Editor's note: To view the historical version of Title 14 (repealed as of August 22, 2012), please click here.
Preface: Bill No. 110845
Chapter 14-100. General Provisions
§ 14-101.   Purpose.
§ 14-102.   Citation and Title.
§ 14-103.   Authority.
(1)   Authority.
(2)   Construction of Authority.
(3)   Department of Licenses & Inspections.
(4)   Zoning Board of Adjustment.
§ 14-104.   Applicability and Jurisdiction.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Compliance Required.
(3)   Property Owned, Leased, or Operated by Public Agencies.
§ 14-105.   Relationship to Plan Documents.
(1)   The Comprehensive Plan.
(2)   Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
(3)   Adopted Plans Guide Discretionary Decisions.
§ 14-106.   Zoning Districts and Official Map.
(1)   Zoning Districts.
(2)   Official Zoning Map.
§ 14-107.   Determination of Boundaries.
(1)   Boundaries of Districts.
(2)   Multiple Districts or Provisions.
§ 14-108.   Relationship to Other Regulations.
(1)   Conflict.
(2)   Overlay Districts.
§ 14-109.   Relationship to Private Agreements.
§ 14-110.   Transition from Prior Regulations.
(1)   Violations Continue.
(2)   Approved Projects.
§ 14-111.   Text and Graphics.
§ 14-112.   Severability.
Chapter 14-200. Definitions
§ 14-201.   Rules of Interpretation.
§ 14-202.   Rules of Measurement.
(1)   Average Ground Level.
(2)   Building Frontage, Width of.
(3)   Diameter Breast Height (DBH).
(3.1)   Facade Articulation Area.
(4)   Gross Floor Area.
(5)   Ground Floor.
(5.1)   Ground Floor Frontage.
(6)   Height, Building or Structure.
(7)   Lot Area.
(8)   Lot Depth.
(9)   Lot Frontage, Width of.
(9.1)   Lot Frontage in Calculating Sign Size.
(9.2)   Building Frontage in Calculating Sign Size.
(9.3)   Store Frontage in Calculating Sign Size.
(10)   Lot Width.
(11)   Net Leasable Area.
(12)   Occupied Area.
(12.1)   Off-Street Parking
(13)   Open Area.
(14)   Public Plaza or Open Space.
(15)   Seating Space.
(15.1)   [Reserved.]
(16)   Separation or Spacing of Uses.
(17)   Setback Line, Front or Building.
(18)   Sight Triangle.
(19)   Sign Area.
(19.1)   Sign Area, Maximum.
(19.2)   Sign Height.
(19.3)   Spacing, Non-Accessory Sign.
(20)   Street Frontage, Width of.
(21)   Story.
(21.1)   Window Sill in Calculating Sign Height.
(22)   Yard, Front (Depth of).
(23)   Yard, Front (Width of).
(24)   Yard, Rear (Area of).
(25)   Yard, Rear (Depth of).
(26)   Yard, Side (Width of).
§ 14-203.   Definitions.
Chapter 14-300. Administration and Procedures
§ 14-301.   Reviewers and Decision Makers.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   City Council.
(3)   City Planning Commission.
(4)   Zoning Board of Adjustment.
(5)   Department of Licenses and Inspections.
(6)   Board of License and Inspection Review.
(7)   Historical Commission.
(8)   Art Commission.
(9)   Streets Department.
(10)   Water Department.
(11)   Department of Planning and Development.
§ 14-302.   Procedures Summary Table.
§ 14-303.   Common Procedures and Requirements.
(1)   Authority to File Applications.
(2)   Application Materials.
(3)   Application Fees.
(4)   Consultations.
(5)   Owner Information Required.
(6)   Zoning Permits.
(7)   Special Exception Approval.
(8)   Zoning Variances.
(9)   Conditions on Approvals.
(10)   Lapse of Permits and Approvals.
(11)   Inactive Applications.
(11A)   Registered Community Organizations.
(12)   Neighborhood Notice and Meetings.
(13)   Public Notice.
(14)   Public Hearings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
(15)   Appeals.
(16)   Administrative Review.
§ 14-304.   Specific Procedures.
(1)   Authority to Prepare and Adopt the Comprehensive Plan.
(2)   Comprehensive and Other Plan Adoption.
(3)   Zoning Map and Text Amendments.
(4)   Amendments to Master Plans.
(5)   Civic Design Review.
