General Provisions
   151.001   Title
   151.002   Policy
   151.003   Purpose
   151.004   Authority
   151.005   Public purpose
   151.006   Jurisdiction
   151.007   Relation to other laws
   151.008   Definitions
   151.020   Administration, enforcement and interpretation
   151.021   Reservation and repeals
   151.022   Amendments
   151.023   Variances, exceptions and waiver of conditions
   151.024   Expiration and extension
   151.025   Voided application
   151.026   Recording of plat
   151.027   Revision of plat after approval
   151.028   Fees
   151.029   Appeal
Subdivision Application Procedures and Approval Process
   151.040   Purpose
   151.041   General procedure
   151.042   Outline of conditions for minor subdivision
   151.043   Administrative procedure and approval for minor subdivision
   151.044   Submission requirements for minor subdivision
   151.045   Large lot divisions
   151.046   Submission requirements for large lot division
   151.047   Standards for large lot divisions
   151.048   Combining entire existing tax parcels, replat, subdivision vacancies, plat of streets, common open spaces and easements for public utilities
   151.049   Transfer of property between adjoining owners
   151.050   Outline of conditions for major subdivisions
   151.051   Pre-application conference and sketch plan
   151.052   Submission requirements
   151.053   Preliminary plan
   151.054   Preliminary plan form
   151.055   Preliminary plan content
   151.056   Additional information for the preliminary plan
   151.057   Public hearing
   151.058   Filing
   151.059   Review and approval of preliminary plans
   151.060   Preliminary plan expiration
   151.061   Preliminary plan recall
   151.062   Submission to State Department of Transportation
   151.063   Final plat procedures
   151.064   Final plat form
   151.065   Final plat contents
   151.066   Additional information for final plat
   151.067   Final plat filing
   151.068   City Planning Commission action
   151.069   Public improvements
   151.070   Final plat expiration
   151.071   Signing, recordation and transmittal of copies of final plat
   151.072   Final plat amendments
Design and Construction Standards
   151.085   General purpose
   151.086   Suitability of land
   151.087   Conformance to applicable rules and regulations
   151.088   Subdivision and site design
   151.089   Blocks
   151.090   Lot improvements
   151.091   Easements
   151.092   Standards for nonresidential subdivisions
Street Design and Construction Standards
   151.105   General
   151.106   Conformity to development plans and zoning
   151.107   Official thoroughfare design standards
   151.108   Street names
   151.109   Street and circulation system designs
   151.110   Street vacation
   151.111   Rights-of-way
   151.112   Horizontal alignment
   151.113   Vertical alignment
   151.114   Special street types
   151.115   Street design standards for all collector streets
   151.116   Street design standards for local streets
   151.117   Intersection design standards
   151.118   Streets for commercial subdivisions
   151.119   Streets for industrial subdivisions
   151.120   Driveways
   151.121   Off-street parking
   151.122   Sidewalks and graded areas
   151.123   Street and walkway lighting
   151.124   Monuments, markers and pins
   151.125   Culverts and bridges
   151.126   Street improvements
   151.127   Street width
   151.128   Street sub-grade
   151.129   Street base course
   151.130   Street surface course
   151.131   Portland cement concrete pavement
   151.132   Full-depth asphalt pavement
   151.133   Street curbs and gutters
   151.134   Open ditches and slopes
   151.135   Street construction standards
Utilities Design and Construction Standards
   151.150   General
   151.151   Water supply
   151.152   Fire protection
   151.153   Sanitary sewers
   151.154   Drainage and storm sewers
   151.155   Electric, gas and telephone improvements
   151.156   Over-size and off-site improvements
Environmental and Landscaping Design and Construction Standards
   151.170   Purpose
   151.171   Public sites, open space and recreation
   151.172   Flood areas and storm drainage ditches
   151.173   Soil erosion requirements
   151.174   Landscape plan
   151.175   Site protection and general planting requirements
   151.176   Shade trees
   151.177   Buffering
   151.178   Maintenance
   151.179   Parking lots landscaping
   151.180   Paving materials
   151.181   Walls and fences
   151.182   Street furniture
   151.183   Lighting
Requirements for Construction of Improvements
   151.195   Improvements and cost estimation information
   151.196   Performance guarantee for installation and maintenance of improvements
   151.197   Temporary improvements
   151.198   Extension of time
   151.199   Failure to complete improvements
   151.200   Progressive installation
   151.201   Deferral or waiver of required improvements
   151.202   Inspection of improvements
   151.203   Acceptance of streets, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and water distribution improvements for use and maintenance by the public
Planned Unit Developments
   151.215   General statement
   151.216   Purpose of planned unit development
   151.217   Uses permitted
   151.218   General requirements
   151.219   Open space
   151.220   Management of common property
   151.221   Open space improvement guarantee
   151.222   Conformity to existing street and thoroughfare plan
   151.223   Public streets
   151.224   Private streets
   151.225   Staging of residential planned unit development
Hillside Regulations
   151.240   General
   151.241   Determination for average slope
   151.242   Minimum lot requirements for single-family homes
   151.243   Grading plans and controls
   151.244   Cuts and fills
   151.245   Compaction of fill
   151.246   Retaining walls
   151.247   Minimum hillside requirements
   151.248   Street alignment
   151.249   Driveways
Required Statements
   151.260   Required statements
   151.261   Deed reference
   151.262   Certificate of ownership
   151.263   Owner’s consent and dedication
   151.264   Certificate of notary public
   151.265   Certificate of surveyor
   151.266   City Planning Commission approval
   151.267   County Health Department
   151.268   County Engineer
   151.269   City Council approval
   151.270   County Auditor’s transfer
   151.271   County Recorder
   151.272   Acceptance of public improvements for maintenance
   151.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Schedule of Subdivision and Parcel Transfer Fees
   Appendix B: Application for Minor Subdivision and Large Lot Division Regulated by R.C. §§ 711.131 and 711.133
   Appendix C: Application for Major Subdivision Approval Regulated by R.C. Chapter 711
   Appendix D: Application for Subdivision Variance
   Appendix E: Preliminary Plan Checklist
   Appendix F: Final Plat Checklist
   Appendix G: Subdivision Environmental Review Checklist