(2)   Parking Space, Drive Aisle, and Reservoir Space Standards.
The standards of this section apply to all accessory and non-accessory parking areas, regardless of whether such parking is provided to meet minimum off-street parking requirements.
(a)   Minimum Area for Driveways and Aisles.
Parking lots and garages, except for those accessory to single-family and two-family uses, must provide an additional area of the parking lot or parking garage equal to not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total area of the lot or garage for access driveways and aisles.
(b)   Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions. 908
Off-street parking spaces shall comply with the dimensional standards shown in Table 14-803-1 based on the angle of parking and/or parking space type.
Table 14-803-1: Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles 909
{For printable PDF version, click HERE}
Parking Angle/Type
Min. Stall Width (ft.)
Min. Stall Depth (ft.)
Minimum Aisle Width (ft.)
Parking Angle/Type
Min. Stall Width (ft.)
Min. Stall Depth (ft.)
Minimum Aisle Width (ft.)
Regular Space – Parallel
20 for end spaces,
22 for interior spaces
10 ft. for one way traffic
20 ft. for two way traffic
Regular Space – 45 degrees
12 ft. [3]
Regular Space – 60 degrees
15 ft.
Regular Space – 90 degrees
18 ft.
Compact Parking Spaces [4]
Same as for regular spaces
Spaces for Buildings where occupancy is age-restricted to those 60 years of age or older
Same as for regular spaces
Same as for regular spaces
Handicapped Spaces
Shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.)
Table Notes:
[1]   As measured by a line perpendicular to the stall line at a point on the outside end of the stall, except when the stall is on the inside edge of a curve, in which case the point of measurement shall be on the inside end of the stall.
[2]   As measured from required curb on the inside edge of the stall.
[3]   20 ft. minimum is required where needed as a fire line.
[4]   Limited to 25% of all parking spaces in lots and garages with more than 25 spaces. All compact spaces must be clearly identified.
[5]   Residential uses with 10 or fewer dwelling units are exempt from this provision.
(c)   Reservoir Space.
All surface parking lots and garages in RMX-3, CMX-3, CMX-4, and CMX-5 districts shall provide the number of off-street reservoir spaces required by Table 14-803-2 between the street line and valet pick-up point, or the ticket issuing mechanisms or booths. If the parking lot or garage has two or more points of ingress, the total number of reservoir spaces required at all points of ingress together shall be at least the number required by Table 14-803-2, and there shall be at least one reservoir space at each point of ingress:
Table 14-803-2: Required Reservoir Space 910
{For printable PDF version, click HERE}
Number of Parking Spaces Provided
Off-Street Reservoir Space Required (7 ft. by 15 ft.)
1 to 50
51 to 100
101 to 200
Over 200 spaces
6 + 1 additional for every 100 spaces over 200



   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013).
   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013); amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013); amended, Bill No. 130448 (approved January 8, 2014); amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015); amended, Bill No. 150766 (approved December 8, 2015); amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021).
   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013).