(6)   Lot Adjustments.
(7)   Subdivisions and Subdivision Plats.
(8)   Designation of Historic Structure or District.
(9)   Construction, Alteration, or Demolition in a Historic Area.
§ 14-305.   Nonconformities.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Types of Nonconformities.
(3)   Exceptions.
(4)   General Requirements.
(5)   Nonconforming Uses.
(6)   Nonconforming Structures.
(7)   Nonconforming Lots.
(8)   Nonconforming Signs.
(9)   Nonconforming Parking or Site Improvements.
(10)   Reconstruction of Destroyed Structures.
§ 14-306.   Enforcement.
(1)   Enforcement.
(2)   Penalties.
Chapter 14-400. Base Zoning Districts
§ 14-401.   Residential Districts.
(1)   General.
(2)   Allowed Uses.
(3)   Dimensional Standards.
(4)   Multiple Principal Uses and Buildings.
(5)   RMX-1 and RMX-2 Master Plans.
§ 14-402.   Commercial and Commercial Mixed-Use Districts.
(1)   General.
(2)   Allowed Uses.
(3)   Dimensional Standards.
(4)   Multiple Principal Uses and Buildings.
§ 14-403.   Industrial and Industrial Mixed-Use Districts.
(1)   General.
(2)   Allowed Uses.
(3)   Dimensional Standards.
(4)   Multiple Principal Uses and Buildings.
§ 14-404.   SP-INS, Institutional (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Area Regulations.
(4)   Height and Massing Regulations.
(5)   Off-Street Parking.
(6)   Off-Street Loading.
(7)   Accessory Signs.
(8)   Fences and Retaining Walls.
(9)   Property Lines.
(10)   Regulations Applicable to Germantown Avenue.
§ 14-405.   SP-ENT, Entertainment (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Area Regulations.
(4)   Height Regulations.
(5)   Off-Street Parking.
(6)   Parking Design.
(7)   Off-Street Loading.
(8)   Accessory Signs.
(9)   Design Standards.
(10)   Public Art.
§ 14-406.   SP-STA, Sports Stadium (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Area Regulations.
(4)   Height Regulations.
(5)   Off-Street Parking.
(6)   Off-Street Parking, Layout, and Access Conditions.
(7)   Lighting.
(8)   Landscape Buffer.
(9)   Accessory Signs.
§ 14-407.   SP-PO, Parks and Open Space (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Designations.
(3)   Use Regulations.
(4)   Area and Height Regulations.
(5)   Lighting.
§ 14-408.   SP-AIR, Airport (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Area Regulations.
(4)   Height Regulations.
(5)   Parking and Loading.
(6)   Signs.
(7)   Fences.
§ 14-409.   SP-CIV, Civic, Educational, and Medical (Special Purpose) District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Area Regulations.
(4)   Height Regulations.
(5)   Parking and Loading.
(6)   Signs.
(7)   Fences.
Chapter 14-500. Overlay Zoning Districts
§ 14-501.   General.
(1)   Establishment.
(2)   Interpretation.
§ 14-502.   /CTR, Center City Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Height Regulations.
(4)   Setback/Build-To Regulations.
(5)   Supplemental Use Controls.
(6)   Parking and Loading Regulations.
(7)   Sign Regulations.
(8)   Special Review Areas.
(9)   Bulk and Massing Controls.
(10)   Incentive Limitations.
§ 14-503.   /NCA, Neighborhood Commercial Area Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   East Falls.
(3)   Germantown Avenue.
(4)   Main Street/Manayunk and Venice Island.
(5)   Logan Triangle.
(6)   Reserved.
(7)   Lower and Central Germantown.
(8)   North Delaware Avenue.
(9)   East Mount Airy.
(10)   Spring Garden.
(11)   Reserved.
§ 14-504.   /NCO, Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District.
(1)   Purposes.
(1.1)   Permits.
(2)   Design Standards.
(3)   Planning Commission Review.
(4)   Historic Designation.
(5)   Queen Village.
(6)   Overbrook Farms.
(7)   Central Roxborough.
(7.1)   Chestnut Hill Lower East.
(8)   Ridge Park Roxborough.
(9)   Powelton Village.
(10)   Wissahickon.
(11)   Strawberry Mansion.
§ 14-505.   /ENV, Environmental Preservation Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Roxborough.
(3)   Fox Chase.
§ 14-506.   /NCP, North Central Philadelphia Overlay District.
