When a tenant believes that the rent for his or her dwelling unit has been increased above the amounts allowed under Section 32.73, or increased in excess of the limitations set forth in the Rent Ordinance (Chapter 37 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), the tenant may petition the Rent Board for a rental arbitration hearing.
(Amended by Ord. 269-82, App. 6/10/82)
If a property owner refuses to rebate excess rent collected in violation of the provisions of Section 32.73, or fails to comply with the decision of the Rent Board with respect to a rent increase or increases for his or her tenants, the Rent Board shall refer the matter to the Chief Administrative Officer with a recommendation that the conventional RAP loan agreement be terminated. Upon such recommendation, the Chief Administrative Officer may terminate the agreement and the unpaid amount of the loan shall become due and payable immediately. In determining whether to declare a loan agreement terminated, the Chief Administrative Officer shall consider any recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the residential rehabilitation area where the property subject to the loan is located.
(Amended by Ord. 269-82, App. 6/10/82)
Tenants residing in buildings subject to RAP loans are subject to eviction only in accordance with Section 37.9 of the San Francisco Administrative Code. If the property owner evicts, attempts to evict, or threatens to evict tenants because the tenants are seeking to enforce their rights under this Chapter, the Chief Administrative Officer may declare the conventional RAP loan agreement terminated, and the unpaid amount of the loan shall immediately become due and payable. In determining whether to declare a loan agreement terminated, the Chief Administrative Officer shall consider any recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the residential rehabilitation area where the property subject to the loan is located.
(Amended by Ord. 269-82, App. 6/10/82)