(5)   Parking for Persons with Disabilities.
(a)   Required Spaces. 883
Where off-street parking is provided, accessible parking spaces complying with ICC/ANSI A117.1 shall be provided in compliance with Table 14-802-4. For every six or fraction of six accessible parking spaces required by Table 14-802-4, at least one shall be a van-accessible parking space complying with ICC/ANSI A117.1.
Table 14-802-4: Required Parking for Persons with Disabilities 884
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Total Parking Spaces Provided
Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
Total Parking Spaces Provided
Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
1 to 5
1 must be provided, but need not be reserved for disabled
6 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total
more than 1,000
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
(b)   Exceptions.
(.1)   Single- and Two-Family Uses.
Single- and two-family uses are exempt from this requirement.
(.2)   Multi-Family Uses. 885
Two percent (2%) of the parking spaces, but not less than one parking space, provided for multi- family uses that are required by City, state or federal law or regulation to have accessible/adaptable dwelling units shall be accessible. Where fifty-one percent (51%) or more of parking is provided within or beneath a building, accessible parking spaces shall also be provided within or beneath the building.
(.3)   Medical Facilities.
Ten percent (10%) of parking spaces provided for medical outpatient facilities shall be accessible. Twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces provided for medical facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments shall be accessible.
(c)   Location.
Accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible building entrance. In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest route to an accessible pedestrian entrance to the parking facility. Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces except for van-accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances.
(d)   Signs.
Designated accessible spaces shall be provided with vertical signage. The sign shall conform to the Federal Highway Administration's "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices". Accessible parking spaces shall also be equipped with the "Reserved Parking Penalties Sign" in accordance with the Pennsylvania Traffic Engineering provisions for Sign R7-8B.



   Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 150264 (approved June 16, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 161003-A (approved May 8, 2017).