(2)   Comprehensive and Other Plan Adoption.
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(a)   Applicability.
This section applies whenever a Comprehensive Plan or other plan is intended to become the adopted policy of the City and to guide the approval of rezonings, permits, or approvals, including special exception approvals, in the area of the City covered by the plan.
(b)   Review and Action by the Commission.
(.1)   No plan shall become the adopted policy of the City unless it is approved by the Commission. 246
(.2)   The Commission shall review the plan in at least one Commission meeting. The Commission may schedule additional public meetings to review the plan, and notice of those meetings shall be provided by the Commission as set forth for in § 14-303(13) (Public Notice).
(.3)   In the case of the Comprehensive Plan or other plan prepared by the City or any public or quasi- public entity, if the Commission determines that the plan will promote the best interests of the City and that it should become the policy of the City, it shall adopt the plan, or adopt it with changes, and the plan shall then be considered an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. If the Commission determines that the plan will not promote the best interests of the City, or that it should not become the policy of the City, it shall not adopt the plan.
(c)   Effect of Approval.
Plans adopted by the Commission as amendments to the Comprehensive Plan shall be considered by the Commission or the Zoning Board as a factor in its decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny a permit, special exception, variance, or other approval.
(d)   Amendment.
An adopted plan may be amended through the same process used for initial review and decision on the plan.



   Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013).