The following parking regulations apply to the areas described in each subsection.
Vehicular ingress and egress is prohibited to and from the following: (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 1 for illustrative purposes only):
(.1) Market Street within the Market Street Area;
(.2) Chestnut Street and Walnut Street within the Chestnut and Walnut Street Area;
(.3) Locust Street within the Locust Street Area, except the portion between the west side of Juniper Street and the east side of 15th Street.
(.4) Spruce Street within the Spruce Street Area, East, except for lots within the Broad Street Area, Mid-South; and 383
(.5) Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
(.6) Accessory parking and loading and trash storage areas or structures in any of the following areas: 384
(.a) South Street within the South Street/Head House Square Area, Central; and 385
(.b) Broad Street within the Broad Street Area, South, except for lots designated "CMX-5" on the east side of Broad Street, between Spruce Street and Pine Street. 386

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(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2.) Required parking for all commercially-zoned properties in the Mid-North Broad Street Area must be located either on the same lot or on a lot (where non-accessory parking is a permitted use) within 1,000 ft.
(c) Residential Parking Control Area.
(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only.)
(.1) Off-street parking shall not be provided for any one-family or two-family use located in the Residential Parking Control Area, except for parking accessed by a shared driveway or rear alley, which is permitted but not required. Common parking areas may be located on one or more of the properties for which parking is provided, or on a property that is separated from those properties by an alley, shared driveway, or similar kinds of passageways.
(.2) Parking garages with a capacity over 500 vehicles are prohibited on all lots except those fronting on Broad Street.
(See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only.) The ground floor of any parking garage, other than those accessory to a single- or two-family dwelling, in the Parking Garage Ground Floor Use Control Area must be occupied by an office, retail sales, commercial services, or public, civic, and institutional use; except that regulated uses, as set forth in § 14-603(13) (Regulated Uses), shall be prohibited. This requirement applies only along these designated street frontages and does not apply to areas occupied by entrances, exits, or waiting areas.

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(e) Loading and Trash Storage Area Restrictions.
Loading and trash storage areas that are located in the Central Broad Street Area or in Market Street Area and that have vehicular ingress and/or egress on Broad Street or Market Street, are prohibited unless a special exception permit is obtained pursuant to § 14-303(7) (Special Exception Approval). (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only).
(f) Accessory Parking Lot Restrictions.
(.1) Accessory parking lots are prohibited in the following areas (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only): 388.1
(.a) Chestnut and Walnut Street Area;
(.b) Broad Street, South;
(.c) Old City Residential Area;
(.2) Accessory parking lots are prohibited in the Parkway Buffer Area unless a special exception permit is obtained pursuant to § 14-303(7) (Special Exception Approval). (See Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 3 for illustrative purposes only).
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In the Center City Commercial Area (see Parking and Loading Regulations Area Map 4 for illustrative purposes only), movie theaters shall be exempt from minimum parking requirements.

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(.1) The requirement of § 14-803(2)(c) Motor Vehicle Parking Standards – Reservoir Space is not applicable for lots zoned CMX-3 located within the South Street West area.
(.2) The provision for off-street loading required for buildings on a property that is abutting two or more streets in accordance with Table 14-806-1 is not applicable for lots zoned CMX-3 located within the South Street West area.
(.3) The requirement of a 24 ft. wide minimum aisle width of Table 14-803-1, Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles, shall be reduced to 20 ft. in the South Street West area. 392
The following requirements apply to lots within the Broad Street Area, Mid-South, provided that this § 14-502(6)(i) shall expire on January 1, 2020 for lots located entirely within the area bounded by Watts Street, Pine Street, Broad Street, and Cypress Street (extended).
(.1) The minimum width for parking aisles shall be 16 ft.
(.2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-806-2 (Off-Street Loading in RMX-3, CMX-4, and CMX-5), a minimum of one loading space shall be provided for every 450,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
(.3) Loading spaces are not required to meet the requirements of Table 14-806-3 (Required Loading Space Dimensions).
(.5) Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-802-2 (Required Parking in Commercial Districts), the minimum number of parking spaces required for multi-family household living shall be one parking space for every ten units.
Developments on corner lots zoned CMX-4 in the Rittenhouse Square Area that include off-street loading spaces and underground parking shall provide at least one means of vehicular ingress or egress on each property frontage of 200 ft. or more along streets with a width of 40 ft. or more.
(.1) For lots zoned RM-1 in the Society Hill Area, the minimum number of parking spaces required for household living uses with more than three dwelling units shall be three parking spaces per every 10 dwelling units.
(.2) For lots within the Society Hill Area the provisions of § 14-801(2)(d) are not applicable.
(.1) Accessory parking shall be provided in the West Chestnut Street Area at a ratio of one parking space for every five dwelling units, provided that required accessory parking spaces may be located off-site within a distance of 3,000 ft., but must otherwise conform to the provisions of § 14-802(9) (Off-Site Parking).
