When there is an angle of deflection of more than one degree between two centerline tangent sections of a street, the following conditions shall be met: For residential streets:
   (A)   The preferred maximum degree of curvature (D) is 16°00’.
   (B)   The maximum allowable degree of curvature shall be 23°00’, where degree of curvature is defined as:
      (1)   D=5730.28 feet/R; and
      (2)   Where R= radius of the curve.
   (C)   Sight conditions shall be such that minimum stopping sight distance is between 150 and 250 feet, depending upon whether the terrain is level, rolling or hilly, as defined in these regulations. This minimum required distance may be increased by the City Manager based upon analysis of site conditions. A minimum tangent length of 100 feet shall be introduced between reverse curves. Design criteria for other than residential streets shall meet with the approval of the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 23.05.08) Penalty, see § 151.999