(6)   Parking and Loading Regulations.
The following parking regulations apply to the areas described in each subsection.
(a)   Motor Vehicle Ingress and Egress Restrictions. 382
Vehicular ingress and egress is prohibited to and from the following: (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 1 for illustrative purposes only):
(.1)   Market Street within the Market Street Area;
(.2)   Chestnut Street and Walnut Street within the Chestnut and Walnut Street Area;
(.3)   Locust Street within the Locust Street Area, except the portion between the west side of Juniper Street and the east side of 15th Street.
(.4)   Spruce Street within the Spruce Street Area, East, except for lots within the Broad Street Area, Mid-South; and 383
(.5)   Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
(.6)   Accessory parking and loading and trash storage areas or structures in any of the following areas: 384
(.a)   South Street within the South Street/Head House Square Area, Central; and 385
(.b)   Broad Street within the Broad Street Area, South, except for lots designated "CMX-5" on the east side of Broad Street, between Spruce Street and Pine Street. 386
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(b)   Broad Street Area, Mid-North. 387
(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2.) Required parking for all commercially-zoned properties in the Mid-North Broad Street Area must be located either on the same lot or on a lot (where non-accessory parking is a permitted use) within 1,000 ft.
(c)   Residential Parking Control Area.
(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only.)
(.1)   Off-street parking shall not be provided for any one-family or two-family use located in the Residential Parking Control Area, except for parking accessed by a shared driveway or rear alley, which is permitted but not required. Common parking areas may be located on one or more of the properties for which parking is provided, or on a property that is separated from those properties by an alley, shared driveway, or similar kinds of passageways.
(.2)   Parking garages with a capacity over 500 vehicles are prohibited on all lots except those fronting on Broad Street.
(d)   Parking Garage Ground Floor Use Controls. 388
(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only.) The ground floor of any parking garage, other than those accessory to a single- or two-family dwelling, in the Parking Garage Ground Floor Use Control Area must be occupied by an office, retail sales, commercial services, or public, civic, and institutional use; except that regulated uses, as set forth in § 14-603(13) (Regulated Uses), shall be prohibited. This requirement applies only along these designated street frontages and does not apply to areas occupied by entrances, exits, or waiting areas.
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(e)   Loading and Trash Storage Area Restrictions.
Loading and trash storage areas that are located in the Central Broad Street Area or in Market Street Area and that have vehicular ingress and/or egress on Broad Street or Market Street, are prohibited unless a special exception permit is obtained pursuant to § 14-303(7) (Special Exception Approval). (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only).
(f)   Accessory Parking Lot Restrictions.
(.1)   Accessory parking lots are prohibited in the following areas (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only):
(.a)   Chestnut and Walnut Street Area;
(.b)   Broad Street, South;
(.c)   Chinatown Area;
(.d)   Old City Residential Area;
(.2)   Accessory parking lots are prohibited in the Parkway Buffer Area unless a special exception permit is obtained pursuant to § 14-303(7) (Special Exception Approval). (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only).
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(g)   Parking Regulations for Certain Commercial Uses. 390
In the Center City Commercial Area (see Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 4 for illustrative purposes only), movie theaters shall be exempt from minimum parking requirements.
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(h)   South Street West Area. 391
(.1)   The requirement of § 14-803(2)(c) Motor Vehicle Parking Standards – Reservoir Space is not applicable for lots zoned CMX-3 located within the South Street West area.
(.2)   The provision for off-street loading required for buildings on a property that is abutting two or more streets in accordance with Table 14-806-1 is not applicable for lots zoned CMX-3 located within the South Street West area.
(.3)   The requirement of a 24 ft. wide minimum aisle width of Table 14-803-1, Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles, shall be reduced to 20 ft. in the South Street West area. 392
(i)   Broad Street Area, Mid-South. 393
The following requirements apply to lots within the Broad Street Area, Mid-South, provided that this § 14-502(6)(i) shall expire on January 1, 2020 for lots located entirely within the area bounded by Watts Street, Pine Street, Broad Street, and Cypress Street (extended).
(.1)   The minimum width for parking aisles shall be 16 ft.
(.2)   Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-806-2 (Off-Street Loading in RMX-3, CMX-4, and CMX-5), a minimum of one loading space shall be provided for every 450,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
(.3)   Loading spaces are not required to meet the requirements of Table 14-806-3 (Required Loading Space Dimensions).
