101.1 Revise this section as follows:
101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the San Francisco Green Building Code, and may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as “this code”. The San Francisco Green Building Code is Part 11 of thirteen parts of the official compilation and publication of the adoption, amendment and repeal of building regulations to the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, and Chapter 13C of San Francisco Building Inspection Commission Amendments to the California Building Standards Code.
101.2 Revise this section as follows:
101.2 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of San Francisco residents, workers, and visitors by minimizing waste of energy, water, and other resources in the construction and operation of buildings in the City and County of San Francisco and by providing a healthy indoor environment. The green building practices required by this chapter will also further the goal of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions in the City and County of San Francisco to 61 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2030, as stated in San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 9.
101.3 Revise this section as follows:
101.3 Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the planning, design, operation, construction, use and occupancy of every newly constructed building or structure, unless otherwise indicated in this code, as well as alterations to existing buildings throughout the City and County of San Francisco.
While this code
references green building programs, the City and County of San Francisco does not confer certification
under any green building program.
101.3.1 Revise this section as follows:
101.3.1 Regulated buildings, structures and applications. Provisions of this code shall apply to the following buildings, structures, and applications regulated by state agencies as specified in Sections 103 through 106 of California Green Building Standards Code Title 24 Part 11, modified by local ordinance with supplemental requirements applicable to occupancy types A, B, I, M, E and R as defined by California Building Code Title 24 Section 302 (2022) as amended pursuant to Section 101.7. When adopted by a state agency, the provisions of this code shall be enforced by the appropriate enforcing agency, but only to the extent of authority granted to such agency by statute.
101.4 Revise this section as follows:
101.4 Appendices. [Reserved]
101.6 Revise this section as follows:
101.6.1 Differences. In the event of any differences between these building standards and the standard reference documents, the text of this Chapter shall govern.
101.6.3 Revise this section as follows:
101.6.3 Conflicts. When the requirements of this code conflict with the requirements of any other part of the California Building Standards Code, Title 24, any provision contained elsewhere in the San Francisco Municipal Code, or any regulation or requirement adopted by the Public Utilities Commission or other City agency under its Charter authority, the most restrictive requirement shall prevail.
101.7 Revise this section as follows:
101.7 City and county amendments, additions and deletions. This code includes the amendments, deletions, and additions to California green building requirements which maintain stricter local green building standards.
101.10 Revise this section as follows:
101.10 Equivalency. Wherever reference is made to the LEED® or GreenPoint Rated systems, a comparable equivalent rating system may be used if approved by the Director. The applicable LEED®, GreenPoint Rated or equivalent versions of performance standards for applications subject to this chapter are:
LEED v4 for Interior Design and Construction (LEED v4 ID+C)
LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction (LEED v4 BD+C)
LEED v4 for Homes Design and Construction
GreenPoint Rated (GPR) Single Family New Home Construction – 9.0 or current
GreenPoint Rated (GPR) Multifamily New Home Construction – 9.0 or current
GreenPoint Rated (GPR) Existing Multifamily –v1.0 or current
Wherever specific LEED prerequisites or credits are cited, such references are to LEED v4 BD+C. More recent LEED and GreenPoint Rated versions may be used, provided the credits and points achieved are as or at least as stringent as LEED v4 BD+C or GPR v9.0.
Wherever the LEED or GreenPoint Rated systems include a minimum energy or other performance requirement, the permit applicant may choose to meet the minimum performance requirements with an alternative equivalent method approved by the Director.
Compliance with any of these requirements may be verified and/or certified by any means, including third-party review or equivalent requirements verified via other rating systems, as approved by the Director.
101.11 Revise this section as follows:
101.11 Effective use of this code. The following steps shall be used to establish which provisions of this code are applicable to a specific occupancy:
1. Establish the type of occupancy.
2. Find the section which covers the established occupancy.
3. Identify the minimum requirements of this code for the established occupancy in Sections 4 and 5.
4. Administrative Bulletin 93, provided by the Department of Building Inspection, summarizes how the requirements of San Francisco Green Building Code and relevant local requirements may be met. Appendices to Administrative Bulletin 93 include tabular summaries of required measures, and provide submittal forms.