(1)   Subarea A.
(2)   Subarea B.
§ 14-507.   /CDO, Central Delaware Riverfront Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   District Boundaries.
(3)   River Access Streets.
(4)   Uses.
(5)   Open Area.
(6)   Building Height and Gross Floor Area.
(7)   Off-Street Parking.
(8)   Prohibited Permanent Structures.
(9)   Form and Design.
(10)   Civic Design Review.
(11)   Conflicting Regulations.
(12)   Optional Special Standards, Review, and Exemptions.
(13)   Frontages.
§ 14-508.   /DRC, Delaware River Conservation Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Use Regulations.
§ 14-509.   /CAO, City Avenue Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Boundaries.
(3)   Regulations.
§ 14-510.   /WWO, Wissahickon Watershed Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   District Boundaries.
(4)   Wissahickon Watershed Overlay Map.
(5)   Setbacks from Watercourses.
(6)   Impervious Coverage Regulations.
(7)   Earth Moving Plans.
(8)   Certification and Enforcement.
§ 14-511.   /AHC, Airport Hazard Control Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Height Restrictions.
(4)   Nonconforming Uses.
(5)   Variances.
(6)   Conflicts.
§ 14-512.   /ANC, Airport Noise Compatibility Overlay District.
§ 14-513.   /TOD, Transit-Oriented Development Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Designation.
(4)   Use Regulations.
(5)   TOD Form and Design Standards.
§ 14-514.   /FNE, Far Northeast Overlay District.
(1)   Boundaries.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Roof Decks.
(4)   Height Regulations.
(5)   Minimum Lot Area.
(6)   Accessory Dwelling Units.
(7)   Bonuses
(8)   Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios
§ 14-515.   /NE, Northeast Overlay District.
(1)   Boundaries.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Dimensional Standards.
§ 14-516.   /WST, West Overlay District.
(1)   Boundaries.
(2)   Subarea A.
(3)   Subarea B.
§ 14-517.   /UED, Urban Experiential Display Overlay Control District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Sign Regulations.
(4)   Use Regulations.
(5)   Approval Process.
(6)   Art Commission.
(7)   Department of Licenses and Inspections.
(8)   Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
(9)   Removal or Abandonment of a UED.
§ 14-518.   /WWA, West Washington Avenue Overlay District.
(1)   Boundaries.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Reserved.
§ 14-519.   /ECO, East Callowhill Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   District Boundaries.
(3)   Uses.
(4)   Building Height.
(5)   Parking and Loading.
(6)   Open Area.
(7)   Form and Design.
§ 14-520.   /NDO, Ninth District Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Supplemental Use Regulations.
(4)   Development Standards.
(5)   Parking.
(6)   Signs.
(7)   Design Standards.
§ 14-521.   /STM, St. Mary's Master Plan Overlay.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Drive Aisle Dimensions.
§ 14-522.   /WAH, Warrington Affordable Housing Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Accessory Parking.
(3)   Landscaping.
(4)   Vehicle Access Points.
(5)   Expiration.
§ 14-523.   /IMA, Industrial and Manufacturing Area Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Use Regulations.
§ 14-524.   /FDO, Fourth District Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Fourth District Area.
(3)   Commercial Review Areas.
(4)   Roof Deck Control Area.
(5)   Queen Lane Water Treatment Plant Area.
(6)   Medical Facility Control Area.
§ 14-525.   /SNM, South Ninth Street Market Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Vehicle Access Points.
§ 14-526.   /AME, American Street Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Use Regulations.
§ 14-527.   /SMH, South Philadelphia Municipal Hub Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Dimensional Standards.
(4)   Eligibility for Bonuses.
(5)   Parking and Loading.
§ 14-528.   /TSO, 30th Street Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Definition of a Residential Housing Project.
(3)   Use Regulations.
(4)   Development Standards.
(5)   Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios.
(6)   Affordability.
(7)   Applicability of the Mixed Income Housing Bonus.
§ 14-529.   /VDO, Fifth District Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Minimum Lot Area.
(3)   Accessory Dwelling Units.
(4)   Bonuses.
(5)   Reserved.
(6)   Neighborhood Overlay Subareas.
(7)   Use Regulations.
§ 14-530.   /EDO, Eighth District Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Minimum Lot Area.
(3)   Accessory Dwelling Units.
§ 14-531.   /HHC, Heliport Hazard Control Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Heliport Areas.
