A. The SRFAP will be available for Premises that are billed Sewer Service Charges and provided with wastewater service by the Bureau of Sanitation.
B. The SRFAP will not be available for:
1. Sewer connections associated with the new construction of buildings.
2. Premises that are not within the jurisdiction of the City of Los Angeles, except for those premises that are billed Sewer Service Charges by and receive wastewater service from the Bureau of Sanitation.
3. Premises connected to a sewer maintained by another jurisdiction, such as the Los Angeles County Sanitation District.
4. Owners whose accounts for any Bureau of Sanitation charges are more than 60 days in arrears.
C. The Owner (not the tenant) must submit an application for participating in the SRFAP and remain the responsible party.
D. An application for financial assistance shall comply with rules and regulations and contain sufficient information for the Bureau of Sanitation to determine the eligibility of the Owner to participate in the program.
E. The Bureau of Sanitation shall be authorized to examine all records necessary for the purpose of evaluating the Owners’ eligibility for the SRFAP.
F. Pursuant to the process specified in the rules and regulations, an Owner may make an appeal if determined to be ineligible for SRFAP.
A. The City shall reimburse up to 100% of the amount, defined in the rules and regulations, for CCTV inspection and for Sewer Lateral repair/replacement up to established SRFAP limits at the end of satisfactory completion of work.
B. The City shall be authorized to review any documents related to Sewer Lateral repair and perform inspections to determine the satisfactory completion of work.
C. Payments shall be issued by the City to the Owner.
A. The SRFAP will continue until all funds allocated for the program are exhausted or the SRFAP is discontinued.
B. If the SRFAP is discontinued, all funds associated with the SRFAP shall remain in the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund and be subject to the provisions of Section 64.19.2.
(Added by Ord. No. 141,406, Eff. 1/6/71.)
65.00 Maintenance of Private Streets.
65.01 Repair of Private Streets – Declaration of Purpose.
65.02 Definitions.
65.03 Hazardous Private Street Defined.
65.04 Hazardous Private Street – Nuisance.
65.05 Order to Repair – Persons Entitled to Copy.
65.06 Order to Repair – Service.
65.07 Order to Repair to Be Posted.
65.08 Order to Repair – Form And Content.
65.09 Director May Order The Summary Closure or Closing of a Hazardous Private Street.
65.10 Appeal From Order.
65.11 Order of The Board.
65.12 Violations – Penalties For Removing Any Notice or Order.
65.13 Failure to Comply With Order – Bureau of Street Maintenance May Repair Private Streets.
65.14 Failure to Comply With Order – Owner Loses Right to Repair After Department of Public Works Has Begun Work.
65.16 Collection of Cost of Repair.
65.18 Interference Prohibited.
All private streets shall be maintained by persons having ownership thereof and by the owners of property contiguous or adjacent thereto in such a manner that adequate access by vehicular traffic is provided at all times so that fire, police, health and sanitation, and public utility vehicles can serve the properties contiguous or adjacent thereto, and so that said vehicles will have adequate turning areas.
It is the purpose of the provisions of this article to provide equitable and practicable methods, to be cumulative with and in addition to any other remedy available at law, whereby private streets located within the City of Los Angeles, which are a menace to the life, limb, health, property safety and general welfare of the people of the city, may be required to be repaired.
For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
“Director” shall mean the Director of the Bureau of Street Maintenance
“Private Street” shall mean a parcel of land not dedicated as a public street over which a private easement for road purposes has been granted to the owners of property contiguous or adjacent thereto which intersects or connects with a public street or another private street, and the instrument creating same has been duly recorded or filed in the office of the recorder of Los Angeles County.