(.2) If at least 36 months have elapsed from the date of issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy and fewer than fifty percent (50%) of the required accessory parking spaces have been rented or sold to residents of a development covered under this West Chestnut Street Area, the applicable development will no longer be required to provide any parking, provided that the developer must be issued an amended zoning permit or a new zoning permit that removes any reference to the previously required parking. L&I shall issue such an amended zoning permit or new zoning permit only if the applicant certifies to L&I, and provides documentation demonstrating, that the 36-month time period has elapsed and that the number of off-site spaces rented or owned by residents of dwelling units in the development on an annual basis is less than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of spaces required by this West Chestnut Street Area.
(.3) There shall be no required off-street loading spaces for lots within the West Chestnut Street Area.
(.4) Off-street loading spaces provided in the West Chestnut Street Area that are not required by this Code are not subject to the provisions of § 14-806(2)(b) (Minimum Dimensions).
(.5) In the event of a conflict between any provision of this subsection (l) and any other provision of Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts), the provisions of this subsection (l) shall govern.
(.6) The provisions of this subsection (l) shall lapse on December 31, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
Notwithstanding the requirements of § 14-802 (Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios) and the requirements of § 14-806 (Off-Street Loading), lots located within the Mid-Walnut Street Area that are used for multi-family dwelling units and that comply with all applicable bicycle parking ratios and standards of this Zoning Code, shall meet the following standard:
(.1) Accessory Parking shall be provided at a ratio of one space per seven dwelling units; and
(.a) Required off-street loading spaces shall not be required to be larger than 10 ft. wide and 30 ft. long and shall not be required to have more than 12 ft. of unobstructed height.
(.b) Required off-street loading spaces are not required to be in an enclosed structure, within the building, or enclosed by a fence or any type of screening device.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Zoning Code, no off-street parking spaces shall be required for any lot located in this area.
382 | Amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013). |
383 | |
384 | Enrolled bill failed to renumber subsection; renumbered by Code editor. |
385 | Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015). |
386 | |
387 | Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
388 | Amended, Bill No. 130764 (approved December 18, 2013). |
388.1 | |
389 | |
390 | Added, Bill No. 130804 (approved December 18, 2013). |
391 | |
392 | |
393 | Added, Bill No. 160096 (approved May 10, 2016). |
394 | Enrolled bill read "§ 14-806(d)". |
395 | Added, Bill No. 170498 (approved August 1, 2017). |
396 | Added, Bill No. 200094 (became law October 22, 2020). |
397 | Added, Bill No. 200348 (approved May 11, 2021). Enrolled bill numbered this as subsection (k); renumbered by Code editor. |
398 | Added, Bill No. 210362 (approved June 23, 2021). |
399 | Added, Bill No. 210829 (approved March 23, 2022). |
The following sign regulations apply to the areas described in each subsection.
(a) Convention Center Area.
(See Sign Regulations Area Map 1 for illustrative purposes only.)
(.1) Art Commission Approval.
No person may erect or maintain any sign within this area unless approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
Buildings occupying fifty percent (50%) or more of the total area of the block and having fifty percent (50%) or more of their frontage on Broad Street are, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Zoning Code, permitted to erect a system of accessory signs, including building identification signs, directional signs, freestanding signs, and temporary signs, not to exceed a combined total of 15 sq. ft. of sign area for each lineal foot of frontage along a public street line.
(b) Center City Commercial Area.
(.1) Art Commission Approval.
No sign may be erected or maintained in the Center City Commercial Area (See Sign Regulations Area Map 1 for illustrative purposes only) unless approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) Prohibited Signs.
(.a) Non-accessory signs are prohibited.
(.b) Animated illumination is prohibited. 401
(.c) Projecting signs are prohibited except on properties fronting Market Street between Front Street and 5th Street.
(c) Parkway Buffer Area.
(.1) Review.
No person may erect or maintain any sign in the Parkway Buffer Area (See Sign Regulations Area Map 1 for illustrative purposes only) unless the sign complies with all applicable requirements of this Zoning Code and any applicable regulations of the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and has been approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) Repair and Maintenance.
No sign may be altered or moved in any substantial manner unless it is made to comply with all the requirements of this § 14-502(7)(c) (Parkway Buffer Area).
Allowable signs in the Vine Street Area are limited to the following (See Sign Regulations Area Map 1):
(.1) Wall Signs.
Accessory and non-commercial wall signs are permitted at a ratio of two sq. ft. of sign area per lineal foot of street frontage. The top of such wall signs may not extend above the bottom of the second floor of the building on which it is located.
(.2) Freestanding Signs.
Accessory and non-commercial freestanding signs are permitted at a height not to exceed 15 ft. Freestanding signs are permitted a maximum of two sign facings and a maximum of 16 sq. ft. for each sign facing.
(.3) Building Identification Signs.