(3)   Height Restrictions.
(4)   Nonconformities.
(5)   Variances.
(6)   Conflicts.
§ 14-532.   /GAO, Girard Avenue Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Height Regulation.
§ 14-533.   /MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Definition of Residential Housing Project.
(3)   Use Regulations.
(4)   Development Standards.
(5)   Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios.
(6)   Affordability.
(7)   Marketing and Equal Opportunity.
(8)   Bonuses Available Under the Provisions of § 14-702(7).
(9)   Reporting.
§ 14-534.   /AHP, Affordable Housing Preservation Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Exceptions to Applicability for Properties with Qualified Low-Income Housing Developments.
(3)   Use Regulations.
(4)   Applicability of /MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District.
(5)   Bonuses.
(6)   Demolition.
(7)   Severability.
§ 14-535.   /YOD, Yorktown Neighborhood Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Height Regulation.
(3)   Roof Decks.
§ 14-536.   /NHO, Nehemiah Homes Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Height Regulation.
(3)   Roof Decks.
(4)   Balconies.
§ 14-537.   /NBO, Nelson Brown People's Village Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Height Regulation.
(3)   Roof Decks.
(4)   Materials.
§ 14-538.   /CGC, Cobbs Creek Golf Course Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   District Boundaries.
(3)   Application.
(4)   Steep Slope Protection.
(5)   Fencing.
(6)   Building Height.
(7)   Permanent Structure Requirements.
(8)   Use of Pesticides.
(9)   Biodiversity.
(10)   Monitoring.
(11)   Community Outreach and Education.
(12)   Reporting Requirements.
§ 14-539.   /EOD, East Poplar Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Height Regulation.
(3)   Roof Decks.
§ 14-540.   /NIS, Narcotics Injection Sites Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Narcotics Injection Site.
(3)   Prohibited Use.
§ 14-541.   /RAN, Ridge Avenue Neighborhoods Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Development Standards.
(4)   Parking and Loading.
(5)   Signs.
§ 14-542.   /PAK, Packer Avenue Overlay District.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Use Regulations.
(3)   Expiration.
§ 14-543.   /PCH, Philadelphia Chinatown Overlay District.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Use Regulations.
(4)   Development Standards.
(5)   Parking.
(6)   Signs.
Chapter 14-600. Use Regulations
§ 14-601.   Use Categories.
(1)   General.
(2)   Residential Use Category.
(3)   Parks and Open Space Use Category.
(4)   Public, Civic, and Institutional Use Category.
(5)   Office Use Category.
(6)   Retail Sales Use Category.
(7)   Commercial Services Use Category.
(8)   Vehicle and Vehicular Equipment Sales and Services Use Category.
(9)   Wholesale, Distribution, and Storage Use Category.
(10)   Industrial Use Category.
(11)   Urban Agricultural Use Category.
§ 14-602.   Use Tables.
(1)   General.
(2)   Understanding the Use Tables.
(3)   Residential Districts.
(4)   Commercial Districts.
(5)   Industrial Districts.
(6)   Special Purpose Districts.
(7)   Exception to Use Tables for Certain Historic Structures.
§ 14-603.   Use-Specific Standards.
(1)   Water Treatment Facilities.
(2)   Body Art Service.
(3)   Retail Sales of Building Supplies and Equipment.
(4)   Cemetery.
(5)   Child Care.
(6)   Take-Out Restaurants.
(7)   Vehicle Repair and Maintenance.
(8)   Vehicle Fueling Station.
(9)   Junk and Salvage Yards and Buildings.
(10)   Parking, Non-Accessory.
(11)   Personal Care Home.
(12)   Re-Entry Facility.
(13)   Regulated Uses.
(14)   Stables.
(15)   Urban Agriculture.
(16)   Wireless Service Facilities (Freestanding Towers).
(17)   Wireless Service Facilities (Building or Tower-Mounted Antenna).
(18)   Nightclubs and Public Entertainment Venues.
(19)   Smoking Lounge.
(20)   Medical Marijuana Dispensary.
§ 14-604.   Accessory Uses and Structures.
(1)   General.
(2)   Private Residence Garages.
(3)   Accessory Parking.
(4)   Decks other than Roof Decks.
(5)   Roof Decks.
(6)   Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
(7)   Solar Collectors.
(8)   Satellite Dish Antennas.
(9)   Accessory Agricultural Structures.
(10)   Home Occupations.
