(5)   Queen Village.
(a)   District Boundaries.
The Queen Village /NCO district contains the area bounded by the north side of Washington Avenue, the properties on the north side of Bainbridge Street (inclusive), the east side of 6th Street and the west side of Front Street, except for any property within the South Street/Head House Square area set forth in § 14-502(2)(b)(.22), as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only.
{For printable PDF version of image, click HERE}
(b)   Zoning Regulations for Residential and Residentially-Zoned Structures..
These regulations will apply to residentially-zoned properties, regardless of use, and to properties that are permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use.
(.1)   Building Setback Line.
Buildings with street frontage shall have no front setback, except that buildings with one street frontage of 20 ft. or more and buildings on corner lots may have front setbacks from all street frontages if a fence wall is constructed upon the property line where the setback is used, and the space between the fence wall and the building contains at least one tree as approved in the DPR plantings list.
(.2)   Height Regulations.
On streets with a width of 21 ft. or less, including the cartway and sidewalks, new construction shall not exceed 22 ft. in height to a cornice line, before either:
(.a)   Recessing on a plane, a minimum of 45 degrees, to the maximum height allowable in the underlying zoning district or any applicable zoning overlay district; or
(.b)   Stepping back from the front property line eight ft. to a vertical wall that may extend to the maximum height allowable in the underlying zoning district or any applicable zoning overlay district.
(.3)   Roof Decks.
Roof decks shall be setback at least eight ft. from the front property line, or a parapet at least 42 in. high shall be used to enclose the front of the deck.
(.4)   Parking.
New curb cuts shall not exceed ten ft. in width for a single space, and 20 ft. for a double space.
(c)   Zoning Regulations for Commercially-Zoned and Industrially-Zoned Structures.
The regulations of this § 14-504(5)(c) will apply to commercially-zoned or industrially-zoned properties other than properties permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use.
(.1)   Building Setback Line.
Buildings with street frontage shall not have front setbacks.
(d)   Design Standards for Residential and Residentially-Zoned Structures.
These regulations will apply to residentially-zoned properties, regardless of use, and to properties that are permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use.
(.1)   Requirements for Both New Construction and Alterations.
(.a)   Where street frontage of a new building exceeds 20 ft. on a single street or where an existing building is extended to exceed 20 ft. on a single street, the facade facing that street must be broken up by offset planes, roofline variations, or other architectural features including, but not limited to, bay windows or setbacks.
(.b)   Residential buildings must have a habitable room on the front of the first floor. A habitable room shall be defined as in the Property Maintenance Code, Section PM-202.0.
(.c)   New utility meters must be hidden from view from the street frontage.
(.2)   Windows.
Windows along the street front of first floor habitable rooms shall comply with the following:
(.a)   The height of the bottom windowsill shall be no more than four ft. six in. from the sidewalk;
(.b)   The overall window height shall be at least four ft. from sill to head; and
(.c)   The minimum aggregate width of the window, in linear feet, shall be at least thirty-three percent (33%) of the total linear frontage of the first floor.
(.3)   Parking.
(.a)   Vehicular entryways of private residence parking garages that front on any street shall only be permitted where there is a habitable room on the first floor and the window requirements for that habitable room are met.
(.b)   Open-air parking spaces shall not be visible from the street frontage.
(.c)   For new construction of two or more dwelling units within a row, parking spaces or private residence parking garages shall be placed directly adjacent to one another, except where the Commission determines it impracticable.
(.4)   Materials.
(.a)   Vinyl, stucco, or cement board siding may not be used on the front facade of a building, with the exception of garage doors, main doors, and fenestration.
(.b)   Projecting bay windows that face a street may not be constructed of stucco.
(.c)   Parking lots may not be constructed of asphalt or slab concrete paving materials.
(.d)   If the rear of a structure is visible from a street, the material used must be consistent with the front facade of the building.  455
(.e)   Railings for roof decks may be up to fifty percent (50%) opaque and may not be constructed of unfinished wood.
(.f)   Fences may not be constructed of unfinished wood or chain link fencing materials.
(.g)   A light illuminating the sidewalk must be installed adjacent to the front door of all newly constructed front facades. The illumination must be controlled via a timer.
(e)   Design Standards for Commercially-Zoned and Industrially-Zoned Structures.
The regulations of this § 14-504(5)(e) will apply to commercially-zoned or industrially-zoned properties other than properties permitted by L&I for exclusive residential use. They apply to new construction and alterations.
(.1)   Parking and Loading.
New off-street parking and loading areas shall not be visible from the primary street frontage.
(.2)   Materials.
The materials used in the construction of a new structure or facade shall be of similar material to that used on the nearest residential structures fronting on the same street as the property under review.



   Amended, Bill No. 200576 (approved January 20, 2021).