Whenever any person whose salary or wage is paid out of the treasury of the City and County has been paid an amount in excess of that which such person was entitled to have received, such person shall, upon the demand of the Controller, pay back into the treasury such excess salary or wage.
In the event the repayment of such excess salary or wage in one payment would cause undue hardship on such person, the Controller may, with the concurrence of the City Attorney, permit the repayment to be made in equal monthly or biweekly installments.
In the event of termination of service of such person before full repayment has been made, such person shall not be paid any of his or her retirement accumulations or credits, until repayment has been made in full.
The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to effect full recovery of any unpaid amount.
(Ord. No. 8346(1939), Sec. 6)
If the amount owed to a person or entity is insufficient to offset all amounts owed by such person or entity to the City and County, the amount available for offset may be applied in such manner as the Controller deems proper.
(Added by Ord. 127-63, App. 5/28/63)
Whenever an amount against which an offset has been made becomes payable, the Controller may, in his or her discretion, draw a warrant or warrants for the offset amount in favor of the concerned City and County department, board or commission to which the offset money is owed. The balance remaining, if any, may be paid the person or entity to whom due.
(Added by Ord. 127-63, App. 5/28/63)
In event the person or entity against whom an offset has been made is required to bill or otherwise make demand for payment and refuses or neglects to do so, when requested by the Controller, the concerned City and County department, board or commission shall file with the Controller a certificate setting forth the facts and make such billing or demand upon behalf of the person or entity. If approved by the Controller, it shall have the same force and effect as though it were a bill or demand made by the person or entity.
(Added by Ord. 127-63, App. 5/28/63)