All Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge moneys collected for the City shall be placed and deposited into the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund established by Section 64.51.11 of this Code, such moneys to be expended for the purposes set forth in Section 64.51.03(a), of this article to pay for any refunds, billing, collection and administration costs related to the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge and as security and payment of the principal and interest, premiums, if any, of bonds and other obligations issued or incurred for storm drain related purposes and to otherwise comply with, be in accordance with, or be in furtherance of, any provisions of law relating to the issuance of such bonds or other obligations and the resolutions under which such bonds or other obligations are issued or incurred. The Board is hereby authorized to draw demands upon such fund where necessary to pay the Los Angeles County Tax Collector for its administrative and other costs in connection with refunds, billing and collecting such Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge pursuant to arrangements made as set forth in Section 64.51.07(a) of this article.
Monies collected from waivers pursuant to Chapter VI, Article 4.4, Section 64.72.02 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code shall be placed and deposited into the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund. Such monies shall only be expended to promote regional or alternative solutions for stormwater pollution prevention. (Para. Added by Ord. No. 173,494, Eff. 9/14/00.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 173,362, Eff. 7/28/00.)
The Board shall annually review the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge and recommend to the City Council relative to any necessary rate adjustments so as to ensure that each user will pay the user’s proportionate share of the costs of storm drainage services.
To insure continued compliance with the Permit and with applicable federal and state laws, regulations, standards and orders, the Board of Public Works and the Office of Administrative Research Services shall annually recommend a “Proposed Stormwater Pollution Abatement and Flood Control Financial Program” for the upcoming fiscal year for the consideration by the appropriate City Council committee(s) by the month of November.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,620, Eff. 6/30/97.)
(a) (Amended by Ord. No. 173,328, Eff. 7/7/00.) To recover some of the direct and indirect costs imposed on the City by the presence of the Wastewater conveyance, treatment and disposal system including, but not limited to, the use of the streets, safety and emergency response-related costs, and the value of the space occupied by the system, there is hereby established a Franchise Fee in the amount of two (2) percent of Total Operating Revenues received on a cash basis by the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund on and after September 1, 1995, to and including June 30, 1996, and thereafter in the amount of five (5) percent of Total Operating Revenues received on a cash basis by the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. Said Franchise Fee is imposed for each year of operation, or portion thereof, beginning on September 1, 1995, which date is the effective date of its operation. Commencing on July 1, 1996, the year of operation for which the franchise fee is imposed shall be from July 1 of each year through June 30 of the following year. Effective July 1, 2000, the Franchise Fee shall be 3.333% (percent) of Total Operating Revenues received on a cash basis by the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. Effective July 1, 2001, the amount of the Franchise Fee shall be 1.666% (percent) of Total Operating Revenues received on a cash basis by the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. Effective July 1, 2002, the amount of the Franchise fee shall be zero (0) percent of Total Operating Revenues received on a cash basis by the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund.
(b) The Franchise Fee shall be payable monthly. The amount due shall be transferred from the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund to the General Fund, on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month, and shall be based upon the prior month’s Total Operating Revenues received, as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Public Works.
(c) As used in this section, the term “Total Operating Revenues” shall include all items comprising Total Operating Revenues on the audited annual financial statements of the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
64.70 General Provisions.
64.70.01 Definitions and Abbreviations.
64.70.02 Pollutant Discharge Control.
64.70.03 Elimination of Illicit Discharges and Illicit Connections.
64.70.05 Authority to Inspect.
64.70.06 Authority to Arrest and Issue Citations.
64.70.07 Enforcement.
64.70.08 Remedies Not Exclusive.
64.70.09 Liability for Costs of Correction Arising from Unlawful Discharge.
64.70.10 Disposition of Money Collected.
64.70.11 Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution Education.
64.70.12 Construction and Application.
64.70.13 Severability.
64.72 Stormwater Pollution Control Measures for Development Planning and Construction Activities.
64.72.01 Authority of the Board of Public Works.
64.72.03 Supplemental Provisions.
64.72.04 Authority to Inspect and Enforce Stormwater Pollution Control Measures.
64.72.05 LID Plan Check Fees.
(Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 172,176, Eff. 10/1/98.)
A. Title. This article is known as “Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution Control” and may be so cited.
B. Objectives. The Watershed Protection Program (Stormwater Program) for the City of Los Angeles is managed by the Bureau of Sanitation along with all City Flood Protection and Pollution Abatement (Water Quality) Programs including, but not limited to, regulatory compliance, implementation, operations, reporting and funding. This article sets forth uniform requirements and prohibitions for discharges and places of discharge into the storm drain system and receiving waters necessary to adequately enforce and administer all federal and state laws, legal standards, orders and/or special orders that provide for the protection, enhancement and restoration of water quality. Through a program employing watershed-based approaches that balance environmental and economic considerations, and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works, the City seeks to protect and promote the public health, safety and general prosperity of its citizens with the implementation of the following objectives: (Amended by Ord. No. 183,833, Eff. 10/3/15.)
1. To comply with all Federal and State laws, lawful standards and orders applicable to stormwater and urban runoff pollution control;
2. To prohibit any discharge which may interfere with the operation of, or cause any damage to the storm drain system, or impair the beneficial use of the receiving waters;
3. To prohibit illicit discharges to the storm drain system;
4. To reduce stormwater runoff pollution;
5. To reduce non-stormwater discharge to the storm drain system to the maximum extent practicable; and
6. To develop and implement effective educational outreach programs designed to educate the public on issues of stormwater and urban runoff pollution.
C. Scope. This article provides for the control and regulation of discharges to the storm drain system and receiving waters, through a program of education and enforcement of general and specific prohibitions and requirements. This article applies to all dischargers and places of discharge located within the City of Los Angeles that discharge stormwater or non-stormwater into any storm drain system or receiving waters. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Director, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works, shall administer, implement and enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
D. Violations. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with the mandatory requirements of this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless such violation or failure is declared herein to be an infraction.