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   (Amended by Ord. No. 121,900, Eff. 6/4/62.)
   For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases are defined, and they shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning.
   “Apron” shall mean that portion of a driveway approach, exclusive of side slopes or driveway curb returns, extending from the gutter flow line to the property line.
   “As-Built Plans and Profiles” shall mean plans and profiles wherein the elevation and location of a subsurface installation is determined at the time of construction and as constructed. (Added by Ord. No. 150,478, Eff. 2/6/78.)
   “Asphalt Pavement” shall mean any surface which is paved with a mixture of rock, sand, and a low penetration grade of asphalt cement. This term shall include surfaces paved with mixture commonly referred to as sheet asphalt, asphalt concrete, or bitulithic pavements.
   “Concrete Driveway” shall mean any driveway approach paved with Portland Cement concrete.
   “Concrete Gutter” shall mean any gutter composed of Portland Cement concrete, vitrified brick, or granite block pavement.
   “Concrete Pavement” shall mean any roadway surface paved with Portland Cement concrete.
   “Concrete Sidewalk” shall mean any sidewalk paved with Portland Cement concrete.
   “Cost” shall mean all applicable direct and indirect expenses incurred by the City in connection with the work or services performed, as determined by the cost accounting procedures established by the Board.
   “Curb” shall mean any curb constructed of Portland Cement concrete.
   “Curb Return” shall mean the curved portion of a street curb joining the normal curb line of a street with that of an intersecting street, alley, or driveway.
   “Curb Space” shall mean a continuous length of full-height curb; or where no curb exists, that space on the public right of way reserved for construction of full-height curb.
   “Driveway Approach” shall mean that portion of a driveway lying in the public right of way between the curb face or roadway of a public street and the property line thereof, and including both apron and side slopes.
   “Emergency Work” shall be defined as immediate and unplanned action that must be taken to alleviate a hazardous condition, which represents an immediate threat to life, health, safety, or property. Emergency Work includes, but is not limited to, efforts to effect the restoration of interrupted utility services (electrical, water, gas, wastewater, and telecommunications). (Added by Ord. No. 186,854, Eff. 1/14/21.)
   “House Mover” shall mean any person who moves any building or structure, or section or portion of any building or structure, over, upon, along, or across any public street.
   “Leakage Detection Hole” shall mean any hole made in a paved roadway or sidewalk by driving a metal bar or drill into the same, for the purpose of locating leaks from existing utility pipes or conduits.
   “Lot” shall mean a lot, parcel, or area of land developed or to be developed as a unit.
   “Maintenance Hole” shall mean any subsurface structure which is part of any underground system and which has a surface cover with an exposed area of 1 1/2 square feet or more. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,985, Eff. 5/28/14.)
   “Micro-trenching” shall mean a narrow open excavation trench for the purpose of installing a subsurface pipe or conduit. The trench shall be less than or equal to 8 inches in width and less than or equal to 26 inches in depth, or as otherwise defined by the City Engineer in an adopted Standard Plan. (Added by Ord. No. 186,444, Eff. 1/2/20.)
   “Oiled Roadway” shall mean any roadway, the surface of which is composed of a mixture of one or more spray coats of road oil with sand, crushed rock, or disintegrated granite, having a total average thickness of approximately one inch or less.
   “Person” shall mean and include in addition to all entities set forth under the definition of the term “person” in Subsection (a) of Section 11.01 of this Code, the Federal Government, the State of California, every county, city and county, municipal corporation other than the City of Los Angeles, irrigation district, school district, district established by law, and any political or administrative subdivision of the State or Federal Government.
   “Pothole” shall mean a small hole excavated in order to locate and identify any underground structure. (Added by Ord. No. 150,478, Eff. 2/6/78.)
   “Property” shall mean and include any rail, tie, wire, pipe, pole, conduit, tank, or any device, fixture, appliance, or structure appurtenant thereto, installed, affixed, or located in, upon, over, or under any public street, public easement, or public place in this City, whether so installed, affixed, or located under franchise or otherwise.
   “Public Easement” shall mean any sewer easement, drainage easement, utility easement, or other easement under the jurisdiction of the Board except street easements.
   “Public Place” shall mean and include all public grounds, buildings, and places owned or maintained by the City and under the jurisdiction of the Board excluding public streets and public easements.
   “Public Street” shall mean and include all entities set forth under the definition of the term “street” in Subsection (a) of Section 11.01 of this Code. The term shall be construed to include the full width of way dedicated to public use including sidewalk and unpaved areas.
   “Red Flag” shall mean a flag made of bright red cloth or other flexible material, with an area of at least 1 ½ square feet of which one dimension must be at least 12 inches.
   “Roadway” shall mean the portion of the street intended for use by vehicular traffic, including parking lanes.
   “Rock and Oil Pavement” shall mean any surface which is paved with an average thickness of more than one inch of macadam pavement or a mixture of rock, sand, and either road oil, liquid asphalt, or a high penetration grade of asphalt cement.
   “Side Slope” shall mean that portion of the driveway approach which provides a transition from the normal curb grade to the grade of the apron by means of a sloping surface. Where a curb return is constructed in lieu of a sloping surface, the side slope shall be deemed to end at the exterior beginning of the curb of such curb return.
   “Sidewalk” shall mean any surface provided for the exclusive use of pedestrians.
   “Stake Hole” shall mean any hole made in a pavement, driveway, or sidewalk by driving a metal bar or pin into the same for moving a house or for any similar purpose.
   “Transmission Line” shall mean a pipeline or other structure which transports substances from a Point of gathering or storage to a point of distribution or storage. (Added by Ord. No. 150,478, Eff. 2/6/78.)
   “Tunnel” shall mean either a construction tunnel or a tunnel structure as hereinafter defined: construction tunnel shall mean an excavation for the purpose of installing a subsurface pipe or conduit, which excavation is made without disturbing the surface. This term is not intended to include excavations made by such methods of installation as jacking, boring, or jetting; tunnel structure shall mean an underground structure such as a passageway, gallery, or conveyor housing, the construction of which may have involved the making of an open excavation.
   “Unimproved Roadway” shall mean any roadway, the surface of which is composed of dirt, soil, sand, gravel, disintegrated granite, or similar materials either in a natural state or waterbound.
   “Unstable Substance” shall mean any substance carried by a subsurface installation which, if permitted to escape, could pose a hazard to public health or safety, including petroleum distillates, butane, propane, oxygen, chlorine, steam, natural gas at a pressure exceeding 60 PSIG, any corrosive or toxic substance, all liquids in transmission lines and any other substance which the City Engineer may hereinafter classify as unstable. (Added by Ord. No. 150,478, Eff. 2/6/78.)