The East Callowhill Overlay District shall consist of all lots in the area bounded by 2nd Street, Spring Garden Street, 9th Street, and Callowhill Street as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only:

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550 | Amended, Bill No. 160920 (approved December 20, 2016). |
On lots with frontage along Spring Garden Street, at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the length of ground floor frontage along Spring Garden Street must be occupied by an office, retail sales, commercial services, or public, civic, and institutional use; except that regulated uses, as set forth in § 14-603(13) (Regulated Uses), shall be prohibited from the ground floor frontage.
(a) The minimum building height shall be 25 ft.
(.1) 65 ft. for all lots in the area bounded by 2nd Street, Spring Garden Street, 9th Street, Callowhill Street, 7th Street, Willow Street, American Street, and Noble Street; and 551
(.2) 100 ft. for all lots in the area bounded by 2nd Street, Noble Street, American Street, Willow Street, 7th Street, and Callowhill Street. 552
551 | Amended, Bill No. 160920 (approved December 20, 2016). |
552 | Amended, Bill No. 160920 (approved December 20, 2016). |
(a) No more than one curb cut may be permitted along each street frontage of a property; provided, however, that:
(.1) A second curb cut may be permitted if either (A) there is a minimum of 200 linear ft. between each curb cut; or (B) one of the curb cuts will be used to create a through-block connection that meets the requirements of § 14-702(15) (Through-Block Connection).
(.2) Curb cuts are prohibited along Spring Garden Street.
(b) Off-street surface parking and loading: 553
(.1) Shall not be located between the building line and the street line along 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street, 8th Street, 9th Street, Callowhill Street, and Spring Garden Street; and 554
(.2) Shall not exceed the greater of:
(.a) Twenty-five percent (25%) the total lot area; or
(.b) The minimum area required to meet the parking and loading standards of the Zoning Code.
(c) Drive-throughs are prohibited.
(d) Required accessory parking in an aboveground structure shall be excluded from the calculation of gross floor area; any parking provided in addition to the required accessory parking shall count towards the calculation of gross floor area.
553 | Amended, Bill No. 160526 (approved June 28, 2016). |
554 | Amended, Bill No. 160920 (approved December 20, 2016). |
For lots that include the former right of way of Noble Street, the former right of way shall be utilized as open area. If this open area would exceed the minimum open area requirements of the zoning district, the open area required shall be the maximum contiguous portion of the former right of way, extending lot line to lot line, that meets the minimum open area requirements of the zoning district.
Facade articulation is required for each building facade that is greater than 50 ft. wide and faces directly onto a public street, park, or trail. Between the average ground level and a height of 25 ft., a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the wall area must include one or more of the following features:
(a) Ornamental and structural detail;
(b) Projections, recesses, or other variations in planes; or
(c) Transparent windows or other transparent glazed area.