(15)   Through-Block Connection.  831
(a)   Criteria.
A height bonus may be earned by creating a through-block connection within 15 ft. of the former right-of-way of Noble Street between 2nd Street and 6th Street provided that a through-block connection meets the following minimum standards. Open space provided to earn a height bonus that meets the requirements of this § 14-702(15)(a) shall count towards the required open area, but shall not be used to satisfy the bonus requirements of § 14-702(6) (Public Space).
(.1)   The through-block connection shall extend between two or more public streets and shall, to the greatest extent possible, be aligned to meet existing through-block connections or public streets that exist within 15 ft. of the current or former Noble Street right-of-way.
(.2)   In the event that the former right-of-way of Noble Street is not under the same ownership between two public streets, a written agreement between the record owners of the respective lots and any associated plans shall be submitted to L&I with the zoning permit application, confirming that a through-block connection will be constructed by one or more of the owners in conformance with this § 14-702(15), 832 provided that the bonus shall apply only to a single applicant's zoning permit.
(.3)   The through-block connection shall be at least 24 ft. in width and unobstructed and open to the sky, not including arbors, trellises, trees, seating, and landscaped areas.
(.4)   The through-block connection shall have pedestrian access and meet all public access design and engineering requirements for areas required to be accessible to those with physical impairments under the Americans with Disabilities Act and any implementing regulations adopted by the City.
(.5)   Vehicular traffic and loading are allowed only if the through-block connection meets all applicable vehicular standards or regulations adopted by the City.
(.6)   The through-block connection shall be open to the public at least during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., daily.
(.7)   A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of each building facade that borders the through-block connection, up to a height of at least 8 ft. above ground level, shall be improved with an active retail use or with landscaped areas, murals, or architectural details, including but not limited to windows and entrances.
(.8)   Any portion of the through-block connection that abuts a surface parking area shall meet the requirements of § 14-802(5) (Parking Landscape and Screening) as though the through-block connection was a public street.
(.9)   The through-block connections shall have lighting. The maximum height of the lighting shall be 15 ft. with a minimum illumination level of 2.0 maintained foot-candles. At least one light shall be provided for each 100 ft. of the through-block connection. Lighting design shall be subject to the requirements of § 14-707 (Outdoor Lighting).
(b)   Bonus Building Height.
The additional building height earned by providing a through-block connection is:

Through-Block Connection Linear Footage
Additional Building Height
200 linear ft. or less
24 ft.
201 linear ft. to 350 linear ft.
36 ft.
Greater than 350 linear ft.
48 ft.



   Added, Bill No. 150505 (approved December 1, 2015).
   Enrolled bill read "...this § 15-702(15)...."; renumbered by Code editor.