(3)   Stormwater Management.
(a)   Applicability and Exceptions.
(.1)   These standards apply in all zoning districts to earth disturbances that create a significant risk of water pollution from stormwater runoff, erosion, or sedimentation. The Water Department shall establish, by regulation, the threshold of earth disturbance that constitutes a sufficient risk of water pollution requiring Water Department review.
(.2)   The standards of this section do not apply to development activities on individual lots that are part of a larger subdivision that has a stormwater management system previously approved by the Water Department, provided that the construction conforms to all of the requirements of the approved system.
(.3)   In addition, any development located in the /WWO Overlay district described in § 14-510 must comply with the stormwater management provisions of that overlay district.
(b)   Permit Required.
(.1)   No zoning or building permits shall be issued unless the Water Department confirms that the proposed activity and related stormwater management plan complies with the regulations of the Water Department designed to reduce the risk of water pollution.
(.2)   The proposed stormwater management plan will be deemed to comply if the Water Department fails to approve or disapprove the plan within 45 days after it receives a copy of the application.
(c)   Stormwater Management Plan.
A stormwater management plan submitted with a permit application shall comply with the regulations of the Water Department.