The Chief Administrative Officer shall promulgate such rules and regulations as he or she may deem appropriate to carry out the provisions of this Chapter. These rules and regulations shall be developed with the participation of the Citizen Advisory Committees and the Rent Board. A copy of all such rules and regulations shall be available for review by the public during regular business hours in the office of the Chief Administrative Officer, the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the Department of Public Works, and in every other office established for the purpose of carrying out this program.
(Added by Ord. 269-82, App. 6/10/82)
Unless provided otherwise in any bond resolution adopted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, the Chief Administrative Officer, acting on the recommendation of the Controller:
(a) May invest and reinvest both the bond proceeds and the revenues from the financing of residential rehabilitation, and
(b) May manage fiscally the proceeds of bonds issued for the purpose of establishing a residential rehabilitation loan fund, or
(c) Together with the Purchaser may enter into contractual arrangement with private lending institutions or trust companies to manage the Residential Rehabilitation Loan Fund, including investment and reinvestment of the funds, disbursements from the fund and collection of revenues.
(Added by Ord. 23-74, App. 1/9/74)
The Chief Administrative Officer, acting on the advice of the Controller, shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors for adoption:
(a) The fees, charges and interest rates which will be charged participating parties in connection with financing residential rehabilitation; and
(b) Revisions, as necessary, of the fees, charges and interest rates levied on participating parties, consistent with the standards adopted by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 32.14.
(Added by Ord. 23-74, App. 1/9/74)
When there is a default on a conventional RAP loan secured by a deed of trust naming the City and County as a beneficiary and the property becomes subject to foreclosure procedures, the Chief Administrative Officer shall so inform the Citizens Advisory Committee for the residential rehabilitation area where the property is located.
(Added by Ord. 23-74, App. 1/9/74)