Date Application Received _________________________________________________________________________
Fee $ _________________ Application Number___________________________
A variance is a modification of the strict terms of the relevant regulations where such modifications will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the results of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the regulations would result in unnecessary and undue hardship.
APPLICANT NAME___________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________
CITY _________________________________________________________________________
STATE _____________________________ ZIP CODE _________________
TELEPHONE _____________________________________________________________________
Location of property under consideration (Address and/or description):
Nature of variance required: (Describe generally the nature of the variance)
   Justification of variance: On a separate sheet, please attach a statement explaining why the variance from requirements of the subdivision regulation is required. Include such items as:
      (1) Exception topographical or other conditions peculiar to this particular parcel or land.
      (2) Why the strict interpretation of the regulations would deprive the applicant of rights enjoyed by other property owners.
      (3) That the peculiar conditions do not result from previous actions of the applicant.
      (4) That the required variance is the minimum variance that will allow a reasonable division of the land.
      (5) A sketch of the area showing the location of the requested variance.
I certify that all information contained in this application and its supplements is true and correct.
DATE _________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _________________________________________________________________________
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(For Official Use Only)
Date Application Received ________________________________________________________________________
Approved ___________________ Disapproved ____________
Description of Action: _________________________________________________________________________
Nelsonville City Manager
Fee Received: YES ____________________ NO _______________________
AMOUNT $ _________________________________________________________________________
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
(Prior Code, Chapter 23.12, Appendix D)