(Amended by Ord. No. 162,096, Eff. 4/27/87.)
(a) Any person desiring permission to deviate from the requirements of Section 62.105.1(a), (b), (c) or (d), 62.105.2, 62.105.3 or 62.105.4 may file a request therefor in writing with the Board of Public Works. The request must state the exact nature of the deviation requested, and the reason or reasons for requesting it.
1. That the deviation requested arises from unusual or extraordinary physical conditions, or is necessary to permit the proper and lawful development and use of the applicant’s property;
2. That the granting of the deviation requested will not be contrary to the public safety, convenience and general welfare;
3. That the granting of the deviation will not adversely affect the rights of adjacent property owners or tenants; and
4. That the specific application of the above-mentioned provisions would create unnecessary hardship in the development or use of the property.
These decisions on deviations shall be in writing and shall specify the conditions and terms upon which they are granted.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 162,868, Eff. 11/22/87.)
Any person or firm seeking the approval of or the testing and analysis by the Department of Public Works of any material, product, service, process or technology relating to this chapter shall first obtain a Class “B” Permit pursuant to Sections 62.106, 62.108 and 62.110, and shall be required to pay the total costs incurred by the City for any such testing and analysis.
(Amended by Ord. No. 152,836, Eff. 9/28/79.)
(a) Class “A” shall include only the repair, construction or reconstruction of curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches or gutters and work appurtenant to the foregoing, or work within a public easement, where, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the work contemplated is so limited in extent and such simplicity of design that the deposit of those fees provided herein for Class “A” permits will with reasonable certainty compensate and reimburse the City for the costs of inspection and supervision entailed.
(b) Class “B” shall include all permits for work not included in Class “A” except for work for which a revocable permit is issued pursuant to Section 62.118.2 of this Code.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for services provided for applications or appeals filed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter I of this Code, or for other services requested in conjunction with a land use review, the following nonrefundable fees:
(a) For each preliminary land use review, a fee of $129.
(b) For each zone change, a fee of $7,339, unless the Bureau completed a preliminary land use review, in which case the fee is $7,210.
(c) For each conditional use permit, a fee of $7,339, unless the Bureau completed a preliminary land use review, in which case the fee is $7,210.
(d) For each City Planning case, a fee of $7,339, unless the Bureau completed a preliminary land use review, in which case the fee is $7,210.
(e) For each site plan review, a fee of $7,339, unless the Bureau completed a preliminary land use review, in which case the fee is $7,210.
(f) For each Coastal Development permit application or appeal, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15.
(g) For each report prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.03 of this Code, a fee of $1,581.
All work mentioned in Section 62.105 shall be performed in accordance with the latest adopted manual entitled “Work Area Traffic Control”, the latest adopted “Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction”, any required plans and special specifications and any permit conditions, and shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Board. All work mentioned in Section 65.04 shall be performed in accordance with specifications, or the specifications and plans, if plans are made, referred to in the permit for such work, and shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Board under the supervision of an inspector appointed by the Board for such work. (Amended by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.)
If the warning signs, lights and devices required under this section are not promptly provided, the Board may provide them; the cost of such work performed by the Board may be billed to the permittee. (Amended by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.)
Any person performing work requiring a Class “B” permit shall comply with all provisions of Section 62.03.1 of this Code. Any person performing work requiring a Class “A” permit may be required to comply with the provisions of Section 62.03.1 of this Code if in the opinion of the City Engineer such work involves possibility of contact with any subsurface installation. (Added by Ord. No. 150,478, Eff. 2/6/78.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.)
(a) The location, nature and amount of work to be performed;
(b) The material to be used;
(c) Such other information as the Board may require.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 182,237, Eff. 9/28/12.)
(a) Permit Application Fee. In addition to the fees identified in Subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $273 for each application for issuance of a Class “A” permit. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
(b) Inspection Fees. In addition to the fees imposed in Subsections (a) and (c) of this Section, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect from an applicant for issuance of a Class “A” permit all of the following fees, where applicable:
1. Curb. A fee of $3.70 per linear foot for all types of curbs, including but not limited to depressed curbs across driveways, but not including the gutter portion of an integral curb and gutter.
2. Concrete Paving, Gutter, Sidewalk, Driveway. A fee of $0.85 per square foot for all types of concrete paving, gutters, sidewalks, access ramps and driveways.
3. Asphalt Resurfacing. A fee of $3.30 per square foot for all types of asphalt surfacing, including but not limited to roadways, alleys and driveways.
4. Area Drain. A fee of $15.95 for each area drain.
5. Tree Well. A fee of $15.95 for each tree well.
6. Pipe. A fee of $5.50 for each pipe.
(c) Additional Authorized Charges. In addition to the fees imposed in Subsection (b) of this Section, where the Bureau of Engineering determines that a project requires the Bureau of Engineering to obtain more inspections than are funded by the fee imposed, the Bureau shall charge and collect Special Inspection Charges pursuant to the provisions of Section 62.05(a)(1)(cc). The provisions of Section 61.14 and 61.15 shall also apply to fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section.
(d) Testing Fees. In addition to the fees imposed in Subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect from an applicant for issuance of a Class “A” permit all of the following fees, where applicable:
1. Fills. A fee of $300 for each maximum density test conducted, one test required for each location; a fee of $115 for each relative compaction test conducted, one test required for each three foot layer of fill 50 feet long.
2. Concrete. A fee of $100 for each concrete cylinder with a minimum of two cylinders required for each 28 day test. The Bureau of Engineering may require testing of additional cylinders at a fee of $100 each when the Bureau of Engineering or the Bureau of Contract Administration determines that additional testing is necessary.
(e) Application of Fee Provisions.
1. Except for applications subject to provisions of Subdivision 2. or 3. of this Subsection, the provisions of this section apply to all Class “A” permit applications, including, but not limited to, applications to engage in permitted work within a public easement. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,179, Eff. 5/5/16.)
2. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to an application for issuance of a Class “A” permit to repair damage caused by forces beyond the property owner’s control, including but not limited to damage caused by a subsidence, pavement failure, earthquake, or trees located in a public right-of-way, although the applicable fees and charges shall be imposed for all other work authorized by the same permit which is not required to be performed because of such conditions. For this Subdivision to apply, an applicant must state on the application what work is exempt from the fees imposed by this Section, and the cause of the underlying damage.
3. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to an application by a property owner for issuance of a Class “A” permit to repair or reconstruct sidewalk adjoining the property owner’s property. (Added by Ord. No. 184,179, Eff. 5/5/16.)