(2)   Multiple Districts or Provisions.  7
When the boundaries of various districts as shown on the zoning map are established so that a single lot has more than one base zoning district designation, the following provisions apply.
(a)   The provisions of a zoning district shall apply to the entire lot if both:
(.1)   The zoning district covers at least 75% of the parcel; and
(.2)   The conditions of (b), below, do not apply.
(b)   If two or more zoning districts each cover a contiguous area on the lot that is greater than or equal to either of the following, the most restrictive provisions of all zoning districts that have a contiguous area that covers at least 10% the total lot area shall apply:  8
(.1)   The minimum lot area for that district; or
(.2)   1,600 sq. ft., if the zoning district does not require a minimum lot area.
(c)   For any lot that meets the conditions of (b), only overlays that apply to zoning districts that cumulatively have a contiguous area that covers at least 10% the total lot area shall apply.
(d)   On any parcel for which neither (a) nor (b) applies, the Commission shall select a single zoning district from among those that cover a portion of that parcel. The Commission shall select the zone based on what best accomplishes the goals for the immediate area in the comprehensive plan, as provided in its regulations. The provisions of the selected zoning district shall apply to the entire parcel.



   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013); amended, Bill No. 210078-A (approved April 28, 2021).
   Amended, Bill No. 220418 (approved November 30, 2022).