(Amended by Ord. No. 182,237, Eff. 9/28/12.)
An applicant for any permit issued by the Bureau of Engineering may pay a surcharge to obtain expedited Bureau permit-related services. The amount of the surcharge shall be the total cost of the overtime hours worked by Bureau of Engineering staff to provide the permit-related services (direct salary multiplied by 1.5), plus a 40 percent surcharge. When an applicant for any permit issued by the Bureau of Engineering elects to obtain expedited Bureau permit-related services, the applicant must pay, before the Bureau provides any expedited services, a deposit in an amount that the Bureau estimates will be total cost of providing the expedited services.
For Bureau of Engineering expedited services provided pursuant to the provisions of this Section, if before completion of providing the requested services the Bureau determines that additional funds are needed to compensate the Bureau for the total cost of providing expedited services, the Bureau may halt all work on the project for which the application was made and require the applicant to pay the amount that the Bureau estimates will be needed to compensate the Bureau for the total cost of providing the requested services. At the conclusion of providing the requested services, if total costs are less than the amount deposited, the applicant shall be refunded the difference. The Bureau of Engineering shall not issue or approve any permit until all monies owed pursuant to the provisions of this Section are paid.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
For each final subdivision map and final parcel map, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee for verifying and documenting the placement of survey monuments in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act, Government Code Sections 66495 and 66496, or successor sections. The Bureau shall charge a fee of $273 for the first monument, and a fee of $80 for each additional monument. If the Bureau of Engineering must perform additional inspections because of missing or improperly set monuments, the Bureau shall charge a fee of $273 for the first monument it re-inspects, and a fee of $80 for each additional monument it re-inspects.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
The Bureau of Engineering may require a permit applicant to post a public improvement bond to guarantee that improvements will be made in a public right-of-way or to protect or replace existing improvements, and shall charge and collect a fee of $515 to process a public improvement bond. If necessary to avoid a bond default, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge an additional fee of $433 to extend the bond or process a replacement bond. The Bureau of Engineering shall require all applicants for a Class “B” permit to post a public improvement bond, and may also require a permit applicant to post a bond when it determines that the project or activity for which a permit is sought could damage existing public improvements.
(Added by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
For all Bureau of Engineering permits and services identified in this Code for which a fee is charged, and which require Bureau staff time for plan checking, field investigation, project evaluation, or other work or effort in addition to that which is ordinarily required for the permit or service for which the fee is charged, the following fees shall apply:
(a) For Bureau of Engineering services that require 16 or fewer additional hours of Bureau staff time, a Special Engineering Fee of $149 per hour shall be charged for each hour of additional service, up to a maximum of 16 hours total; and
(b) For Bureau of Engineering services that require more than 16 additional hours of Bureau staff time, the Bureau will charge and collect the actual cost of its services pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15, unless a provision of this Code provides for a different fee amount.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any Bureau of Engineering fee that requires payment of actual Bureau costs rather than a fixed pre-determined fee amount.
(Added by Ord. No. 182,237, Eff. 9/28/12.)
For all Bureau of Engineering permits or other services identified in this Chapter for which a fee is charged, and which require Bureau staff to provide more than 16 hours of time for plan checking, field investigation, project evaluation, or other work or effort in addition to that which is ordinarily required for the permit or service for which the fee is charged, or for requested Bureau services for projects not specifically described in this Code, the Bureau shall charge and collect a fee in an amount sufficient to pay the Bureau’s actual cost of providing its services. The actual cost amount determination shall include, but not be limited to, all direct and indirect labor costs, retirement and overhead costs. An applicant for any permit or services subject to the provisions of this Section must pay, before the Bureau of Engineering provides any services, a deposit in an amount that the Bureau estimates will be the actual cost of providing its services.
For Bureau of Engineering services provided pursuant to the provisions of this Section, if before completion of providing the requested services the Bureau determines that additional funds are needed to compensate the Bureau for the actual cost of providing the services, the Bureau may halt all work on the project for which the application was made and require the applicant to pay the amount that the Bureau estimates will be needed to compensate the Bureau for the actual cost of providing the requested services. At the conclusion of providing the requested services, if actual Bureau costs are less than the amount deposited, the applicant shall be refunded the difference. The Bureau of Engineering shall not issue or approve any permit until all monies owed pursuant to the provisions of this Section are paid.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,548, Eff. 12/11/16)
The following table is a summary of fees for Bureau of Engineering services provided pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. If there is any discrepancy between the provisions of this summary and the Sections of this Code imposing the fees, the provisions of the Sections of this Code imposing the fees shall prevail. Additional charges may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 61.14 and 61.15.
