General Provisions
36.01 Purpose
36.02 Definitions
36.03 Commission organization
36.04 Affirmative action policy
Commission Powers and Duties
36.05 Powers and duties of Commission
36.06 Administration and enforcement
36.07 Appearance before Commission
36.08 Civil Service Secretary
36.09 Civil Service Chairperson
36.10 Official signatures
36.11 Quorum
Official Records
36.15 Commission minutes
36.16 Official roster
36.17 Other records
Classified Service; Classification Plan
36.20 Classification plan
36.21 Class specifications
36.22 Specifications interpreted
36.23 Allocation of positions to classes
36.24 (Reserved)
36.25 Classification of new positions
36.26 Reclassification of positions
36.27 Amendment of classification plan
36.28 Employee record
Pay Ranges; Pay Plan
36.30 (Reserved)
36.31 Promotion and reclassification
36.32 (Reserved)
Application for Entrance Examinations
36.40 Secretary to decide where examinations are to be held
36.41 Notice of examinations
36.42 Application forms
36.43 Duties of Civil Service Secretary
36.44 Physical examinations
36.45 Commission to rule on age requirements
36.46 Commission to rule on educational requirements
36.47 Rejection of application
36.48 Age limitations pertaining to police officers and firefighters
Entrance Examinations
36.50 Commission shall prepare and the Secretary shall administer all examinations
36.51 Examinations to be practical
36.52 Content of examinations
36.53 (Reserved)
36.54 Method of rating examinations
36.55 (Reserved)
36.56 Employee preference
36.565 Veteran's preference
Eligibility Lists
36.57 Posting of lists
36.58 Duration of lists
36.59 Transfer to lower class
36.60 Removal from list
36.61 Disqualification of eligibles and employees on layoff lists
36.62 Change of address
Appointments to the Competitive Service
36.65 Certification process
36.66 Gender
36.67 (Reserved)
36.68 Notice of certification
36.69 Appointment to the competitive service
36.70 Cancellation of certifications
36.71 Provisional appointments
36.72 Emergency appointments
36.73 Temporary appointments
36.74 Exemption from competition
36.75 (Reserved)
36.76 (Reserved)
36.77 Review of examination papers by appointing officer
36.78 Limit on certification
Probationary Period
36.80 Objective
36.81 Duration
36.82 Evaluation of performance
36.83 Dismissal
36.84 Probationary period reports
36.85 Resumption of position
36.86 (Reserved)
36.87 (Reserved)
36.90 Commission to rule on promotional examinations
36.91 Promotional examinations
36.92 Announcement of promotional examination
36.93 Application for promotional examination
36.94 Character of promotional examinations
36.95 Highest seniority if final grade same
36.96 Inspection of examination papers
36.97 Promotion without examination
36.98 Temporary promotions
Transfers, Reinstatements and Layoffs
36.100 Transfers
36.101 Layoff procedure
36.102 Establishment of a layoff list
36.103 Police and Fire Departments
36.104 Reinstatements
Efficiency Performance Records
36.105 Performance reports
36.106 Recommendation regarding efficiency
36.107 Disciplinary action for inefficiency
36.108 Appeal from evaluation
Suspensions, Demotions, Dismissals
36.110 Suspensions; length and purpose
36.111 Appeal
36.112 Demotions for disciplinary purposes
36.113 (Reserved)
36.114 Dismissal notice
36.115 Grounds for dismissal
Appeal Procedure
36.120 Appeal to Commission
36.121 Appeal proceedings
36.122 Resignation before decision
36.123 Compensation when appeal is sustained
36.124 Disqualification for reappointment
36.125 Commission shall file statement with City Manager
36.136 Membership in certain organizations