Credit for prior service shall be granted to each member who has rendered prior service as defined in Section 16.29-15.5 of this Code, and who entered the Retirement System prior to March 31, 1954, and to each member who has rendered prior service as defined in Section 16.29-15.10 of this Code and who has not failed to redeposit accumulated contributions withdrawn by him subsequent to such service, and to each member who has rendered prior service defined in Sections 16.29-15.1, 16.29-15.2, 16.29-15.3 and 16.29-15.4 of this Code, and who entered the Retirement System on January 8 or 9, 1932, except as provided in Sections 16.47 and 16.74 of this Code for re-entrants; and, except further, that any such member who has failed to redeposit accumulated contributions withdrawn by him from the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System shall receive credit for such prior service only if, upon being notified by the Retirement Board, he makes such redeposit in the same manner as provided in Section 16.47 of this Code for persons re-entering City and County service. However, prior service so credited shall be the basis for a retirement allowance or benefit as provided herein only if membership continues unbroken until retirement on a retirement allowance or until the granting of such other benefit; provided, that a termination of membership by the withdrawal of accumulated contributions followed by the redeposit of such contributions upon re-entrance into City and County service shall not constitute a break in membership.
(Amended by Ord. 79-65, App. 4/7/65; amended by Ord. 326-00, File No. 001921, App. 12/28/2000)