No person having steam, electric, interurban or street railroad tracks upon or across any street within the central traffic district as defined in Section 80.00 of this Code, shall replace or repair the rails of any such tracks or ties, or both, or repair, replace or reconstruct the roadbed, track pavement or wearing surface of such roadbed, or make any excavation in or under the surface of any street within said district for any such purpose, between the hours of Seven P. M. and Six A. M. of any day. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any emergency work or repairs to or upon any such rails, tracks, ties, roadbed, pavement or wearing surface within said district which excavation, work or repairs are made and performed under the direction or authorization of the Board. (Based on Sec. 10-a of Ord. No. 36,357, Eff. 5/25/17.)