(11)   Accessory Dwelling Units.
(12)   Trash and Recycling Storage Areas.
(13)   Limited Lodging.
(14)   Balconies.
Chapter 14-700. Development Standards
§ 14-701.   Dimensional Standards.
(1)   General Provisions.
(2)   Residential District Dimensional Tables.
(3)   Commercial Districts Dimensional Table.
(4)   Industrial District Dimensional Table.
(5)   CMX-4 and CMX-5 Bulk and Massing Controls.
(6)   Exceptions to Dimensional Standards.
§ 14-702.   Floor Area, Height, and Dwelling Unit Density Bonuses.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Eligibility for Floor Area Bonuses.
(2.1)   Eligibility for Height Bonuses.
(2.2)   Eligibility for Dwelling Unit Density Bonuses.
(3)   Floor Area Bonus Options Summary Table.
(3.1)   Building Height Bonus Options Summary Table.
(4)   Maximum Floor Area and Height Bonus Amounts.
(5)   Public Art.
(6)   Public Space.
(7)   Mixed Income Housing.
(8)   Transit Improvements.
(9)   Underground Accessory Parking.
(10)   Green Building or Site.
(11)   Trails.
(12)   Street Extensions.
(13)   Retail Space.
(14)   Stormwater Management.
(15)   Through-Block Connection.
(16)   Green Roof.
§ 14-703.   Form and Design.
(1)   General Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Certification.
(4)   Attached Building Design Standards.
(5)   Multi-Family Residential, Commercial, and Institutional.
§ 14-704.   Open Space and Natural Resources.
(1)   Intent.
(2)   Steep Slope Protection.
(3)   Stormwater Management.
(4)   Flood Protection.
(5)   Waterfront Setbacks.
§ 14-705.   Landscape and Trees.
(1)   On-Site Landscape and Tree Requirements.
(2)   Street Tree Requirements.
(3)   Installation and Maintenance of Landscape and Trees.
§ 14-706.   Fencing and Walls.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Sight Triangles.
(3)   Residential District Standards.
(4)   Commercial District Standards.
§ 14-707.   Outdoor Lighting.
(1)   Intent.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Certification.
(4)   General Standards.
(5)   Parking Area Lighting.
(6)   Canopy Lighting.
§ 14-708.   Subdivision Standards.
(1)   Intent.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Subdivision General Design Standards.
(4)   Subdivision Block and Lot Standards.
(5)   Subdivision Street Standards.
(6)   Subdivision Driveways and Easements.
Chapter 14-800. Parking and Loading
§ 14-801.   Purpose, Applicability, and General Standards.
(1)   Purpose.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Location.
(4)   Use of Required Parking Areas for Parking Only.
(5)   Rules of Parking Measurement.
§ 14-802.   Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios.
(1)   General Provisions.
(2)   Required Parking in Residential Districts.
(3)   Required Parking in Commercial Districts.
(4)   Required Parking in Industrial Districts.
(5)   Parking for Persons with Disabilities.
(6)   Preferential Parking.
(7)   Regulations Applicable to Specific Areas.
(8)   Adjustments and Alternatives.
(9)   Off-Site Parking.
§ 14-803.   Motor Vehicle Parking Standards.
(1)   Accessory Parking Standards.
(2)   Parking Space, Drive Aisle, and Reservoir Space Standards.
(3)   Mechanical Access Parking.
(4)   Parking Design Standards.
(5)   Parking Landscape and Screening.
(6)   Electric Vehicle Supply Wiring.
§ 14-804.   Bicycle Parking Ratios and Standards.
(1)   Required Bicycle Parking Spaces.
(2)   Location of Bicycle Parking Spaces.
(3)   Security.
(4)   Regulations.
§ 14-805.   Drive-Throughs and Vehicle Stacking Areas.
(1)   General Standards.
(2)   Stacking Lanes.
§ 14-806.   Off-Street Loading.
(1)   General Requirement for All Districts Except RMX-3, CMX-4, and CMX-5.
(2)   RMX-3, CMX-4, and CMX-5 Districts.
(3)   General Design and Access Standards.
(4)   Adjustments to Loading Requirements.
§ 14-901.   Signs.
§ 14-902.   Applicability.
(1)   Applicable to All Signs.
(2)   Specific Sign Controls.
(3)   Sign Regulation Applicability Decision Tree.
§ 14-903.   When a Zoning Permit is Required.