Building identification signs and non-commercial signs that are located above the bottom of the second floor are permitted upon approval by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed. The approval of the Art Commission must take into account the impact of the proposed signage on the skyline and view corridors of Center City and the visual aesthetics of the area. The Art Commission shall not approve any sign contrary to the goals and objectives of this Zoning Code.
(.4) Projecting Signs.
Within the area bounded by 9th Street, Winter Street, 11th Street, and Race Street projecting accessory and projecting non-commercial signs are permitted at a ratio of two sq. ft. of sign area per lineal foot of street frontage. Such signs are in addition to the signs permitted in § 14-502(7)(e)(.1) through § 14-502(7)(e)(.3) 404 and are subject to Art Commission approval. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.5) Temporary Signs.
Temporary non-commercial signs and real estate signs are permitted, so long as such signs do not exceed a total gross area of 25 sq. ft.
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(f) Washington Square Area.
No sign may be erected or maintained in the Washington Square Area unless approved by the Art Commission (See Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only). The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed. This provision does not apply to signs lawfully and permanently in place before January 1, 1992.
(g) Independence Hall Area.
(.1) No sign or other advertising structure or device may be erected or maintained on or extending over any portion of a street that is contiguous to a lot located in the Independence Hall Area (See Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only). This provision does not apply to any sign placed on the front of any building giving in words and/or numerals the name and brief description of the nature of the business or businesses transacted in the building, provided that:
(.a) The sign does not exceed 10 sq. ft. in area and does not project more than 12 in. from the face of the building; or
(.b) It is expressly authorized by the Art Commission as not being inconsistent with the harmony, style, and architectural/historical character of the area.
(.2) No billboard, roof sign, or other advertising structure or device may be erected or maintained within 150 ft. of any portion of a street that is contiguous to a lot located in the Independence Hall Area unless L&I determines that the proposed sign:
(.a) Complies with all other applicable requirements of this Zoning Code, and
(.b) Has been approved by the Art Commission as complying with the intent of this subsection of insuring the preservation of the historical character of and spirit of this national shrine and a style in harmony with its buildings.
Temporary and permanent freestanding signs and sign with animated illumination or digital displays are prohibited within the Southwark National Historic District (see Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only).
No signs may be erected within the Rittenhouse Square Area (see Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only) unless approved by the Art Commission. This provision does not apply to signs in place before January 1, 1950.
(k) City Hall Sign Area.
No person shall erect or maintain any sign extending beyond the building line within the City Hall Sign Area (See Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only).
(l) Logan Square Area.
No person shall erect or maintain any sign extending beyond the building line within the Logan Square Area (See Sign Regulations Area Map 2 for illustrative purposes only).
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Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-904-1, the provisions of this § 14-502(7)(m) shall apply to accessory wall signs, accessory projecting signs, and accessory marquee signs in the Market Street East Retail Area, North, unless otherwise permitted by § 14-906 (Market Street East Sign Regulations).
(.1) Sign Area.
The maximum sign area for a building or several interconnected buildings shall be determined based on the frontage of the building or interconnected buildings. The area of signage allowed for a building or interconnected buildings may be combined and placed on a single frontage or multiple frontages provided:
(.a) The maximum sign area for the ground floor shall be 2 sq. ft. per linear foot of ground floor frontage.
(.b) The maximum sign area for the 2nd floor shall be 0.5 sq. ft. per linear foot of ground floor frontage, provided:
(i) Signs shall only be along the Market Street frontage or within 80 ft. of the street line of Market Street and;
(ii) Signs shall only be above a window and shall not exceed the width of the window by more than 1 ft. on either or both sides.
(.c) The maximum sign area above the 2nd floor shall be 2 sq. ft. per linear foot of ground floor frontage, provided that no portion of any sign shall be more than 50 ft. from the nearest intersection of two streets, except that:
(i) Signs along the frontage of Market Street between 9th Street and 10th Street may be located up to 200 ft. from 9th Street if an edge of each sign is no more than 100 ft. from 9th Street; and may be located up to 125 ft. from 10th Street, if an edge of each sign is no more than 20 ft. from 10th Street; and
(ii) Signs along the frontage of Market Street between 8th Street and 9th Street may be located up to 100 ft. from 9th Street.
(.2) Sign Height.
(.a) The maximum height of any sign on the ground floor shall be the 2nd floor window sill of the respective building frontage (or no more than 3 ft. above the floor line of the 2nd floor if there is no window) provided no sign shall extend above the roof line. Any sign below the 2nd floor window sill (or less than 3 ft. above the floor line of the 2nd floor if there is no window) shall be considered a ground floor sign.
(.b) The maximum height of any sign on the 2nd floor shall be the 3rd floor window sill of the respective building frontage (or no more than 3 ft. above the floor line of the 3rd floor if there is no window) provided no sign shall extend above the roof line. Any sign below the 3rd floor window sill (or less than 3 ft. above the floor line of the 3rd floor if there is no window) shall be considered a 2nd floor sign.
