(3)   Sign Regulations.
The following regulations shall apply to signs that are subject to this § 14-906 (Market Street East Sign Regulations 992 ), provided that the conditions of § 14-906(4) (Criteria for Public Improvements) and § 14-906(5) (Limitations), below, are satisfied. In the event of a conflict between any provision of this § 14-906 and any other provision of this Zoning Code, the provision of this § 14-906 shall control.
(a)   The following types of accessory and non-accessory signs shall be permitted: 993
(.1)   Wall signs;
(.2)   Projecting signs, provided that the maximum projection onto a public right of way shall not exceed three ft. for the first 15 ft. of building height or five ft. for building heights in excess of 15 ft., and neither the bottom nor top edge of any projecting sign shall create an acute angle with the vertical wall from which it projects greater than 60 degrees; nor shall any such edge be perpendicular to such wall; and provided further that no antenna may be attached to a projecting sign.
(.3)   Accessory freestanding signs, subject to the requirements set forth in Table 14-904-1 as applicable to the underlying zoning district;
(.4)   Building identification signs, subject to the requirements set forth in § 14-904(3), as applicable;
(.5)   Real estate signs;
(.6)   Roof signs, if located on a building on which a roof sign was situated at any time prior to January 1, 1950; and
(.7)   Signs with animated illumination, mechanical motion, or digital displays, provided that:
(.a)   The applicant submits documentation prepared by a licensed professional traffic engineer demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Commission that the sign will not create a material distraction to drivers of motor vehicles or otherwise present a safety hazard or substantially interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the neighborhood; and
(.b)   The following shall apply to accessory and non-accessory signs.
(i)   § 14-905(7) (Illuminated, Flashing, and Revolving Signs).
(ii)   For digital displays, during daylight hours luminance shall be no greater than 2,500 nits. At all other times, luminance shall be no greater than 250 nits. Automatic dimming is required to maintain the appropriate illumination levels at all times.
(b)   Signs shall not exceed 1,600 sq. ft. per sign face. The total aggregate sign area on any property, excluding any accessory sign area that would be permitted under Table 14-904-1 or § 14-502(7)(m) (Market Street East Retail Area), shall not exceed 24 times the property's linear footage along Market Street. 994
(c)   The top edge of any sign shall not be located more than 90 ft. above street level; provided further that, on any building on which was situated a sign the top edge of which was located more than 90 ft. above street level at any time prior to January 1, 1950, a sign of no greater size and no greater height shall be permitted.
(d)   L&I shall not issue a zoning permit for the sign until the Commission has reviewed plans of the sign and determined that the design of the sign structure does not detract from the building's key architectural or character-defining features.
(e)   Non-accessory signs are exempt from the:
(.1)   Spacing requirements of § 14-905(2) (Spacing Requirements) and the distance from residential zoning district standards of § 14-905(3) (Distances from Residential District Property).
(.2)   Sign face regulations of § 14-905(6) (Sign Face Regulations).
(.3)   Prohibited area provisions of § 14-905(10) (Prohibited Areas).
(.4)   Permit procedures of § 14-905(12)(b) through § 14-905(12)(e).
(.5)   Height regulations of § 14-905(5). 995



   Revised by Code editor to conform to section's caption.
   Amended by deleting former subsection (.6) and renumbering subsequent subsections, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 150379 (approved June 18, 2015).
   Added, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).