All areas which are used, designed or intended for the storage of garbage or rubbish shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Shall, where provided or required to be provided, be large enough to permit storage and easy handling of all garbage cans. No can shall be placed within six inches of any wall or post.
(2) Shall be lined on all its sides and the ceiling with galvanized iron of not less than No. 26 gauge U.S. Standard. All seams and joints shall be interlocking and tight. As an alternate, the walls and ceilings shall be one-inch-thick Portland cement on an approved backing, steel troweled to a smooth finish; similarly, concrete blocks finished with smooth trowel stucco, or smooth concrete utilizing plywood forms is acceptable.
(3) Shall have floors of concrete or quarry tile; no wooden platforms shall be permitted.
(4) Shall have doors and trim that are metal lined on the inside with not less than 26 gauge U.S. Standard galvanized sheet metal. Seams shall be interlocking and tight.
(5) Shall be provided with self-closing tight-fitting door or doors.
(6) Shall be adequately ventilated as required. Openings or ducts as existing or required shall be screened at the outside to prevent ingress of flies and other vermin.
(7) Shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition at all times.
(8) Shall be provided with automatic sprinklers, except as required by the Building Code for new construction, and conversion to R-1 or R-2 Occupancy.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
Upon repair or alteration of any window in a residential building which leads to an unheated area, such window shall be weatherstripped so as to effectively and reliably limit air infiltration. Any window which is fire-rated is specifically exempted from this requirement. In determining which types of weatherstripping are acceptable, the Director shall consider, among other matters, whether the weatherstripping meets the energy conservation goals of this Code and is cost-effective.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
(a) Cooking. It shall be unlawful for any person to cook or prepare food in any bathroom, toilet room water closet compartment, or any other portion of a residential building in which the cooking or preparation of food is detrimental to the health of the occupant or the proper sanitation of the building. Community kitchens are prohibited in one-family and two-family dwellings and apartment buildings. One in-residence manager's apartment in any hotel may contain a kitchen, provided that this kitchen shall conform to all the requirements of a kitchen in an apartment house, and provided further that the apartment itself shall conform in its entirety to all other requirements for a dwelling unit in an apartment house. See also Section 507 of this Code.
(b) Sleeping. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit another person to use any of the following portions of a building for sleeping purposes:
(1) A hallway, water closet or bath or shower compartment, slop sink room, or any room containing a gas appliance used or intended to be used for cooking purposes or containing an improperly vented gas appliance;
(2) Any other room or place which does not comply with the provisions of this Code for a sleeping room, or in which sleeping is dangerous, or prejudicial to life or health by reason of an overcrowded condition; a lack of light, windows, ventilation or drainage; fire hazard, dampness or offensive, obnoxious or poisonous odors in the room or place.
(c) Amusement Rooms. No amusement, entertainment, "rumpus," reception, public dining, or similar room in any residential building shall be used for sleeping purposes unless it meets all of the requirements of this Code for sleeping rooms and the applicable requirements of the Building Code.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)