(.c) The maximum height of any sign above the 2nd floor shall not extend above the roof line of the respective building frontage.
(.3) Sign Size.
(.a) The maximum size of each sign located on the ground floor or 2nd floor shall be 150 sq. ft.
(.b) The maximum size of each sign above the 2nd floor shall be 500 sq. ft, except one 600 sq. ft. sign may be permitted along the frontage of Market Street between 9th Street and 10th Street.
(.4) Signs on Portions of a Building over a Street.
Signs may be located on any frontage of a portion of a building that is located over a street, provided signs meet all other applicable sign requirements of the respective floor to which that portion of the building connects. Such signs shall count toward the maximum sign area for that respective floor as provided in § 14-502(7)(m)(.1) (Sign Area). This subsection does not eliminate the need for any applicable sign approval, including an authorizing ordinance, that is otherwise required to authorize a projection or encroachment over a street on the City Plan.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 14-904-1, the provisions of this § 14-502(7)(n) shall apply to 2nd floor accessory wall signs, accessory projecting signs, and accessory marquee signs in the Market Street East Retail Area, South, unless otherwise permitted by § 14-906 (Market Street East Sign Regulations).
(.1) Signs shall be permitted on the 2nd floor, provided:
(.a) The maximum sign area for the 2nd floor shall be 2 sq. ft. per linear foot of ground floor frontage, but no single sign shall exceed 75 sq. ft.
(.b) The maximum height of any sign on the 2nd floor shall be the 3rd floor window sill of the respective building frontage (or no more than 3 ft. above the floor line of the 3rd floor if there is no window), provided no sign shall extend above the roof line.
(.c) No sign on the 2nd floor shall extend more than 3 ft. below the floor line of the 2nd floor.
(.1) Art Commission Approval.
No sign shall be erected or maintained in the Society Hill Area unless approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) Prohibited Signs.
In addition to the requirements of Chapter 14-900 (Signs), the following signs shall be prohibited in the Society Hill Area:
(.a) Signs with internal illumination, including signs on awnings;
(.b) Signs with animated illuminations;
(.c) Freestanding signs;
(.d) Non-accessory signs;
(.e) Projecting signs; and
(.f) Mechanical Movement Signs.
(.3) Regulations.
(.a) The maximum area of signs shall be either 30 sq. ft. per building frontage or the maximum area allowed in Table 14-904-1 (Accessory Sign Controls for Specific Zoning Districts), whichever is more restrictive;
(.b) No more than one sign shall be permitted per building frontage; and
(.c) No signs shall extend above the bottom of the second-floor window sill.
400 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
401 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
402 | Deleted, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
403 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
404 | |
405 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
406 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
406.1 | |
407 | Amended, Bill No. 120430-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
407.1 | |
408 | |
409 | Added, Bill No. 180911 (approved January 3, 2019). |
410 | Added, Bill No. 200094 (became law October 22, 2020). |
The following special review requirements apply to the areas described in each subsection below are shown on the Special Review Areas map for illustrative purposes only.
(.1) L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or alteration of a facade in the Chestnut and Walnut Street Area, South Broad Street Area, East Market Street Area, or the Society Hill Area, Northeast, until the Commission has reviewed plans of the facade and determined that the proposed facade, in the opinion of the Commission, is in harmony with Center City's historic commercial area and pedestrian-oriented environment. The Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) West Chestnut Street Area.
(.a) In addition to the provisions of subsection (.1), above, L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or alteration of a facade in the West Chestnut Street Area unless either:
(.i) The Commission has reviewed the plans of the facade and determined that those plans are substantially similar to the plans that were previously reviewed by the Civic Design Review Committee, pursuant to § 14-304(5) (Civic Design Review); or
(.ii) The plans of the facade are reviewed by the Civic Design Review Committee, as described in § 14-304(5) (Civic Design Review), as though the plans were filed pursuant to a new zoning permit application.
(.b) In the event of a conflict between any provision of this subsection (.2) and any other provision of Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts), the provisions of this subsection (.2) shall govern.
(.c) The provisions of this subsection (.2) shall lapse on December 31, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
(b) Art Commission Approval Area.
(.1) Parkway Buffer.
L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection or alteration of any building or other construction, including open spaces, in the Parkway Buffer Area until the Art Commission has approved the application. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) Independence Hall Area.
L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection or alteration of any building or other construction, including open spaces, in the Independence Hall Area until the Art Commission has reviewed the application and determined that the proposed building would, in the opinion of the Art Commission, not be contrary to the preservation of the historical character of and conformity to the style and spirit of this national shrine with respect to appearance, color, and materials and the architectural style and design of the exterior of the proposed building. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.

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The following bulk and massing regulations apply to the areas described in each subsection below.
(a) Old City Residential Area, Bridge Approach.
Lots zoned CMX-3 in the Old City Residential Bridge Approach:
(.1) Shall be eligible for the floor area bonuses provided in § 14-702. These bonuses may be used in combination to earn additional floor area ratio up to two hundred fifty percent (250%) of the lot area.