(1)   Zoning Permit Required.
(2)   Zoning Permit Not Required; Code Conformance Required.
(3)   Zoning Permit Not Required; Code Conformance Not Required.
§ 14-904.   Accessory Sign Controls.
(1)   Controls That Apply in All Zoning Districts.
(2)   Controls Applicable to Specific Zoning Districts.
(3)   Building Identification Signs in CMX-4, CMX-5, IRMX, ICMX, and I-1 Districts.
(4)   Special Controls for Cobbs Creek, Roosevelt Boulevard, and Department of Parks and Recreation Land.
§ 14-905.   Non-Accessory Signs.
(1)   Scope.
(2)   Spacing Requirements.
(3)   Distances from Residential District Property.
(4)   Area Regulations.
(5)   Height Regulations.
(6)   Sign Face Regulations.
(7)   Illuminated, Flashing, and Revolving Signs.
(8)   Digital Signs.
(9)   Permitted Areas.
(10)   Prohibited Areas.
(11)   Regulations Applicable to the I-95 Acquisition Corridor.
(12)   Permits.
(13)   Signs and Their Supporting Structures.
(14)   Nuisance, Unlawful, and Nonconforming Signs.
(15)   Sign Requirements for Municipal Property.
(16)   State Road.
(17)   Magee Avenue.
§ 14-906.   Market Street East Sign Regulations.
(1)   District Boundaries.
(2)   Applicability.
(3)   Sign Regulations.
(4)   Criteria for Public Improvements.
(5)   Limitations.
(6)   Accessory Digital News Ticker Signs.
(7)   Sunset Provision.
§ 14-907.   1900 Market Street Digital Display Sign Regulations.
(1)   Applicability.
(2)   Exempt Provisions.
(3)   Sign Regulations.
§ 14-908.   Maintenance and Nuisance Abatement.
Chapter 14-1000. Historic Preservation
§ 14-1001.   Public Policy and Purposes.
§ 14-1002.   Definitions.
(1)   Alter or Alteration.
(2)   Building.
(3)   Construct or Construction.
(4)   Contributing Building, Structure, Site or Object.
(5)   Demolition or Demolish.
(6)   Design.
(7)   District.
(8)   Historic Building.
(9)   Historic District, Object, Site or Structure.
(10)   Object.
(11)   Public Interior Portion.
(12)   Site.
(13)   Structure.
§ 14-1003.   Historical Commission.
(1)   Appointment.
(2)   Powers and Duties.
§ 14-1004.   Designation.
(1)   Criteria for Designation.
(2)   Notice.
(3)   Meetings.
(4)   Planning Commission Comment.
(5)   Amendment or Rescission of Designation.
(6)   Register of Historic Buildings, Structures, Sites, and Objects.
(7)   Designation of Public Interior Portions of Buildings.
§ 14-1005.   Regulation.
(1)   Building Permit Required.
(2)   Building Permit Application Referral.
(3)   Demolition Notice.
(4)   Comment Review.
(5)   Submission Requirements.
(6)   Building Permit Application Review.
§ 14-1006.   Performance of Work and Maintenance.
(1)   Inspection.
(2)   Conformity to Permit Requirements.
(3)   Maintenance Requirement.
(4)   Ordinary Maintenance and Repair.
§ 14-1007.   Enforcement.
(1)   L&I Regulations.
(2)   Violations.
(3)   Penalties.
§ 14-1008.   Appeals.
§ 14-1009.   Demolition Moratorium for the West Christian Street Area.
(1)   Definitions.
(2)   Moratorium Scope.
(3)   Expiration.
§ 14-1010.   Demolition Moratorium in the Victorian Roxborough Area.
(1)   Definitions.
(2)   Moratorium Scope.
(3)   Expiration.
§ 14-1011.   Demolition Moratorium in the Wissahickon Historic District.
(1)   Definitions.
(2)   Moratorium Scope.
(3)   Expiration.



   Bill No. 110845 (approved December 22, 2011), effective August 22, 2012, repealed former Title 14 and enacted this new Title 14. For additional explanatory information contained in Bill No. 110845, see the preface of this Title 14.
City of Philadelphia
(Bill No. 110845)
Repealing Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning", and replacing it with a new Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning"; and making conforming changes to the Zoning Maps of the City; all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 2. Council hereby re-adopts the legislative findings set forth at § 14-1605(1) (Regulated Uses) and § 14-1604(1) (Outdoor Advertising and Non-Accessory Advertising Controls) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law.
