(5)   Parking Landscape and Screening.  918
(a)   Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan.
Zoning permit applications must, if subject to the provisions of this § 14-803(5) (Parking Landscape and Screening), include a landscape and tree preservation plan prepared by a licensed architect, licensed landscape architect, licensed professional civil engineer, or a certified arborist that demonstrates compliance with these provisions. L&I shall not issue a zoning permit for an application that is subject to the provisions of this § 14-803(5) (Parking Landscape and Screening) until the Commission approves a landscape and tree preservation plan as meeting all applicable requirements of this Zoning Code and issues waivers for any requirements it deems impracticable, as described in the regulations of the Commission.
(b)   General Standards.
All parking landscape and screening required by this § 14-803(5) (Parking Landscape and Screening) shall comply with the general landscape standards set forth in § 14-705(1)(c) (General Standards) and the installation and maintenance requirements set forth in § 14-705(3) (Installation and Maintenance of Landscape and Trees). If the Commission determines that it would be impracticable to meet any parking landscape or screening requirements provided in this § 14-803(5), it may waive these requirements in part or in their entirety. Such waivers shall only be issued pursuant to the process set forth in § 14-705(1)(c)(.8) (Waivers). Any trees that would be required, but for the issuance of a waiver, shall be subject to a mandatory in-lieu fee, as listed in § 14-705(1)(c)(.9) (In-lieu Fee).
(c)   Perimeter Screening From Abutting Residential Zoning District.
When a parking lot, loading space, or drive-through (including driveways and aisles) abuts a lot in a Residential zoning district, a continuous screen shall be provided between the parking lot, loading space, or drive-through driveway and the abutting lot for the following:
(.1)   On lots 5,000 sq. ft. in size or greater, the applicant shall provide a minimum 8-foot wide buffer. Such buffer shall consist of at least one tree per 20 linear feet, four shrubs per 20 linear feet, and a minimum 5-foot high opaque fence, wall, or berm.
(.2)   On lots less than 5,000 sq. ft. in size, the applicant shall provide a minimum 5-foot high opaque fence, wall, or berm.
(.3)   Tree Selection.
A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the required buffer trees shall be of an evergreen tree species.
(.4)   Fences.
Buffer fencing shall be constructed of wood or ornamental metal; chain-link and barbed wire are prohibited as a material for any fences used to meet the requirements of this section.
(d)   Perimeter Screening from Public Streets for Parking Lots.
Where there is no structure located between a parking lot, loading space, or drive-through (including driveways and aisles) and a street frontage, a landscaped area shall be installed so as to screen the view of the parking area from the street. The landscaped area shall be constructed along the entire length of the side of the parking lot, loading space, drive-through, driveway, or drive aisle that faces the street frontage except for any vehicle access points and shall be further provided as follows:
(.1)   For all parcels:
(.a)   Along all street frontages, the applicant shall provide a minimum 5-foot wide buffer. Such buffer shall consist of at least one shade tree per 20 linear feet and four shrubs per 20 linear feet.
(.b)   As an alternative to the tree and shrub plantings required by (.a), above, uses in the Personal/Commercial Vehicle Sales and Rentals category may install a decorative masonry wall or ornamental fence that meets the standards of (.4) (Decorative Walls and Ornamental Fences), below.
(.2)   For parcels 50,000 sq. ft. in size or greater, along primary frontages, the buffer provided pursuant to (.1) shall be at least 10 feet wide and shall include a minimum 3-foot high fence, wall, or berm and that meets all the conditions of (.1)(.a), above.
(.3)   For parcels less than 5,000 sq. ft., the alternative to tree and shrub plantings described in (.1)(.b), above, shall be available for all use categories.
(.4)   Decorative Walls and Ornamental Fences.
(.a)   Decorative walls or ornamental fences may be installed on a berm if the combined height of berm and wall or fence is at least three ft. in height.
(.b)   The decorative masonry wall must be constructed of brick, stone, decorative block wall, or concrete block with stucco finish, but shall not be constructed of uncolored or painted concrete block.
(.c)   Ornamental fences must be alternated with masonry piers at least every 25 feet.
(e)   Interior Landscape Requirements for Parking Lots and Off-Street Loading Areas.  919
(.1)   Interior parking lots and off-street loading areas shall provide an interior landscaped area calculated as a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total area of all parking spaces, loading spaces, driveways that provide access to parking spaces and loading spaces, and drive aisles. Lots less than 5,000 sq. ft. and uses in the Personal/Commercial Vehicle Sales and Rentals category shall be exempt from this requirement. Lots less than 5,000 sq. ft. are required to provide trees according to the provisions of § 14-803(5)(e)(.5)(.b).
(.2)   Perimeter landscape required by § 14-803(5)(d) (Perimeter Screening from Public Streets for Parking Lots) and § 14-803(5)(c) (Perimeter Screening From Abutting Residential Zoning District) is not counted towards the minimum interior landscape requirement.
(.3)   Interior landscaped areas shall be dispersed on the site to break up the perception of large uninterrupted expanse of pavement. In surface parking lots containing more than 50 parking spaces, interior landscaped areas should be used to break up those spaces into groups of no more than 20 contiguous parking spaces.  920
(.4)   Required interior landscape shall be planted within islands or on the perimeter of a parking lot or loading space.
(.a)   Landscape islands shall have a minimum width of 8 feet, minimum area of 100 sq. ft., and a minimum soil volume as specified in the regulations of the Commission. Where an abutting parking space is greater than 250 sq. ft. in size, islands shall have a minimum width of 15 feet, a minimum area of 225 sq. ft., and a minimum soil volume as specified in the regulations of the Commission.
(.b)   A portion of each landscaped area at the perimeter of a parking lot or loading space shall be located within 10 feet of a parking or loading space or drive aisle, except where the nearest parking or loading space is greater than 250 sq. ft. in size. In such circumstances, a portion of the landscaped area shall be located within 20 feet, no trees shall be planted within 8 feet of that space, and no shrubs shall be planted within 5 feet of that space.
(.5)   Shade trees, shrubs, perennials, and groundcover shall be provided as follows:
(.a)   For lots greater than or equal to 5,000 sq. ft., the applicant shall provide one shade tree per 200 sq. ft., three shrubs per 200 sq. ft., and 15 perennials or ground cover per 200 sq. ft. of interior landscaped area. A maximum of twenty percent (20%) of required shrubs may be replaced one-for-one with a tall grass species.
(.b)   For lots less than 5,000 sq. ft., the applicant shall provide one shade tree per five parking spaces.
(.6)   Required perimeter and interior landscaped areas shall maximize effective stormwater management by incorporating any one of the following:
(.a)   A bioretention system that is designed in accordance with the Philadelphia Stormwater Management Guidance Manual; or
(.b)   Curbs at the edge of the required perimeter and interior landscaped areas to protect the plants, with planted areas installed at a lower grade than the parking lot pavement, and curbing shall have openings allowing drainage from the pavement to enter and percolate through the landscaped areas.
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   Amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013); amended, Bill No. 220414 (approved September 13, 2022). For effective date provisions, see note 165.
   Amended, Bill No. 130137-A (approved May 8, 2013); amended, Bill No. 150766 (approved December 8, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 220418 (approved November 30, 2022).