(8)   Special Review Areas.
The following special review requirements apply to the areas described in each subsection below are shown on the Special Review Areas map for illustrative purposes only.
(a)   Planning Commission Review. 411
(.1)   L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or alteration of a facade in the Chestnut and Walnut Street Area, South Broad Street Area, East Market Street Area, or the Society Hill Area, Northeast, until the Commission has reviewed plans of the facade and determined that the proposed facade, in the opinion of the Commission, is in harmony with Center City's historic commercial area and pedestrian-oriented environment. The Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2)   West Chestnut Street Area.
(.a)   In addition to the provisions of subsection (.1), above, L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection of a building or alteration of a facade in the West Chestnut Street Area unless either:
(.i)   The Commission has reviewed the plans of the facade and determined that those plans are substantially similar to the plans that were previously reviewed by the Civic Design Review Committee, pursuant to § 14-304(5) (Civic Design Review); or
(.ii)   The plans of the facade are reviewed by the Civic Design Review Committee, as described in § 14-304(5) (Civic Design Review), as though the plans were filed pursuant to a new zoning permit application.
(.b)   In the event of a conflict between any provision of this subsection (.2) and any other provision of Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts), the provisions of this subsection (.2) shall govern.
(.c)   The provisions of this subsection (.2) shall lapse on December 31, 2024, except as to any building permit then in effect.
(b)   Art Commission Approval Area.
(.1)   Parkway Buffer.
L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection or alteration of any building or other construction, including open spaces, in the Parkway Buffer Area until the Art Commission has approved the application. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
(.2)   Independence Hall Area.
L&I shall not issue a building permit for the erection or alteration of any building or other construction, including open spaces, in the Independence Hall Area until the Art Commission has reviewed the application and determined that the proposed building would, in the opinion of the Art Commission, not be contrary to the preservation of the historical character of and conformity to the style and spirit of this national shrine with respect to appearance, color, and materials and the architectural style and design of the exterior of the proposed building. The Art Commission has 60 days to approve or disapprove the application, after which its approval will be presumed.
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   Amended, Bill No. 200094 (became law October 22, 2020); amended, Bill No. 200348 (approved May 11, 2021).