Permit / Service Description | LAMC Section | Fee |
Surcharge for equipment and training (7% Fund) | Footnote [1] | |
Engineering processing of building permits (SFD non-hillside area) | $77 | |
Engineering processing of building permits (all others) | $129 | |
Expedited permit surcharge | 40% | |
Survey monument inspection (first monument) [1] | $273 | |
Survey monument inspection (each additional) [1] | $80 | |
Survey monument re-inspection (first monument) [1] | $273 | |
Survey monument re-inspection (each additional) [1] | $80 | |
Improvement bond processing (new bonds) [1] [2] | $515 | |
Improvement bond extension processing [1] [2] | $432 | |
Improvement bond replacement processing [1] [2] | $515 | |
Special engineering [1] [2] | $149/hour | |
Actual cost engineering services [1] [2] | Actual | |
Surcharge for Development Services Centers | Footnote [2] | |
Excavation (U) permit ≤ 1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $191 |
Excavation (U) permit > 1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)2. | Actual |
Excavation (E) permit ≤ 1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $438 |
Excavation (E) permit > 1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)2. | Actual |
Excavation (U) permit inspection for 1-99 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $114 |
Excavation (U) permit inspection for 100-1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $2.20/sq. ft. |
Excavation (U) permit inspection > 1,000 sq. ft. [1] [2] | 62.05(a)2. | Actual |
Special inspection rate, regular [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $95/hour |
Overtime inspection rate, weekday [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $95/hour |
Overtime inspection rate, weekend and holiday, 4 hours minimum [1] [2] | 62.05(a)1. | $380 |
Tie-back, each [1] [2] | 62.05(a)3.(aa) | $623 |
De-tensioned anchor rod left in place < 20' below the surface fee, each [1] [2] | 62.05(a)3.(bb) | $2,101 |
SDRF and SSDRF calculation surcharge [1] [2] | 62.06 B. | $18.50 |
Maintenance hole opening individual permit [1] [2] | $139 | |
Maintenance hole opening annual permit [1] [2] | $273 | |
Maintenance hole permit copy (each) [1] [2] | $1.85 | |
Materials permit - BOE convenience fee [1] [2] | 62.45(d)5. | $33 |
Peak hour exemption processing [1] [2] | $258 | |
Preliminary land use review (PCRF) [1] [2] | 62.106.1(a) | $129 |
Land use review - zone change [1] [2] | 62.106.1(b) | $7,339 |
Land use review - zone change w/PCRF [1] [2] | 62.106.1(b) | $7,210 |
Land use review - conditional use permit [1] [2] | 62.106.1(c) | $7,339 |
Land use review - conditional use permit w/PCRF [1] [2] | 62.106.1(c) | $7,210 |
Land use review - City Planning case [1] [2] | 62.106.1(d) | $7,339 |
Land use review - City Planning case w/PCRF [1] [2] | 62.106.1(d) | $7,210 |
Land use review - site plan review [1] [2] | 62.106.1(e) | $7,339 |
Land use review - site plan review w/PCRF [1] [2] | 62.106.1(e) | $7,210 |
Land use review - coastal development permit [1] [2] | 62.106.1(f) | Actual |
Land use review - surface mining [1] [2] | 62.106.1(g) | $1,581 |
“A” permit basic fee [1] [2] | 62.109(a) | $272 |
“A” permit curb inspection per linear foot [1] [2] | 62.109(b)1. | $3.70 |
“A” permit paving, gutter, sidewalk, driveway inspection per square foot [1] [2] | 62.109(b)2. | $0.85 |
“A” permit resurfacing per square foot [1] [2] | 62.109(b)3. | $3.30 |
“A” permit area drains, each [1] [2] | 62.109(b)4. | $15.95 |
“A” permit tree wells, each [1] [2] | 62.109(b)5. | $15.95 |
“A” permit pipe inspection, each [1] [2] | 62.109(b)6. | $5.50 |
“A” permit maximum density test, each [1] [2] | 62.109(d)1. | $300 |
“A” permit relative compaction test, each [1] [2] | 62.109(d)1. | $115 |
“A” permit concrete cylinder test, each [1] [2] | 62.109(d)2. | $100 |
“B” permit services (all) [1] [2] | Actual | |
Revocable permit Tier 1 [1] [2] | $556 | |
Revocable permit Tier 2 [1] [2] | $1,854 | |
Revocable permit Tier 3 [1] [2] | Actual | |
Overload permit special engineering > 75 tons not exceeding Purple limits [1] [2] | 62.151(a) | $72 |
Overload permit special engineering > 75 tons exceeding Purple limits [1] [2] | 62.151(b) | Actual |
Overload "annual" permit special engineering [1] [2] | 62.151(c) | $144 |
Traffic management fee, per lane per block [1] [2] | 62.250 F. | $283 |
Street address numbers – authority and duty of City Engineer | 63.112(b) | $77 |
Watercourse permit [1] [2] | 64.10 B.5. | $3,126 |
Sewer connection permit [1] [2] | 64.15(a)1. | $273 |
Storm drain connection permit [1] [2] | 64.15(a)1. | $273 |
House connection sewer inspection, per linear foot [1] [2] | 64.15(a)2. | $2.84 |
Bonded sewer lateral, per linear foot | 64.15(b) | $84 |
Bonded sewer, per linear foot | 64.18(a) | $74 |
Storm drain or catch basin tap connection [1] [2] | 64.20(a)1. | $74 |
Sewer tap/saddle connection special inspection [1] [2] | 64.20(a)2. | $95/hour |
[1] A surcharge of 7% or $1, whichever is greater, will be added to the listed fee pursuant to LAMC Section 61.03.
(Added by Ord. No. 184,548, Eff. 12/11/16.)
(b) The previous surcharge amount of two percent is increased solely to pay for the $21.76 million cost of developing and implementing BuildLA, a comprehensive enterprise-wide development services system, and shall not be used to pay for ongoing BuildLA costs such as maintenance or system hosting services.
(c) The surcharge shall be returned to the greater of two percent or $1 when the City Administrative Officer determines the surcharge increase has recovered the $21.76 cost of BuildLA.
(d) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.03, 61.10, 61.11, 61.12, 62.01, 62.61, 62.84, 62.88, 62.96, 62.103, 62.118.1, 62.118.2, 62.132, 62.133, 62.201, 64.03, 64.10, 64.11.2, 64.11.3, 64.16.1, 64.15(b), 64.18 or 64.30.