(8)   Ridge Park Roxborough.  462
(a)   Applicability.
The Ridge Park Roxborough/NCO applies to properties in the area generally bounded by Ridge Avenue, Paoli Avenue, Silverwood Street, Parker Avenue (including, for the first 1,357 ft. from Silverwood Street, both sides of Parker Avenue), Smick Street, Fountain Street, Fowler Street, Hermitage Street, Wilde Street, Leverington Street, Silverwood Street, Hermitage Street, Manayunk Avenue (extended), Gates Street, Pechin Street, and Fountain Street, except for the parcels with frontage upon Ridge Avenue, as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only.
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(b)   Zoning Regulations for Residential and Residentially-Zoned Structures.
These regulations shall apply to residentially-zoned properties and to properties permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use.
(.1)   Building Setback Line.
The front setback shall be no further from the street than the furthest front facade of the principal building on any abutting lots on the same blockface and shall be located no closer to the primary street than the closest front facade of the principal building on any such abutting lots. If all such abutting lots are vacant, then the setback range shall be based on the building that is closest to the subject property and on the same blockface. Where there are not a sufficient number of lots that meet these criteria to establish a front setback, the front setback shall adhere to the standards set by the underlying zoning district.
(.2)   Building Height.
If at least one abutting lot on either side of a residential building contains only two stories of habitable space, the stories above the second story of the building shall be set back an additional 8 ft. from the minimum required setback; except this requirement shall not apply to corner lots.
(.3)   Porches.
Porches are permitted on all blocks and may be located in the required front setback. Porches shall be required if at least one of the immediately abutting lots contains a porch. Porches shall be a minimum of 5 ft. in depth, as measured from the front facade of the enclosed main structure, out toward the front property line.
(.4)   Parking.
(.a)   Parking in the front yard shall be prohibited. 463
(.b)   Vehicular entryways of private residence parking garages that front on any street shall be prohibited.
(.c)   Curb cut width shall be limited to 12 ft.
(c)   Design Standards for Residential and Residentially-Zoned Structures.
These regulations shall apply to residentially-zoned properties and to properties permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use.
(.1)   Residential buildings shall have a habitable room on the front of the first floor with at least one window facing the street. A habitable room shall be defined as in the Property Maintenance Code, Section PM-202.0.
(.2)   New utility meters and HVAC equipment located on frontages shall be screened with landscaping, fences, or walls. Any other utility structures and their conduits facing a frontage shall be painted to match the wall or otherwise have their visibility minimized. This provision shall not apply to satellite dishes less than one meter in diameter or window air conditioning units.
(.3)   Flush mounted windows shall be prohibited along street frontages. Sills shall project from the wall a minimum of one inch.
(.4)   Impervious Surface Coverage. 464
The impervious coverage for front yards shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the area of the front yard.
(.5)   Materials.
(.a)   For new construction, the following front building facade materials shall be prohibited: vinyl siding, aluminum siding, and synthetic stucco.
(.b)   Retaining walls and garden walls located along a street frontage shall not be constructed of concrete masonry units (CMUs) unless capped and covered with stone, cultured stone, stucco, or brick.
(.c)   Fences or fence walls located along a street frontage shall be iron, stone, cultured stone, stucco, brick, painted wood, or finished wood. Chain link and vinyl fences are prohibited on frontages.
(.d)   Windows in masonry, brick, brick veneer, or stone veneer walls, with or without stucco veneer, shall be inset a minimum of three inches.



   Added, Bill No. 150858 (approved December 23, 2015); amended, Bill No. 161003-A (approved May 8, 2017).
   Amended, Bill No. 170006 (approved May 1, 2017).
   Amended, Bill No. 200576 (approved January 20, 2021).