(5)   Public Art.
The bonus for public art is a mechanism to expand and enrich the public's experience and enjoyment of buildings and public space and to create buildings and public space that is designed and executed with diverse and high quality materials, activities, and furnishings. In order to comply with this subsection, all of the following conditions must be met:
(a)   Qualifying Criteria.
(.1)   Qualifying Items.
The items or programs provided to earn this bonus must meet the definition of "On-site Public Art" or "On-site Cultural Programming" in Chapter 14-200 (Definitions). It is not the intention of these requirements to allow decorative, ornamental, or functional elements of the building or public space that are not designed by an artist and created specifically for the site, nor to have landscaped areas or other furnishings or elements required by this Zoning Code, to qualify as part of the public art requirement.
(.2)   Commercial Activity Does Not Qualify.
Items, functions, and events for which an admission, viewing, or participation fee is charged, such as theatrical productions, movies, commercial art galleries, exhibits of items for sale; or that are primarily designed to advertise or promote a commercial good or service, do not satisfy the requirements of this § 14-702(5) (Public Art).
(.3)   Location.
Public art shall be located upon the building or within public spaces created to meet the requirements of § 14-702(6) (Public Space), § 14-702(8) (Transit Improvements), or § 14-702(9) (Underground Accessory Parking and Loading). Public art may be provided within the public sidewalk if authorization from the City is obtained and if the public art does not impair pedestrian movement within the sidewalk.
(.4)   Cost.
The applicant shall provide public art at an amount equal to at least one percent (1%) of hard construction costs.
(.5)   Agreement and Financial Security.
In order to expedite the development review and approval process, an applicant for a floor area bonus pursuant to this § 14-702(5) may sign an agreement with the Art Commission committing to provide, install, and endow public art as required by this § 14-702(5) and posting financial security at least equal to the cost of the required public art pursuant to § 14-702(5)(a)(.4) (Cost) above. After signing an agreement in a form acceptable to the City and posting financial security in a form acceptable to the City, the applicant shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this § 14-702(5) (Public Art) subject to all other requirements of this § 14-702 (Floor Area Bonuses).
(.6)   Establishment of Endowments.
The method of establishment of an endowment of a trust or other legally binding mechanism to permanently fund cultural programming to meet the requirements of this section shall be approved by the Art Commission.
(b)   Approval Criteria.
(.1)   In order to meet the requirements of this section, the applicant must have the proposed artist(s), and all public art and/or proposal for cultural programming approved either by the Art Commission, pursuant to its standard review and approval procedures, or through an Art Selection Committee established pursuant to § 14-702(5)(c) (Art Selection Committee).
(.2)   The Art Selection Committee or the Art Commission, depending on the manner of review and approval chosen by the applicant, shall have the final approval of the artist and all public art submitted to meet the requirements of this § 14-702(5)(b) (Approval Criteria).
(.3)   The Art Selection Committee or the Art Commission, depending on the manner of review and approval chosen by the applicant, may, upon request of the applicant, assist in the selection of an artist or artists for the project and/or the selection of an arts coordinator for the project.
(.4)   Final determination as to what items, works, materials, media, infrastructure, support services, etc., qualify as public art or as part of the cost of public art, shall rest with the Art Selection Committee or the Art Commission, depending on the manner of review and approval chosen by the applicant.
(c)   Art Selection Committee.
(.1)   If the applicant chooses to use an Art Selection Committee, it shall consist of five members all of whom shall conform to one or more of the following criteria. At least two members of the committee shall be practicing artists from the visual or performing arts disciplines. All of the remaining members of the committee shall be either (i) an art educator from an accredited college or university, or (ii) a public arts administrator, or (iii) a curator of an institution of art, or (iv) a registered architect or landscape architect, but no more than one of the remaining members may be from each of those disciplines.
(.2)   Upon the submission of an Art Selection Committee for review by L&I, the applicant shall also submit the list for proposed committee members to the Art Commission. The Art Commission shall then have 30 days to review the qualifications of proposed committee members and to advise L&I in writing as to its recommendations regarding the qualifications and composition of the committee.
(d)   Bonus Floor Area or Building Height. 792
The additional gross floor area or building height earned for providing public art is:
Additional Gross Floor Area,
as Percent of Lot Area
Additional Building
12 ft.
12 ft.



   Amended, Bill No. 130274 (approved June 25, 2013); amended, Bill No. 150505 (approved December 1, 2015).