(6)   Parking Design.
(a)   Layout and Access Conditions.
Parking provided in this district must be adequately served by high-capacity roads or driveways approved by the Streets Department as being adequate to safely serve the ingress and egress of patrons and guests using the facility, further provided:
(.1)   Except for interim facilities with 1,700 or fewer gaming positions and facilities with structured parking in which the deck of the highest parking floor is at a height not exceeding 90 ft. above grade (parapet walls, stair and elevator towers and light fixtures may be above 90 ft.), up to ten percent (10%) of all parking spaces in an SP-ENT district may be provided in parking lots. This includes required handicapped spaces, bus parking, limousine parking, cabstands, loading spaces and delivery spaces; and 309
(.2)   All entrances to parking areas or facilities must be provided with adequate vehicle reservoir spaces approved by the Streets Department.
(b)   Surface Parking Areas.
Where parking spaces are in an open-air area, the area must:
(.1)   Be situated on ground that does not contain any grades in excess of ten percent (10%), namely, changes of grade of one foot for each 10 ft.;
(.2)   Be paved with a hard top surface of cement concrete, bituminous concrete, or pervious pavers, including all accessways or driveways from the street;
(.3)   In cases where more than three motor vehicles are to be parked, comply with the applicable provisions of Section 9-601 of The Philadelphia Code that regulates garages, parking lots, sales lots, and showrooms;
(.4)   Be provided with adequate lighting facilities for use at night. Lights must be focused so as to prevent glare on surrounding lots; and
(.5)   For the protection of surrounding buildings and pedestrians, contain permanent, substantial barriers constructed of metal or masonry around the area. If constructed of masonry, the wall must be at least two ft. above the ground, and if constructed of metal or masonry posts, the posts must be at least four in. but no more than six in. in diameter, placed no more than five ft. apart, nor less than 30 in. above the ground, and connected by metal pipes, rods, fencing, or chains.
(c)   Walkways.
Where an off-street parking lot containing more than 25 spaces or a portion of an off-street parking lot that contains over 25 spaces is located between a building and a public street, a pedestrian walkway at least five ft. in width must be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
(.1)   The walkway must be located within or along the edge of the parking lot;
(.2)   The walkway must connect the street and the building;
(.3)   One such walkway must be provided for each 300 ft. of street frontage; and
(.4)   Where a walkway crosses a driveway or aisle, the driveway or aisle must be clearly marked and signed so as to indicate the location of the walkway and to require vehicles to stop for individuals using the walkway.
(d)   Screening Abutting Residential Districts.
Where an off-street parking lot, parking garage, driveway, or aisle is located between a building and a residential district, or is located so that there is not a building or portion of a building between the parking lot, parking garage, driveway, or aisle and a residential district, a planted buffer at least six ft. wide and six ft. high must be installed and maintained between the parking lot, parking garage, driveway, or aisle and the residential district in accordance with the following requirements:
(.1)   The planted buffer must be installed along the entire edge of the abutting residential lot line;
(.2)   Where an off-street parking lot, parking garage, driveway, or aisle is located between a building and a residential district along two or more lot lines, a planted buffer must be installed along the entire edge of both abutting residential lot lines;
(.3)   The planted buffer may be located within the required side and rear yards; and
(.4)   The required screening must be maintained in a manner to ensure its survival. In the event that any plants die, they must be replaced at the required ratio.
(e)   Screening Along Street Frontage.
Along all public streets, whether or not a setback is required, a landscaped area must be installed along the outer edge of the parking lot in accordance with the following requirements:
(.1)   A landscaped area at least four ft. wide and two ft. high must be installed along the entire street frontage of all streets, except where walkways and driveways connect to the public street; and
(.2)   The landscaped area may be located within any required setback.
(f)   Landscape Within Parking Lots.
Within all off-street parking lots additional area must be provided for the installation and maintenance of landscaped areas. The total landscaped area must be at least ten percent (10%) of the area of the parking lot, including all spaces, aisles, and driveways, but excluding all walkways and screening required by this Zoning Code.
(g)   Plants.
All required landscaped areas must meet the following requirements:
(.1)   Plants must be installed at a size and number to ensure adequate screening from the time the material is installed;
(.2)   The type of plant must be selected from a list of types, sizes, species, and numbers of plants that are appropriate to the environment in which they are to be installed and appropriate for the location of the parking facility as such list is maintained by the Commission; and
(.3)   The required landscape area may be located anywhere within or along the parking lot, provided it must be maintained in a manner to insure its survival. In the event that any plants die, they must be replaced at the required ratio.
(h)   Lighting.
All parking lots must include lighting in accordance with the following requirements:
(.1)   The lighting must illuminate the entire parking lot and walkways with an overall minimum average level of illumination of at least two horizontal foot-candles;
(.2)   The illumination must be maintained throughout the hours of darkness; and
(.3)   The illumination must be directed to the surface of the parking lot in a manner that will prevent glare upon the surrounding areas.
(i)   Maintenance.
The master plan must include a plan that addresses the long-term maintenance of all facilities and improvements required by the SP-ENT district regulations.



   Amended, Bill No. 130162 (approved April 30, 2013).