(a) Each stable structure (excluding fences) shall be located at least 500 ft. from each property line abutting a Residential district, and 50 ft. from the front lot line.
(b) Each stable shall be subject to all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the City, including applicable regulations on stables set forth at Section 10-100 684 of The Philadelphia Code.
684 | Editor's note: See Section 10-107 for stable regulations. |
(a) General.
All urban agriculture uses are subject to the following standards:
(.1) Sales are permitted on the same lot as the urban agriculture use or in locations where retail sales are an allowed use.
(.2) The site must be designed and maintained so that water and fertilizer will not drain onto adjacent property.
(b) Community Gardens, Market and Community-Supported Farms.
The following standards apply to community gardens, and market and community-supported farms:
(.1) For market and community-supported farm uses only: A fence or dense vegetative screen shall be provided along front, side, and rear lot lines that are adjacent to a Residential zoning district. The fence or dense vegetative screen must comply with the requirements § 14-706 (Fencing and Walls). If a fence is used, the fence shall be at least as finished in appearance as the side facing the applicant's use. Fencing shall be constructed of wood, welded wire, or ornamental metal; chain-link and barbed wire are prohibited as fencing material.
(.2) Refuse and compost bins must be rodent-resistant and located as far as practicable from abutting residential uses. Refuse must be removed from the site at least once a week.
(.3) Storage areas for tools and equipment must be enclosed and located as far as practicable from abutting residential uses.
(.4) No outdoor work activity that involves power equipment or generators may occur between sunset and sunrise.
(c) Animal Husbandry.
Animal husbandry is subject to applicable regulations on farm animals set forth at subsection 10-101(8) and Section 10-112 of The Philadelphia Code. Where Section 10-112 of The Philadelphia Code permits the keeping of farm animals, they must be fenced or enclosed as far as practicable from abutting residential uses.
Freestanding towers shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Distance from Residential Dwelling Units.
(.1) Towers in all Residential and CMX-1 districts shall not be located within 500 ft. of a lot line of any residential dwelling unit, provided that where a fall zone of greater than 500 ft. is required, the greater fall zone distance shall apply.
(.2) Towers in all Commercial districts other than CMX-1 and in all Industrial districts shall not be located within 250 ft. of a lot line of any residential dwelling unit, provided that where a fall zone of greater than 250 ft. is required, the greater fall zone distance shall apply.
(b) Minimum Lot Size.
New towers may be erected only on lots with a minimum area of 2,000 sq. ft.
(c) Setback and Height Requirements.
Buildings and structures associated with a newly erected tower (excluding antennas and antenna towers or support structures) must comply with the setback and height requirements of the zoning district in which they are located.
(d) Screening.
(.1) A continuous evergreen screen must be provided around all newly erected towers. The screen may consist of a hedge or a row of evergreen trees. The evergreen screen must be a minimum of six ft. in width with a minimum height of six ft. at time of planting, with a minimum 15-foot height at maturity.
(.2) All structures, buildings and equipment accessory to antennas placed on an existing structure that is not located within the existing structure must be screened with materials compatible with the existing structures, buildings, or equipment at the time of planting.
(.3) The vegetative species to be used for required screening must be selected from a list of trees recommended by the Commission. If the Commission determines that existing structures, buildings, vegetation, topography, or other natural features achieve the same level of screening as required above and informs L&I in writing of this finding, the requirements of this subsection may be modified or waived.
(e) Height Limit.
Ground- and building-mounted towers may not exceed the greater of 60 ft. in height above the average ground level at the base of the tower or building or the maximum building height allowed in the subject zoning district.
(f) Fall Zone.
Within the lot where the facility is located, there shall be a fall zone around the entire tower whose radius is equal to the height of the tower at its highest point.
(g) Fencing.
Unless located on an existing building, towers must be completely enclosed by a six-foot tall chain link or similar fence. The entire fence must be located behind the required landscape screen and the required setback.
(h) Guy Wires.
All guy wires and guyed towers must be clearly marked so as to be visible at all times. All guy wires shall be a minimum of 10 ft. from a property line of the facility.
(i) Lighting.
All lighting, other than required by the FAA, must be shielded and reflected away from abutting properties.
(j) Special Exception Decision-Making Criteria.
In all locations in which freestanding towers require special exception approval, the applicant must:
(.1) submit a definition of the area of service needed for coverage or capacity;
(.2) submit information showing that the proposed facility would provide the needed coverage or capacity;
(.3) submit a map showing all alternate sites from which the needed coverage could also be provided, indicating the zoning for all such sites;
(.4) show why alternate sites that would not require special exception approval have not been proposed;
(.5) demonstrate that existing facilities cannot accommodate the proposed antennas within the service area and that an existing public, community, or institutional facility cannot accommodate the proposed antennas within the service area;
(.6) demonstrate that they cannot co-locate the antenna within the service area;
(.7) demonstrate, by presenting technological evidence, that the tower must be located at the proposed site in order to satisfy the needs of the applicant's wireless grid system;
(.8) allow other wireless service providers using similar technology to co-locate on the tower;
(.9) demonstrate how the site will be designed to accommodate future multiple users; and
(.10) demonstrate that the proposed tower will preserve the preexisting character of the surrounding buildings and land use as much as possible. All components of the proposed tower must be integrated through location and design to be compatible with the existing characteristics of the site to the extent practical. Existing on-site vegetation must be preserved or improved, and the disturbance of the existing topography must be minimized, unless such disturbance would result in less visual impact on the surrounding area; and
(.11) demonstrate that the applicant has advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, at least 21 days prior to the public hearing, notice of the application, which shall, in addition to the information included on the posting notice, give notice of the pending hearing and of individuals rights to appear at the hearing to apprise the Zoning Board of their concerns regarding the proposed facility. This provision shall be satisfied by presenting to the Zoning Board, at the time of the public hearing, a copy of the newspaper containing the advertisement.
