Within two months of the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 220242 establishing this Chapter 96G, SFPD shall prepare and publish on SFPD’s website a one-time public notice detailing how SFPD handles and stores a Victim’s DNA Profile (“SFPD Notice”). Such notice shall be posted for 30 days and shall include information regarding SFPD’s practices and safeguards designed to ensure that SFPD will not store Victim Reference DNA Profiles in Non-CODIS DNA Databases and that SFPD has purged Victim Reference DNA Profiles previously stored in SFPD’s Non-CODIS DNA Databases. The Department of Police Accountability (“DPA”), Department of Public Health, and the Office of Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention, shall post the SFPD Notice on their respective websites for 30 days.
(Added by Ord. 73-22, File No. 220242, App. 5/6/2022, Eff. 6/6/2022)