(.2) May be occupied by buildings up to one hundred percent (100%) of the lot area.
(.3) Shall not require side yards.
Lots zoned CMX-3 in the South Street West area:
(.1) The maximum occupied area for lots zoned CMX-3 located within the area shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the area of the lot.
(.1) Lots zoned CMX-3 in the Center City Commercial District Control Area shall be eligible for floor area bonuses as provided § 14-702 (Floor Area and Height Bonuses).
Lots zoned CMX-4 in the Rittenhouse Square Area:
(.1) Shall be eligible for the Mixed Income Housing Bonus in the amount permitted for the CMX-5 district, provided the Mixed Income Housing complies with all other standards contained in § 14-702(7) and;
(.2) Shall have a maximum allowed base floor area ratio of seven hundred fifty percent (750%) of the area of the lot; and
(.3) May include roof decks constructed up to the extreme front building line.
(.1) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 14-701(5)(b), within the area bounded by 20th Street, Arch Street, Cuthbert Street and a line parallel to and 213.958 feet west of 20th Street, an applicant electing to be subject to the sky plane standards of § 14-701(5)(b) may take the dimensional limitations necessary to comply with such standards on the 20th Street frontage and apply them instead to the entire west facade of its building in lieu of complying with sky plane as to the 20th Street frontage. This subsection (.1) shall expire on May 14, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
(.2) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 14-702(9), within the area bounded by 20th Street, Arch Street, Cuthbert Street, a line parallel to 20th Street that extends north 32 feet from a point located on Cuthbert Street 282.5 feet west from the northwest corner of 20th Street and Cuthbert Street, a line beginning at the foregoing point and extending 68.54 feet to the east parallel to Arch Street to a point and a line parallel to 20th Street beginning at the foregoing point and extending north 114.5 feet to the south side of Arch Street, a development shall be eligible to earn additional gross floor area in the amount permitted under § 14-702(9) (Underground Accessory Parking) through the construction of an underground public parking garage. This subsection (.2) shall expire on May 14, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
Within the area bounded by 20th Street, Arch Street, Cuthbert Street a line extending south from Arch Street parallel to and 213.958 ft. west of 20th Street for 114.5 feet to a point, a line extending west from said point parallel with Cuthbert Street 68.54 feet to a point, and a line extending south from said point 32 feet to the north side of Cuthbert Street, the provisions of Chapter 14-700 applicable to CMX-5 shall apply upon satisfaction of the following conditions:
(.1) The applicant proposes to construct a structure with no residential uses; and
(.2) Whether or not the applicant elects to use the mixed income housing bonus provided in § 14-702(7), the applicant, prior to the issuance of a zoning permit, has entered into an agreement with the Department of Planning and Development, pursuant to which such applicant shall pay to the City, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the sum of two million five hundred fifteen thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($2,515,350.00) and the Department of Planning and Development shall have agreed to use such money for the purposes set forth in Section 21-1603 ("Creation, Distribution and Use of the Trust Fund's Assets").
(.4) This subsection (9)(h) shall sunset and cease to be effective on March 31, 2024.
(.1) Lots zoned CMX-4 in the West Chestnut Street Area shall have a maximum allowed floor area ratio of twelve hundred percent (1,200%) of the lot, provided that workforce housing must be provided on the lot. In order to meet this requirement, the property owner or applicant must submit an affidavit certifying that a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the proposed dwelling units will be provided as workforce housing. For the purposes of this subsection, workforce housing shall be defined pursuant to § 14-702(7)(a)(.1).
(.2) In the event of a conflict between any provision of this subsection (f) and any other provision of Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts), the provisions of this subsection (f) shall govern.
(.3) The provisions of this subsection (f) shall lapse on December 31, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
(.1) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 14-701(5) (CMX-4 and CMX-5 Bulk and Massing Controls), the maximum lot coverage for portions of buildings above 65 ft. and up to 300 ft. in height shall be ninety-five percent (95%) of the lot.
(.2) The requirements of § 14-701(5)(c)(.6)(.a) are not applicable to properties located within the Mid-Walnut Street Area.
412 | |
413 | Added, Bill No. 140857 (approved December 19, 2014). |
414 | Added, Bill No. 140519-AAA (approved October 27, 2015). |
415 | Added, Bill No. 170498 (approved August 1, 2017). |
416 | Added, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021). |
417 | Added, Bill No. 210742 (became law November 18, 2021). Enrolled bill numbered this as (e); renumbered by Code editor. |
418 | |
419 | Added, Bill No. 210362 (approved June 23, 2021). |
(a) Applicability.
The requirements of this East Falls /NCA overlay district apply to all properties zoned CMX-2, CMX-2.5, or CMX-3 within the area bounded by the former Weightman Street, Ridge Avenue, School House Lane, SEPTA Railroad, Calumet Street, Warden Drive, Midvale Avenue, Cresson Street, Indian Queen Lane, SEPTA Railroad, the Roosevelt Boulevard Extension, and the Schuylkill River, as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only.