Building- or tower-mounted antennas and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment are subject to the following requirements:
(a) They are prohibited on a lot containing a single-family or two-family use.
(b) They must be painted or screened in a way to match the colors or simulate the materials of the building or tower on which they are mounted.
(c) They may not be artificially illuminated, unless required by the FAA. If lighting is required, the lighting alternatives and design chosen must cause the least disturbance to the surrounding uses.
(d) They may not have signs attached to them unless required by the FAA, FCC, or other applicable authority.
(e) Building-mounted antennas may be mounted to the wall or roof. Antennas, including supporting electrical and mechanical equipment, shall not exceed 15 ft. in height.
(f) Modification of any tower to accommodate an additional antenna may not cause the height of the tower, excluding antennas, to be increased more than 10 ft. beyond the tower height originally approved.
685 | Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
(a) Regulations and Standards.
(.1) Separation Requirements.
For the purposes of this subsection (.1), "public" shall be defined as owned, leased, or operated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States, the City, or any other public or quasi-public governmental body or agency. No medical marijuana dispensary use may be located: 689
(.a) Within a zoning district where such use is not expressly allowed;
(.b) Within 500 ft. of any regulated use (see § 14-603(13) (Regulated Use));
(.c) Within 500 ft. of any school (up to and including the 12th grade) or its adjunct recreation areas/play fields;
(.d) Within 500 ft. of any public playground;
(.e) Within 500 ft. of any public swimming pool;
(.f) Within 500 ft. of any public park;
(.g) Within 500 ft. of any public recreation center;
(.h) Within 500 ft. of any public library;
(.i) Within 500 ft. of any child care; or 690
(.j) Within the following designated areas:
(i) City Avenue from the Schuylkill Expressway to City Boundary.
(ii) 63rd Street from City Avenue to Lebanon Avenue.
(iii) Monument Road from City Avenue to Ford Road.
(iv) Conshohocken Avenue.
(v) Parkside Avenue from 52nd Street to Belmont Avenue.
(vi) Haverford Avenue from City Avenue to Lansdowne Avenue.
(vii) 54th Street from City Avenue to Overbrook Avenue.
(viii) 54th Street from Arlington Street to Montgomery Avenue.
(b) Procedures.
(.1) L&I shall not issue a zoning permit for a medical marijuana dispensary unless the applicant certifies that the applicant has provided notice that complies with § 14-303(12)(d) ("Initial Notice from the Applicant to RCOs and Others"), as if that subsection applied, but only to the parties identified in § 14-303(12)(d)(.2)(.a) (RCOs), (.b) (district councilmembers), and (.c) (neighboring properties). The Commission, upon request, shall provide to the applicant the list of required RCOs, properties and district councilmember.
(.2) The content of the notice required by subsection (.1) shall comply with § 14-303(12)(d)(.3), as if that subsection applied, but only with respect to § 14-303(12)(d)(.3)(.a) (applicant), (.c) (location of application), and (.d) (description of property). The notice shall also contain a description of the application.
Drug Paraphernalia Sales are permitted as an accessory use within the Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.
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689 | Amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021). |
690 | Amended, Bill No. 190253 (approved July 24, 2019). |
691 | Added, Bill No. 210159
(approved May 11, 2021). Subsection caption added at the discretion of the Code editor. |
(a) Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Zoning Code, accessory uses and structures are permitted in conjunction with allowed principal uses and structures. Limitations on the number of principal buildings permitted per lot are not to be construed as applying to accessory buildings and structures.
(b) Unless otherwise expressly stated, accessory uses and structures are subject to the same regulations that apply to principal uses and structures.
(c) Accessory uses and structures must:
(.1) be subordinate to the principal use and principal structure in terms of area and function;
(.2) contribute to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants of the principal structure or principal use served; and
(.3) be customarily found in association with the principal use or principal structure.
(d) Accessory structures must be constructed in conjunction with or after the principal structure. They may not be constructed before the principal structure. An accessory structure for a residential use shall not exceed 130 sq. ft. and shall not exceed 15 ft. in height, unless otherwise stated by other provisions of the Zoning Code. 692
(e) Accessory uses and structures must be located on the same lot as the principal use and structure, except as otherwise expressly stated.
(f) An accessory structure located in a historic district or located on a lot that is listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places is subject to review by the Historical Commission, pursuant to Chapter 14-1000 (Historic Preservation).
(g) A regulated use, as defined in § 14-603(13) (Regulated Uses), shall not be permitted as an accessory use to a principal use on a lot.
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