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   (Added by Ord. No. 82,963, Eff. 7/7/40.)
   (a)   If the Board shall determine, from the application or upon such independent investigation as the Board deems necessary, that the issuance of any permit would unreasonably subject highways, bridges or other public property or places to injury or damage or would create a hazard to life or property, it shall deny the application; otherwise, the permit shall be issued; but the Board in its discretion may limit the number of trips, establish seasonal or other time limitations within which the vehicle or vehicles described may be operated, or otherwise limit or prescribe conditions of operation, when necessary to assure against undue damage to road foundations, surfaces or structures, or to protect highways, bridges or other public property or places from injury or damage or to protect life or property;
   (b)   The Board shall determine the times when the overload may be moved, in accordance with the provisions of this article, and in accordance with public convenience and safety;
   (c)   The Board shall determine the route over which each overload may be moved, in accordance with the clearance permitted by underpasses, overhead wires and other obstacles and conditions of a similar or dissimilar nature.