(9)   Off-Site Parking.  891
Required accessory parking for any lot in an RMX-1, RMX-2, RMX-3, CMX-3, CMX-4, or CMX-5 zoning district, in the Ridge Avenue /NCA, Neighborhood Commercial Area Overlay District, and for any building or structure that meets the conditions of § 14-801(2)(d) (Historic Structures) may be provided on a lot separate from the lot on which the principal use is located; provided that the parking complies with all of the following standards.
(a)   Off-site accessory parking must be within 1,000 ft. of an entrance to the principal use that the parking serves, as measured along the shortest legal pedestrian route.
(b)   Off-site accessory parking must be located in a district where either non-accessory parking is a permitted use or the proposed location has zoning approval for non-accessory parking, except in the RMX-1 or RMX-2 district where off-site accessory parking must be located within the RMX-1 or RMX-2 district. 892
(c)   Off-site parking shall only serve occupants of or visitors to the principal use.
(d)   In the event that the off-site parking is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, a written agreement between the record owners shall be submitted to L&I with the zoning permit application.
(e)   If any parking is provided on-site, it shall include required accessory parking for persons with disabilities, in accordance with § 14-802(5), before providing other parking spaces. 893
(f)   Any parking provided pursuant to this section shall be reviewed under the standards for accessory parking in the zoning district and overlay districts of the lot on which it is provided. 894



   Added, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013); amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015); amended, Bill No. 150766 (approved December 8, 2015); amended, Bill No. 161003-A (approved May 8, 2017); amended, Bill No. 210637 (approved November 17, 2021); amended, Bill No. 220358 (approved August 31, 2022).
   Amended, Bill No. 130804 (approved December 18, 2013); amended, Bill No. 161003-A (approved May 8, 2017).
   Added, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015); amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021).
   Added, Bill No. 220358 (approved August 31, 2022).