(a) Applicability.
The requirements of this East Mount Airy /NCA Overlay district apply to all properties zoned CMX-1 within the area bounded by Fayette Street, East Vernon Road, Michener Avenue, and Greenwood Street.
(b) Use Regulations.
(.1) Medical, Dental, and Health Practitioner uses are prohibited.
(.2) Sundries, Pharmaceutical, and Convenience Sales uses are prohibited.
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(a) District Boundaries.
The requirements of this Spring Garden /NCA Overlay district apply to all properties in the area bounded by Spring Garden Street, Broad Street, Callowhill Street, and 18th Street, including properties on both sides of such streets.
(b) Use Regulations.
(.1) Personal Credit Establishment uses and the expansion or extension of such uses shall be prohibited.
448 | Added, Bill No. 140098 (approved May 14, 2014). |
The /NCO, Neighborhood Conservation Overlay district is intended to:
(a) Promote the public welfare of the City by encouraging conservation and preservation through the revitalization of the physical environment that is unique to a specific neighborhood;
(b) Provide a reasonable degree of control over the alteration and improvement of the exterior facades of existing buildings and the design of new construction to preserve the aesthetic fabric of these areas;
(c) Enhance the City's attractiveness as a place to live, work, and enjoy its cultural, social, and historical opportunities and also to foster a renewed feeling of pride in one's neighborhood;
(d) Complement the goals of the Commission and the Historical Commission as they seek to develop, revitalize, preserve, and conserve the many diverse and historic neighborhoods of the City; and
(e) Promote building improvements and maximize the economic, social, and educational value of neighborhood transformation.
(a) The regulations applicable to each /NCO district are divided into zoning regulations and design standards. Compliance with the provisions of the zoning regulations shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of a zoning permit. Compliance with the provisions of the design standards shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit.
(b) No zoning permit or building permit shall be issued for the demolition of a principal building located within an /NCO district unless a building permit has been issued for the construction, expansion, or alteration of a new or existing principal building on the same lot, unless either: 452
(.1) Such demolition is necessary to abate an imminently dangerous condition as determined by the Department of Licenses and Inspections; or
(.2) Such demolition is necessary to abate an unsafe condition impacting the right of way or any adjacent property as determined by the Department of Licenses and Inspections.
451 | Amended, Bill No. 190866 (approved December 30, 2019). |
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The design standards adopted as part of each /NCO district may address building and site design, but may not address the availability of permitted and special exception uses pursuant to Chapter 14-600 (Use Regulations), related to any of the following:
(a) Alterations to architectural features of existing buildings that are visible from a public street;
(b) The new construction or expansion of a building; and
(c) Construction of a new building or use of a vacant property after substantial demolition of an existing building on a property.