(8)   Vehicle and Vehicular Equipment Sales and Services Use Category.
This category includes uses that provide for the sale, rental, maintenance, or repair of new or used vehicles and equipment. The vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and services subcategories are:
(a)   Commercial Vehicle Repair and Maintenance. 633
Uses, excluding vehicle paint finishing shops, that repair, install, or maintain the mechanical components or the bodies of large trucks, mass transit vehicles, large construction or agricultural equipment, aircraft, or commercial boats. Truck stops and associated fueling facilities are included in this commercial vehicle repair and maintenance use category.
(b)   Commercial Vehicle Sales and Rentals.
Uses that provide for the sale or rental of large trucks, mass transit vehicles, large construction or agricultural equipment, aircraft, commercial boats, or other similar vehicles.
(c)   Vehicle Fueling Station. 634
Uses engaged in retail sales of personal or commercial vehicle fuels.
(d)   Personal Vehicle Repair and Maintenance.
Uses, excluding vehicle paint finishing shops, that repair, install, or maintain the mechanical components or the bodies of autos, small trucks or vans, motorcycles, motor homes, or recreational vehicles including recreational boats or that wash, clean, or otherwise protect the exterior or interior surfaces of these vehicles.
(e)   Personal Vehicle Sales and Rentals. 635
Uses that provide for the sale or rental of new or used autos, small trucks or vans, trailers, motorcycles, motor homes, or recreational vehicles including recreational boats. Typical examples include automobile dealers, auto malls, car rental agencies, and moving equipment rental establishments.
(f)   Vehicle Equipment and Supplies Sales and Rentals.
Uses related to the sale, lease, or rental of new or used parts, tools, or supplies for the purpose of repairing or maintaining vehicles, including distribution of products from the same premises that sells, leases, or rents vehicles.
(g)   Vehicle Paint Finishing Shop.
Uses that apply paint to the exterior or interior surfaces of vehicles by spraying, dipping, flow- coating, or other similar means.



   Amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021).
   Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021).