(.4)   Loading spaces are not required to meet the requirements of § 14-806(2)(d) (Ingress and Egress). 394
(.5)   Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-802-2 (Required Parking in Commercial Districts), the minimum number of parking spaces required for multi-family household living shall be one parking space for every ten units.
(j)   Rittenhouse Square. 395
Developments on corner lots zoned CMX-4 in the Rittenhouse Square Area that include off-street loading spaces and underground parking shall provide at least one means of vehicular ingress or egress on each property frontage of 200 ft. or more along streets with a width of 40 ft. or more.
(k)   Society Hill Area. 396
(.1)   For lots zoned RM-1 in the Society Hill Area, the minimum number of parking spaces required for household living uses with more than three dwelling units shall be three parking spaces per every 10 dwelling units.
(.2)   For lots within the Society Hill Area the provisions of § 14-801(2)(d) are not applicable.
(l)   West Chestnut Street Area. 397
(.1)   Accessory parking shall be provided in the West Chestnut Street Area at a ratio of one parking space for every five dwelling units, provided that required accessory parking spaces may be located off-site within a distance of 3,000 ft., but must otherwise conform to the provisions of § 14-802(9) (Off-Site Parking).
(.2)   If at least 36 months have elapsed from the date of issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy and fewer than fifty percent (50%) of the required accessory parking spaces have been rented or sold to residents of a development covered under this West Chestnut Street Area, the applicable development will no longer be required to provide any parking, provided that the developer must be issued an amended zoning permit or a new zoning permit that removes any reference to the previously required parking. L&I shall issue such an amended zoning permit or new zoning permit only if the applicant certifies to L&I, and provides documentation demonstrating, that the 36-month time period has elapsed and that the number of off-site spaces rented or owned by residents of dwelling units in the development on an annual basis is less than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of spaces required by this West Chestnut Street Area.
(.3)   There shall be no required off-street loading spaces for lots within the West Chestnut Street Area.
(.4)   Off-street loading spaces provided in the West Chestnut Street Area that are not required by this Code are not subject to the provisions of § 14-806(2)(b) (Minimum Dimensions).
(.5)   In the event of a conflict between any provision of this subsection (l) and any other provision of Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts), the provisions of this subsection (l) shall govern.
(.6)   The provisions of this subsection (l) shall lapse on December 31, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
(m)   Mid-Walnut Street Area. 398
Notwithstanding the requirements of § 14-802 (Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios) and the requirements of § 14-806 (Off-Street Loading), lots located within the Mid-Walnut Street Area that are used for multi-family dwelling units and that comply with all applicable bicycle parking ratios and standards of this Zoning Code, shall meet the following standard:
(.1)   Accessory Parking shall be provided at a ratio of one space per seven dwelling units; and
(.2)   Off-street loading spaces shall be provided in the amount required by § 14-806 (Off-Street Loading) subject to any adjustments under § 14-806(4) (Adjustments to Loading Requirements), provided that:
(.a)   Required off-street loading spaces shall not be required to be larger than 10 ft. wide and 30 ft. long and shall not be required to have more than 12 ft. of unobstructed height.
(.b)   Required off-street loading spaces are not required to be in an enclosed structure, within the building, or enclosed by a fence or any type of screening device.
(n)   Old City Residential Area, Core. 399
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Zoning Code, no off-street parking spaces shall be required for any lot located in this area.



   Amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013).
   Amended, Bill No. 130908-A (approved March 31, 2014); amended, Bill No. 160096 (approved May 10, 2016).
   Enrolled bill failed to renumber subsection; renumbered by Code editor.
   Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 130908-A (approved March 31, 2014); amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013).
   Amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013).
   Amended, Bill No. 160526 (approved June 28, 2016).
   Added, Bill No. 130804 (approved December 18, 2013).
   Added, Bill No. 140857 (approved December 19, 2014); amended, Bill No. 150766 (approved December 8, 2015).
   Added, Bill No. 140857 (approved December 19, 2014); amended, Bill No. 150766 (approved December 8, 2015).
   Added, Bill No. 160096 (approved May 10, 2016).
   Enrolled bill read "§ 14-806(d)".
   Added, Bill No. 170498 (approved August 1, 2017).
   Added, Bill No. 200094 (became law October 22, 2020).
   Added, Bill No. 200348 (approved May 11, 2021). Enrolled bill numbered this as subsection (k); renumbered by Code editor.
   Added, Bill No. 210362 (approved June 23, 2021).
   Added, Bill No. 210829 (approved March 23, 2022).