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(b) Use Regulations.
(.1) In addition to any uses prohibited by the underlying zoning, the following uses are prohibited:
(.a) Nightclubs and Public Entertainment Venues. 423
(.b) All uses within the Vehicle and Vehicular Equipment Sales and Services Use Category.
(.c) All uses within the Wholesale, Distribution, and Storage Use Category.
(.2) Take-Out Restaurants shall require a special exception in the CMX-3 district.
(.3) Buildings in the CMX-2.5 district with frontage along Midvale Avenue or Ridge Avenue must contain a non-residential use along one hundred percent (100%) of the ground floor frontage within the first 30 ft. of building depth, measured from the front building line, only along the Midvale Avenue and Ridge Avenue frontages.
(.4) Buildings in the CMX-3 district with frontage along Ridge Avenue must contain a non- residential use along at least fifty percent (50%) of the ground floor frontage within the first 30 ft. of building depth, measured from the front building line, only along the Ridge Avenue frontage.
(c) Side Yard Setbacks.
(.1) Side yards must be provided, with a minimum width as set forth in Table 14-701-3, on lots that meet all of the following conditions:
(.a) The lot is in the CMX-2.5 zoning district;
(.b) The lot has frontage on Midvale Avenue between Cresson Street and Conrad Street; and
(.c) There is an existing detached building on at least one abutting lot, in which case the side yard must be provided between the structure and that abutting lot or those abutting lots.
(d) Building Height.
Buildings in the CMX-3 district must have a minimum building height of 35 ft. or three stories.
(e) Building Width.
On lots with frontage on Ridge Avenue and located within the CMX-3 zoning district, open area may abut no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of that frontage.
(f) Setback from Kelly Drive.
For lots with street frontage on Kelly Drive, buildings shall be set back a minimum of 25 ft. from the street line of Kelly Drive. Such set back area shall include a landscape area along the entire Kelly Drive frontage that complies with all of the following requirements:
(.1) The landscape area must be at least 18 ft. wide;
(.2) Plants in the landscape area shall be installed in conformance with § 14-705(1)(.c);
(.3) The required number of plantings shall be consistent with the requirements set forth in § 14-803(5)(e)(.5)(.a); and
(.4) The required landscape will be reviewed for conformance with these standards by the Planning Commission and will require the submission of a landscape and tree preservation plan prepared by a licensed architect, licensed landscape architect, licensed professional civil engineer, or a certified arborist that demonstrates compliance with these provisions.
(g) Curb Cuts.
(.1) Curb cuts are prohibited on Kelly Drive; and
(.2) The total number of permitted curb cuts shall not exceed one per 100 lineal ft. of lot frontage.
(h) Parking.
(.1) All required parking for non-residential uses must be located either on:
(.a) the same lot as the principal use;
(.b) on a lot abutting the principal use; or
(.c) on a non-abutting lot that is within 1,000 ft.
(.2) Off-street parking is not allowed between any building line and the street line on lots fronting Ridge Avenue, Kelly Drive, Calumet Street, or Midvale Avenue.
(.3) The provisions of subsection (b) of § 14-802(9) (Off-Site Parking) shall not apply.
(i) Signs.
(.1) No sign may be erected or maintained in the East Falls /NCA unless approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(j) Facade Review.
(.1) L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or the alteration of facade until the Planning Commission has reviewed the plans of all proposed facades and determined that the proposed facades, in the opinion of the Commission, are in harmony with the commercial area and pedestrian-oriented environment. The Commission shall have 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
422 | |
423 | Amended, Bill No. 230764 (approved December 20, 2023). |
(a) Applicability.
The requirements of this Germantown Avenue /NCA overlay district apply to the subareas within that district set forth as follows and as shown on the following graphic for illustrative purposes only:
(.1) Chestnut Hill Subarea.
All commercially-zoned properties (except for properties zoned CMX-1) fronting on Germantown Avenue between Chestnut Hill Avenue and Cresheim Valley Drive.
All properties fronting on Germantown Avenue between Cresheim Valley Drive and Chelten Avenue.

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(b) Chestnut Hill Subarea.
The following standards apply in the Chestnut Hill Subarea:
(.1) Height.
Buildings may not exceed 38 ft. in height, except that buildings on corner lots with frontage on two or more streets may be up to 45 ft. in height.
(.2) Limitations on Floor Area Used For Commercial Purposes.
The maximum amount of net leasable area for uses other than residential, parks and open space, and public, civic, and institutional uses shall be:
(.a) In buildings erected after December 28, 1995: 4,000 sq. ft.
(.b) In buildings erected on or before December 28, 1995: The greater of 4,000 sq. ft. and the amount of net leasable area existing on December 28, 1995. Any net leasable area used for commercial purposes in excess of 4,000 sq. ft. shall be considered nonconforming.
