living room of not less than 150 square feet of floor area. An additional 100 square feet (9.3 m2) of floor area shall be provided for each occupant of such unit in excess of two.
2. The unit shall be provided with a separate closet.
3. For other than Accessible, adaptable dwelling units, the unit shall be provided with a kitchen sink, cooking appliance and refrigerator, each having a clear working space of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in front. Light and ventilation conforming to this code shall be provided.
4. The unit shall be provided with a separate bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower.
5. The total area of the unit shall be no less than 220 square feet, which area shall be measured from the inside perimeter of the exterior walls of the unit and shall include closets, bathrooms, kitchen, living, and sleeping areas.
6. Subsections 1 - 5 apply only to new construction of a structure or building. For purposes of the preceding sentence, new construction shall mean the creation of an entirely new structure or building and shall not apply to improvement, renovation, rehabilitation, or any other change to an existing structure or building. Existing buildings or structures are subject only to Subsections 1 - 4 except that for purposes of Subsection 1 the unit shall have a living room of not less than 220 square feet (20.4 m2) of floor area for up to two occupants.