(2)   Roxborough.
(a)   Applicability.
The boundaries of the Roxborough /ENV overlay district, as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only, are as follows: beginning at the intersection of the Philadelphia- Montgomery County Line and Hagy's Mill Road (extended); then south 72 degrees 37 minutes one second east, the distance of 561 ft. and five and one-half in. to a point on Spring Lane; then south 39 degrees 28 minutes one second east, the distance of 66 ft. and four and three-eighths in. to a point on the northwesterly side of a 20 ft.-wide easement; then south 49 degrees 22 minutes 59 seconds west, along said easement, the distance of 845 ft. one and three-quarter in. to a point; then south 46 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds west, the distance of 691 ft. and eight and three-eighths in. to a point; then south 44 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds west, the distance of 432 ft. and four and one-third in. to a point; then north 76 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds west, the distance of 29 ft. and five inches to a point; then south 50 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds west the distance of 24 ft. eight and one- eighth in. to a point; then south 32 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds east, the distance of 250 ft. and eight and one-eighth in. to a point; then south 57 degrees 31 minutes 14 seconds west, the distance of 278 ft. and three and five-eighths in. to a point; then south 32 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds east, the distance of 313 ft. and one-half in. to a point; then south 52 degrees 30 minutes zero seconds west, the distance of 857 ft. and seven and seven-eighths in. to a point; then northwestwardly on an arc of a circle curving to the right with a radius of 15,547 ft. and two and three-quarters in., the distance of 145 ft. and nine and five-eighths in. to a point; then continuing northwestwardly on an arc of a circle curving to the right with a radius of 1,585 ft. and seven and three-quarters in., the arc distance of 256 ft. and 11 and one-half in. to a point; then north 57 degrees 21 minutes seven seconds east, the radial distance of nine ft. and 11 and three-quarters in. to a point; then continuing northwestwardly on an arc of a circle curving to the right with a radius of 1,575 ft. and eight in., the arc distance of 227 ft. and five in. to a point; then north zero degrees 51 minutes 33 seconds west, the distance of 51 ft. nine and three-quarters in. to a point; then continuing northwestwardly on an arc of a circle curving to the right with a radius of 1,555 ft. and eight and five-eighths in., the arc distance of 102 ft. and 11 and seven-eighths in. to a point on the Philadelphia-Montgomery County Line; then north 43 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds east, along the Philadelphia-Montgomery County Line, the distance of 2,805 ft. and zero in. to the place of beginning.
(b)   Regulations.
(.1)   The uses permitted in the Roxborough /ENV overlay district shall be restricted to natural resources preservation; except non-commercial urban agriculture shall be permitted within the boundaries of the community gardens existing on November 10, 2010 which are approximately located along the Philadelphia-Montgomery County Line beginning at Hagy's Mill Road and which are depicted for illustrative purposes only on the following map.
(.2)   Any increase in size of non-commercial urban agriculture uses beyond the boundaries of community gardens existing on November 10, 2010, depicted for illustrative purposes only on the following map, shall be prohibited.
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