For purposes of this Chapter 96G, the following terms have the following meanings.
(a) Terms related to DNA Profiles.
“DNA Profile” means a digital representation of the pattern of an individual’s DNA that may be stored in a DNA Database. DNA Profile does not include the physical tissue or other physical human material from which the DNA that is the subject of a DNA Profile is extracted and analyzed.
“Evidentiary DNA Profile” means a DNA Profile collected or analyzed as evidence or potential evidence of a crime, including but not limited to a DNA Profile derived from material in a rape kit following a sexual assault.
“Reference DNA Profile” means a DNA Profile obtained from a known individual and used for purposes of comparison with Evidentiary DNA Profiles.
“Victim” means a person harmed as a result of a crime or alleged crime.
“Victim Reference DNA Profile” means a Reference DNA Profile obtained from a Victim, and does not include any Evidentiary DNA Profile determined to belong to a Victim.
(b) Terms related to DNA Databases.
“DNA Database” means a database used to store DNA Profiles.
“CODIS Database” means a DNA Database that is subject to the rules and standards that apply to CODIS DNA Databases under state and federal law, including but not limited to FBI CODIS Quality Assurance Standards and federal and state CODIS accreditation standards. CODIS is an acronym that stands for Combined DNA Index Systems. CODIS Databases are maintained primarily to enable law enforcement to store and search DNA Profiles obtained from forensic evidence and attributable to putative perpetrators of crime. CODIS Databases include but are not limited to the National DNA Index System, state DNA Databases such as the CAL-DNA Data Bank, and certain local DNA Databases operated by local law enforcement crime laboratories such as the Police Department Crime Laboratory.
“Non-CODIS DNA Database” means a DNA Database that is accessed or maintained by the Police Department or other City departments and is not a CODIS Database. Non-Codis DNA Databases include but are not limited to any DNA Database used for elimination or decontamination purposes (sometimes referred to as a “quality control” or “quality assurance” database), and any DNA Database used for investigatory purposes that is not a CODIS Database.
(Added by Ord. 73-22, File No. 220242, App. 5/6/2022, Eff. 6/6/2022)