The maximum width of a building frontage along Germantown Avenue for any newly erected building or existing building to which an addition is added shall be 30 ft.
The following standards apply within the Mount Airy and Germantown North Subarea:
(.1) Facade Review.
L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or the alteration of facade until the Planning Commission has reviewed the plans of all proposed facades and determined that the proposed facades, in the opinion of the Commission, are in harmony with the Mount Airy and Germantown North Subarea's historic commercial area and pedestrian-oriented environment. The Commission shall have 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2) Signs.
No sign may be erected or maintained in the Mount Airy and Germantown North Subarea unless approved by the Art Commission. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.3) Prohibited Uses.
In addition to uses otherwise prohibited by the Zoning Code, the following uses shall be prohibited:
(.a) Drive-throughs.
(.b) Vehicle Equipment and Supplies Sales and Rentals.
(.4) Ground Floor Uses.
In the CMX-2 and CMX-2.5 district, buildings that are designated as historic by the Philadelphia Historical Commission and added to the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places shall not be subject to the provisions set forth in Table Note [3] of Table 14-602-2, which otherwise requires that buildings in CMX-2 or CMX-2.5 zoning districts contain a use other than residential and other than parking along one hundred percent (100%) of the ground floor frontage and within the first 30 ft. of building depth, measured from the front building line.
(.5) Parking.
(.b) Parking for residential uses shall meet the following standards:
(i) For lots between Cresheim Valley Drive and Washington Lane, no accessory parking is required for buildings with fewer than 20 dwelling units. On lots with 20 or more dwelling units, accessory parking shall be provided at a minimum ratio of three parking spaces for every ten dwelling units.
(ii) For lots between Washington Lane and Chelten Avenue, no accessory parking is required for buildings with fewer than 10 dwelling units. On lots with 10 or more dwelling units, accessory parking shall be provided at a minimum ratio of three parking spaces for every ten dwelling units.
(.c) Off-street surface parking and loading shall not be located between the building line and street line along Germantown Avenue.
424 | Amended, Bill No. 190256 (approved July 17, 2019). |
425 | |
426 | Amended, Bill No. 210075 (approved March 29, 2021). Enrolled bill erroneously designated this as an amendment to subsection (3)(d); correct subsection amended at the discretion of the Code editor. |
427 |
The Main Street/Manayunk and Venice Island /NCA district applies to the four subareas set forth below, as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only.
(.1) Subarea A.
All lots located in the area bounded by Shurs Lane, the rear property line of the properties fronting on the northeast side of Cresson Street, Gay Street, the rear property line of the properties fronting on the northeast side of Baker Street, Leverington Avenue, and the Manayunk Canal.
(.2) Subarea B.
All lots located in the area bounded by the SEPTA Norristown Railroad, Shurs Lane, the Schuylkill River, and a line described as follows: beginning at a point on easterly side of the Schuylkill River; then extending from said point north 29 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds east, the distance of 105 ft. 3-1/2 in. to a point, then extending north 60 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds west, the distance of 46 ft. 7-3/4 in. to a point, then extending north 29 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds east, the distance of 140 ft. 10 in. to a point, then extending south 60 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds east, the distance of 92 ft. 0 in. to a point, then extending north 29 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds east, the distance of 60 ft. 0 in. to a point, then extending north 29 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds east, the distance of 92 ft. zero in. to a point, then extending north 60 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds east, the distance of 57 ft. 0 in. to a point located on the westerly side of Main Street, then extending north 60 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds east and crossing the bed of Main Street to a point on the SEPTA Norristown Railroad.
All lots located southeast of a line beginning at a point located along the southeasterly side of the Manayunk Canal measuring approximately 540 ft. northwest of the northwesterly side of Leverington Street then extending the following bearings and distances: south 44 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds east 107 and seven-tenths ft. and south 49 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds west 57 and three-tenths ft. to the northeasterly side of Flat Rock Road; then along that side of Flat Rock Road approximately 88 ft.; then south 59 degrees 7 minutes 50 seconds west to the northeasterly bank of the Schuylkill River; and bounded by the Schuylkill River and the Manayunk Canal; excluding all lots located in Subarea D.
All lots governed by that certain approved RMX-2 Master Plan for 1 Leverington Avenue on Venice Island for the area generally bounded on the northeast by the Manayunk Canal, on the southeast by Green Lane, on the southwest by the Schuylkill River, and on the northwest by Leverington Avenue with a straight line extending from Leverington Avenue to the Schuylkill River, which Master Plan is on file with the Chief Clerk's Office.

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(b) Height.
The following standards apply in Subareas A and B:
(.1) The height of a building may not exceed 38 ft. 431
(.2) Additions to buildings in existence on July 1, 1997 that do not increase the gross floor area of the building by more than ten percent (10%) may be built to a height not to exceed the existing building.
(c) Setbacks.
