(a) All closed sessions of any policy body covered by this Ordinance shall be either audio recorded or audio and video recorded in their entirety and all such recordings shall be retained for at least TEN years, or permanently where technologically and economically feasible. Closed session recordings shall be made available whenever all rationales for closing the session are no longer applicable. Recordings of closed sessions of a policy body covered by this Ordinance, wherein the justification for the closed session is due to "anticipated litigation" shall be released to the public in accordance with any of the following provisions: TWO years after the meeting if no litigation is filed; UPON EXPIRATION of the statute of limitations for the anticipated litigation if no litigation is filed; as soon as the controversy leading to anticipated litigation is settled or concluded.
(b) Each agenda item for a policy body covered by this ordinance that involve existing litigation shall identify the court, case number, and date the case was filed on the written agenda. For each agenda item for a group covered by this ordinance that involves anticipated litigation, the City Attorney's Office or the policy body shall disclose at any time requested and to any member of the public whether such anticipated litigation developed into litigation and shall identify the court, case number, and date the case was filed.
(Added by Proposition G, 11/2/99)