To the extent permitted by state and federal law, within three months of the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 220242 establishing this Chapter 96G, the Controller shall audit all Non-CODIS DNA Databases maintained by the SFPD and report to the Board of Supervisors on any use of Reference DNA Profiles and Evidentiary DNA Profiles for law enforcement investigative purposes since the creation of the Non-CODIS DNA Database. This one-time audit shall include a list of all Victim Reference DNA Profiles and all Evidentiary DNA Profiles determined to belong to Victims that are known to have been collected and stored in the SFPD Non-CODIS DNA Database at any time. The audit shall also include a list of Victim Reference DNA Profiles and Evidentiary DNA Profiles determined to belong to Victims that are known to have been stored in the SFPD Non-CODIS DNA Database at any time and that have been used in criminal cases, together with the outcomes of those cases.
(Added by Ord. 73-22, File No. 220242, App. 5/6/2022, Eff. 6/6/2022)