This category includes uses that provide for the sale, rental, maintenance, or repair of new or used vehicles and equipment. The vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and services subcategories are:
Uses, excluding vehicle paint finishing shops, that repair, install, or maintain the mechanical components or the bodies of large trucks, mass transit vehicles, large construction or agricultural equipment, aircraft, or commercial boats. Truck stops and associated fueling facilities are included in this commercial vehicle repair and maintenance use category.
(b) Commercial Vehicle Sales and Rentals.
Uses that provide for the sale or rental of large trucks, mass transit vehicles, large construction or agricultural equipment, aircraft, commercial boats, or other similar vehicles.
Uses engaged in retail sales of personal or commercial vehicle fuels.
(d) Personal Vehicle Repair and Maintenance.
Uses, excluding vehicle paint finishing shops, that repair, install, or maintain the mechanical components or the bodies of autos, small trucks or vans, motorcycles, motor homes, or recreational vehicles including recreational boats or that wash, clean, or otherwise protect the exterior or interior surfaces of these vehicles.
Uses that provide for the sale or rental of new or used autos, small trucks or vans, trailers, motorcycles, motor homes, or recreational vehicles including recreational boats. Typical examples include automobile dealers, auto malls, car rental agencies, and moving equipment rental establishments.
(f) Vehicle Equipment and Supplies Sales and Rentals.
Uses related to the sale, lease, or rental of new or used parts, tools, or supplies for the purpose of repairing or maintaining vehicles, including distribution of products from the same premises that sells, leases, or rents vehicles.
(g) Vehicle Paint Finishing Shop.
Uses that apply paint to the exterior or interior surfaces of vehicles by spraying, dipping, flow- coating, or other similar means.
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634 | Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015). |
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This category includes uses that provide and distribute goods in large quantities, principally to retail sales, commercial services, or industrial establishments. Long-term and short-term storage of supplies, equipment, commercial goods, recyclable materials and personal items is included. The wholesale, distribution, storage subcategories are:
(a) Equipment and Materials Storage Yards and Buildings.
Uses related to outdoor or indoor bulk storage of equipment, products, or materials, whether or not stored in containers.
(b) Moving and Storage Facilities.
Uses engaged in the moving of household or office furniture, appliances, and equipment from one location to another, including the temporary storage of those same items. Typical uses include moving companies and self-service and mini-storage warehouses.
(c) Warehouse.
Uses that do not meet the definition of a moving and storage facility but that are engaged in long- term and short-term storage of goods, typically in containers such as boxes, barrels, or drums, within a completely-enclosed building.
Uses engaged in the wholesale sales, bulk storage and distribution of goods. Such uses may also include incidental retail sales. Wholesale showrooms are also included in this use subcategory.
636 | Amended, Bill No. 120654 (approved December 11, 2012). |
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This category includes uses that produce goods from extracted and raw materials or from recyclable or previously prepared materials, including the design, storage, and handling of these products and the materials from which they are produced. The industrial subcategories are:
Spaces used by artists for the creation of art or the practice of their artistic endeavors, as well as uses that produce consumer goods, food, beverages, or wearing apparel or accessories by hand manufacturing, involving the use of hand tools and small-scale, light mechanical equipment in a completely enclosed building with no outdoor operations, storage or regular commercial truck parking/loading. This subcategory has no discernible external impacts in terms of noise, vibration, odor, hours of operation, or traffic.
(b) Limited Industrial.
Uses that process, fabricate, assemble, treat, or package finished parts or products without the use of explosive or petroleum materials. This subcategory does not include the assembly of large equipment and machinery and has very limited external impacts in terms of noise, vibration, odor, hours of operation, and traffic.
(c) General Industrial.
Uses that process, fabricate, assemble, or treat materials for the production of large equipment and machines as well as industrial uses that because of their scale or method of operation regularly produce odors, dust, noise, vibration, truck traffic or other external impacts that are detectable beyond the property lines of the subject property.
(d) Intensive Industrial.
Industrial uses that regularly use hazardous chemicals or procedures or produce hazardous byproducts, including the following: manufacturing of acetylene, cement, lime, gypsum or plaster-of-paris, chlorine, corrosive acid or fertilizer, insecticides, disinfectants, poisons, explosives, paint, lacquer, varnish, petroleum products, coal products, plastic and synthetic resins, and radioactive materials. This subcategory also includes petrochemical tank farms, gasification plants, smelting, animal slaughtering, oil refining, asphalt and concrete plants, and tanneries. Intensive industrial uses have high potential for external impacts on the surrounding area in terms of noise, vibration, odor, hours of operation, and traffic.
(e) Junk and Salvage Yards and Buildings.
An area or building where waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled for reclamation, disposal or other like purposes, including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, and bottles. A junk or salvage yard or building includes an auto wrecking yard or building.
Uses such as docks, wharves, piers, and related facilities, used in connection with the transfer, storage-in-transit and incidental processing of commercial cargo from or to waterborne craft, including, but not limited to, pipelines and conveyors that transfer equipment or materials to or from the Delaware River or the Schuylkill River.
(g) Mining/Quarrying.
The extraction of mineral or aggregate resources from the ground for off-site use. Examples include quarrying or dredging for sand, gravel or other aggregate materials; and mining.
(h) Research and Development.
Uses engaged in scientific research and testing leading to the development of new products and processes.
(i) Trucking and Transportation Terminals.
Uses engaged in the dispatching and long-term or short-term storage of large vehicles. Minor repair and maintenance of vehicles stored on the premises is also included.
A person who holds a permit issued by the Department of Health of the Commonwealth pursuant to the Act of April 17, 2016, P.L. 84, No. 16, to grow and process medical marijuana.
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639 | Amended, Bill No. 120654 (approved December 11, 2012). |
640 | Added, Bill No. 160919 (approved December 20, 2016). |
This category includes uses such as gardens, farms, and orchards that involve the raising and harvesting of food and non-food crops and the raising of farm animals. The urban agriculture subcategories are:
(a) Animal Husbandry.
(b) Community Garden.
An area managed and maintained by a group of individuals to grow and harvest food crops or non- food crops (e.g., flowers) for personal or group consumption, for donation, or for sale that is incidental in nature. A community garden area may be divided into separate garden plots or orchard areas for cultivation by one or more individuals or may be farmed collectively by members of the group. A community garden may include common areas (e.g., hand tool storage sheds) maintained and used by the group. Community gardens may be principal or accessory uses and may be located on a roof or within a building.
(c) Market or Community-Supported Farm.
An area managed and maintained by an individual or group of individuals to grow and harvest food crops or non-food crops (e.g., flowers) for sale or distribution that is not incidental in nature. Market farms may be principal or accessory uses and may be located on a roof or within a building.
(d) Horticulture Nurseries and Greenhouses.
A principal use involving propagation and growth of plants in containers or in the ground for wholesale or retail sales and distribution.
641 | Enrolled bill read "10-101(8)"; cross-reference corrected by Code editor. See Bill No. 110210-A (approved May 25, 2011). |