SECTION 3. A new Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning", is hereby adopted, to read as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto.
SECTION 4. The Zoning Maps of the City of Philadelphia are hereby amended as follows:
   (1)   Except as provided in subsection (3), below, the zoning district for all lots for which the zoning district designation is currently as set forth in the column labeled "Previously Known As" in Tables 14-401-1, 14-402-1 or 14-403-1 of Chapter 14-400 of The Philadelphia Code, as amended by Section 3 of this Ordinance, is hereby designated as set forth in the corresponding row of the column labeled "District Name" in said Tables. The Zoning Maps shall reflect the foregoing designations by use of the corresponding map symbol set forth in the corresponding row of the column labeled "Map Symbol".
   (2)   Except as provided in subsection (3), below, the zoning district for all lots for which the zoning district designation is currently as set forth in the column labeled "Previously Known As" in the following Table, entitled Special Purpose District Conversion Table, is hereby designated as set forth in the corresponding row of the column labeled "District Name" in said Table. The Zoning Maps shall reflect the foregoing designations by use of the corresponding map symbol set forth in the corresponding row of the column labeled "Map Symbol".
Special Purpose District Conversion Table
Map Symbol
District Name
"Previously Known As"
Institutional (Special Purpose) District
Entertainment (Special Purpose) District
Sports Stadium (Special Purpose) District
Parks and Open Space (Special Purpose) District – Active
Parks and Open Space (Special Purpose) District – Passive
   (3)   Exceptions.
      (a)   Overlay Areas. The zoning district for all lots situated in any of the Overlay Areas identified in Column "1" of the following Table, entitled CMX-2.5 Conversion Table, if the zoning district designation for the lot is currently as set forth in the corresponding row of Column "2" of the CMX-2.5 Conversion Table, is hereby designated as Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-use-2.5, and the Zoning Maps shall reflect such designation by use of the map symbol "CMX-2.5".
CMX-2.5 Conversion Table
Column "1": Overlay Areas
Column "2"
Column "1": Overlay Areas
Column "2"
All lots formerly subject to the Germantown Avenue Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1613(3) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
All lots formerly subject to the Cecil B. Moore Ave Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1614(3) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the Main Street/Manayunk and Venice Island Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1615(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the East Falls Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1616(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the Fifth Street Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1617(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the Passyunk Ave. Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1621(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the North Broad Street Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1622(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2, C7
All lots formerly subject to the Fairmount Ave Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1625(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the Girard Ave Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1630(3) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the Lower and Central Germantown Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1634(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the City Avenue Village Center Special District, as set forth in § 14-1637(2)(b) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots formerly subject to the North Central Front Street Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1639(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
All districts except for Residential districts
All lots formerly subject to the Overbrook Farms Transit-Oriented Center Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1641(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots with frontage on Frankford Avenue and that formerly were subject to the Tacony/Mayfair Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1619(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2
All lots north of Poplar Street and that formerly were subject to the Avenue of the Arts North Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1620(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
C1, C2, C7
All lots formerly subject to the Ridge Avenue Special District Controls, as set forth in § 14-1644(2) of The Philadelphia Code, as it existed immediately prior to the date this Ordinance becomes law
SECTION 5. The Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections, the Executive Director of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, the Commerce Director, and the Chair of the Zoning Board of Adjustment are hereby directed to submit to Council a report, one year after this Ordinance becomes effective, setting forth their analysis of the City's experience with the requirements of the Zoning Code during the previous year, and their recommendations, if any, to further amend the Zoning Code.
SECTION 6. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect eight months after the bill becomes law; provided, however, that:
   (1)   With respect to any complete application for a zoning permit filed prior to this Ordinance taking effect, with respect to which a final decision by the Department of Licenses and Inspections, the Zoning Board of Adjustment or any other City agency is not issued until after this Ordinance takes effect, the application shall be reviewed and considered in its entirety by the Department, the Board or any other agency as if this Ordinance had not yet taken effect.
   (2)   Commencing on the date this bill becomes law, all departments, offices, boards and commissions of the City are authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary, including promulgation of regulations, to prepare for implementation, administration and enforcement of this Ordinance.
[Note: Exhibits to this Bill are on file in the Office of the Chief Clerk.]
Approved:   December 22, 2011
Effective:   August 22, 2012