We, the undersigned, being all the owners and lien holders of the lands herein platted, do hereby voluntarily consent to the execution of the said plat and do dedicate the streets, parks or open space as shown hereon to the public use forever, unless such areas are specifically marked “private” on the final plat. Easements shown on this plat, unless designated for a specific purpose, are for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement or removal of water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone, cable television, or other utility lines or services, storm water disposal and to the free use of said easements or adjacent streets and for providing ingress and egress to the property for said purposes and are to be maintained as such forever. No buildings or other structures may be built within said easements, nor may the easement area be physically altered so as to (1) reduce clearances of either overhead or underground facilities; (2) impair the land support of said facilities; (3) impair ability to maintain the facilities or (4) create a hazard.
The undersigned further agrees that any use of improvements made on this land shall be in conformity with all existing valid zoning, platting, health or other lawful rules and regulations for the benefit of himself or herself and all other subsequent owners or assigns taking title from, under, or through the undersigned.
In witness thereof this ______ day of ______, ______.
Witness: _________________________________________________________________________
Signed: _________________________________________________________________________
(Prior Code, § 23.11.01)