(10)   Parking, Non-Accessory.
The following regulations apply to all non-accessory parking uses that require special exception approval.
(a)   The applicant shall submit a pedestrian and vehicular traffic impact study that has been prepared by a licensed professional engineer, specializing in transportation, that demonstrates that the proposed parking facility:
(.1)   will not materially degrade the level of service at any signalized intersection within 400 ft. of the lot during any 15-minute period between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to an unacceptable level of congestion as determined by professional traffic engineering standards; or
(.2)   if the proposed parking facility will degrade the existing level of service to an unacceptable level, an abatement and/or mitigation plan demonstrating how any degradation in service will be mitigated has been approved by the Streets Department. The mitigation plan shall indicate any off-site public or private actions necessary for implementation.
(b)   The applicant shall submit a plan and/or evidence prepared by a licensed architect or licensed professional engineer indicating that the sight lines for the driver of any vehicle exiting the parking facility are such that a proper sight triangle across both sides of the sidewalk will exist so that the driver of any vehicle will be able to see pedestrians on the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway, before any part of the vehicle exits the lot.