(.1) Any building erected on or after July 1, 1997 on Main Street or Ridge Avenue within Subarea B shall have no building setback, but when a retaining wall already exists, a setback for the purpose of preserving such a wall is allowed.
(.2) The following setback requirements apply within Subarea C:
(.a) All structures less than 25 ft. in height must set back from the railroad right-of-way a distance at least equal to the height of the structure but in no case less than 10 ft.
(.b) All structures 25 ft. or more in height must set back from the Manayunk Canal no less than 25 ft. and from the railroad right-of-way no less than 10 ft.
(.c) All open air parking, loading or driveways must set back from the railroad right-of-way no less than 10 ft.
(.d) All lots must provide an unencumbered waterfront setback with a minimum average width of eight ft. but in no case less than five ft. in width from the top of the bank of the Schuylkill River to allow for unrestricted public access to the river's edge.
(.e) Within the required setback from the top of the bank of the Schuylkill River, all newly erected buildings must provide a public access trail for the entire river frontage of the lot. L&I shall not issue a zoning permit until the Planning Commission has reviewed the plans of the trail and determined that the proposed trail is consistent with the character of the adjacent area and promotes pedestrian safety and accessibility. Upon completion of construction, the trail must be dedicated to the City, which will be responsible for its ownership and maintenance as a public pedestrian right-of-way.
Parking for eating and drinking establishments and nightclubs and public entertainment venues in Commercial districts located in Subareas A and B shall meet the following standards notwithstanding any other parking requirements set forth in this Zoning Code.
(.1) The number of required parking spaces shall be determined by the legal occupancy (pursuant to the Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code) of the use as follows:
Spaces Required
Eating and Drinking establishments | 1 space per 4 occupants |
Nightclubs and public entertainment venues | 1 space per 2 occupants |
(.a) the same lot as the eating and drinking establishment or nightclub and public entertainment venues; or
(.b) a different lot provided that a special exception approval is obtained from the Zoning Board pursuant to § 14-303(7) (Special Exception Approval) and (i) the lot is located within Subarea A or Subarea B; (ii) parking is a permitted non-accessory use; (iii) the lot is located within 1,000 ft. of the eating and drinking establishment, nightclub or public entertainment venues; and (iv) the applicant has entered into a signed agreement with the lot owner to use the lot for non-accessory parking.
(e) Parking in Subarea C.
For every dwelling unit created in Subarea C after December 30, 1999, there must be provided one off-street parking space in accordance with the following schedule:
Spaces Required
Efficiency and 1-bedroom Units | 1 space per unit |
Additional Bedrooms | 1 space per bedroom |
(.1) All lots must provide an unencumbered waterfront setback with a minimum average width of eight ft. but in no case less than five ft. in width from the top of the bank of the Schuylkill River to allow for unrestricted public access to the river's edge; and the provisions of § 14-704(5) (Waterfront Setbacks) shall not apply.
(.2) Landscaping shall be governed by the provisions of the applicable Master Plan; and the provisions of § 14-705 (Landscaping and Trees) shall not apply.
Section PM-804.2 of the Property Maintenance Code sets forth historic area standards for substantial portions of the Main Street/Manayunk and Venice Island /NCA district, as delineated by Section PM-803.1.2 of the Property Maintenance Code.
428 | Amended, Bill No. 170997-A (approved February 14, 2018). |
429 | Amended, Bill No. 170997-A (approved February 14, 2018). |
430 | Added, Bill No. 170997-A (approved February 14, 2018). |
431 | Amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013). |
432 | Amended, Bill No. 230764 (approved December 20, 2023). |
433 | |
434 | Added, Bill No. 170997-A (approved February 14, 2018). |
435 |
(a) Applicability.
The Logan Triangle /NCA district applies to two subareas set forth below, as shown on the following map for illustrative purposes only.
(.1) Subarea A.
All lots located in the area bounded by Roosevelt Boulevard, Wingohocking Street, 11th Street, and Courtland Street.
(.2) Subarea B.
All lots located in the area bounded by Roosevelt Boulevard, 9th Street, Wyoming Street, and 7th Street.

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(b) Use Regulations.
(.1) In Subarea A, Assembly and Entertainment Uses shall be permitted by right, except for Amusement Arcades, Casinos, Nightclubs and Public Entertainment Venues, and Pool or Billiards Rooms. 437
(.2) In Subarea B, Vehicle Fueling Stations shall be permitted by right.
(c) Parking and Loading.
(.1) In Subarea B, notwithstanding any maximum width set forth elsewhere in this Code, including the provisions of § 14-603(8)(h), § 14-803(4)(a), and § 14-803(4)(b), the width of any curb cut along 9th Street or Wyoming Street may be up to 24 ft. and such curb cuts may be for ingress, egress or both.
(.2) In Subarea B, a minimum of 100 linear ft. shall be provided between curb cuts.
436 | |
437 | Amended, Bill No. 230764 (approved December 20, 2023). |